
Saturday, February 28, 2015

How to tell if you need a colon cleanse

I remember once giving a presentation at a local businesswomen’s meeting and one of the ladies asked a very thought-provoking question that all of a sudden quieted the whole room down and all eyes were on me.

She said, “I keep hearing about all these colon cleanses. Is that something everyone should be doing?"

My answer was: It depends on how the cleanse is being accomplished and why it’s being done in the first place.

Here's what I went on to explain about the colon in general, how you can tell if something isn’t right, and most importantly, when and how you should do a colon cleanse:

It’s where death begins…or life SAVED
It's been said that death begins in the colon.

Many people may shrug those words off saying, "Not everyone dies from colon cancer or some bowel disease, you know."

That’s true.

But when you consider that your digestive tract affects every single cell in your body (and you have trillions of cells), those words take on whole a new meaning.

Everything you eat is broken down and assimilated in your digestive tract. Then the nutrients from your food are absorbed into your bloodstream from the intestines and carried EVERYWHERE throughout your body.

Since nutrients are the driving force behind your entire body’s ability to function, how well your intestinal tract is working in this regard can affect your health (or lack thereof!) from head to toe.

In addition, your intestinal tract also serves a protective role—it securely gathers toxins, dangerous bacteria, viruses and even carcinogens (cancer causers) that you take in from food and the environment and holds on to them until they can be escorted out of you with your next bowel movement.

So clearly your colon can save your life, as well as help prevent sickness and disease of all kinds.

A clean colon is a happy colon
Considering the vital role that the colon plays in keeping you alive and disease-free, you’ve probably caught on by now that it’s a good idea to make sure yours is clean and working like it should.

And that’s the reason colon cleanses have become so popular!

There is no question that colon cleansing can be beneficial. Because to have a colon that is encrusted with things like wastes (due to constipation), harmful bacteria, medication residue and other pathogens is just putting out the welcome mat for any number of problems to fester.

You see, toxins in your colon can eventually seep back into your bloodstream and basically poison you (a process called autointoxication). This can stir up inflammation and greatly impair your cells’ ability to function.

Plus a dirty colon can increase your likelihood of developing intestinal problems including diverticulosis, diverticulitis, IBS, leaky gut syndrome and hemorrhoids.

And having a large concentration of harmful bacteria in the gut can hamper your immune system functioning too, making you more susceptible to viruses and infections of all kinds.

So clearly, keeping the colon clean is where it's at.

How will I know?
At this point, you may be thinking, “Hmm. I wonder if everything’s OK down there.”

Well, here are some signs that your body might be giving you that suggest that your colon may not be quite as squeaky clean as you’d like:
  • Frequent constipation
  • Lower abdominal pain or cramps
  • Straining with bowel movements
  • Rectal itching
  • Excessive gas
  • Frequent diarrhea
  • Unpleasant body odor
  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • Coated tongue
  • Frequent and recurring infections (colds, bronchitis, sinus infections, vaginal yeast infections, etc.)
  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
The more of those signs that apply to you, the more likely it is that your colon may be on the dirty side.

To cleanse or not to cleanse?
Whether or not you choose to use some type of colon cleanse product is up to you. The most popular ones are things like enemas, colonics, teas and herbal formulas.

If you do decide to cleanse, please be sure to:

1- Watch out for safety
Many colon cleanse products can be harsh or downright dangerous.

Colon cleanses that are too harsh can cause a variety of adverse health effects that range from severe cramps, diarrhea and vomiting, to more serious conditions like an electrolyte imbalance.

And in rare cases, fatal complications can arise that lead to kidney failure and death.

Of special concern is any product that contains cascara sagrada as it can be dangerous to people with intestinal obstruction, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, appendicitis, stomach ulcers, diverticulitis or unexplained stomach pain.

Similar comments apply to senna, plus it can also lead to electrolyte imbalance in some people.

2- Have someone watch out for you
Be sure to conduct a colon cleanse under the advice and supervision of a medical professional. Most holistic practitioners and even many mainstream professionals are well-versed and can guide you to accomplish your cleanse safely.

And perhaps the most important point of all…

Colon cleanses do NOT replace the need for a good diet and efficient digestion!
Colon cleanses are very effective at removing waste buildup and toxins and sweeping them "out the back door."

But the other (arguably more important) half of that is you must take the necessary measures to prevent your colon from getting dirty to begin with!

Colon cleanses can be great, but they should not be used as a replacement for a healthy, naturally cleansing diet or relied upon to “mop up” after poor digestion that you bring on yourself.

Keeping your digestion efficient is crucial. Good digestion helps to create wastes that move through the colon like they should and regular, healthy bowel movements (read: a CLEAN colon all the time).

And of course, healthy real foods provide the nutrients that help keep ALL of your cells, tissues and organs in tip-top shape.

I can guide you with both of those important goals:

Eat REAL foods
At least 70-80% of what you eat should be real foods.

Real foods include fresh fruits, raw or lightly cooked vegetables, lean meats and poultry, fish, whole grains, dairy and essential fats.

When you eat real foods like these, your body gets nourished the way it needs to be.

Plus the natural water content in fresh fruits and vegetables helps sweep away wastes from your cells and your intestinal tract—keeping all of your innards clean.

Make sure digestion is efficient
If your foods are not being broken down like they should be, you're not getting the maximum nutrition from them. And not only can that cause your cells, tissues and organs not to function as well as they should, but it also can lead to feelings of hunger, overeating and weight gain.

In addition, when your digestion is poor, that can lead to waste buildup in your colon which can cause harmful bacteria overgrowth and weaken your immune system.

It can also cause constipation, gas, bloating and eventually diverticulosis.

Accomplishing good digestion is easy--it's just is a matter of eating foods that break down easier together, and giving your body a little assistance if needed.

I can help you with both of those.

1- The right combinations of foods:
In the Great Taste No Pain system,  I'll show you what foods to eat and how to structure your meals so you can help promote better digestion, more regular BMs and...

Help sweep away those old, built-up wastes and toxins!

And if gluten is a concern for you, there's also Great Taste No Gluten. You'll learn the same food pairing principles as in Great Taste No Pain, plus get a collection of outstanding gluten free recipes and guides for staying gluten free no matter where you are.

2- A little digestive "help":
Many people who have had a typical hard-to-digest diet all their lives may be dangerously low in digestive enzymes. That can mean poor digestion and an invitation for weight gain and nutritional deficiencies.

Plus some people "fall off the wagon" now and then and eat some foods they know aren't healthy or won't digest they need a little digestive "help" during moments of weakness.

The help you need is right here--with Digestizol Max.

Digestizol Max’s blend of 15 plant-derived enzymes (so it’s suitable for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike) helps your body break down whatever you've eaten--proteins, fats, carbs, fiber--and helps conserve your precious enzyme-producing ability.

Colon cleanses are fine, my friend, as long as you ensure you’re using a safe product and have the proper supervision.

But the biggest bang for your buck is to keep your colon clean all the time—with your diet and sound digestion.

Remember—the colon is where death can begin, but more importantly, it’s where life can be saved!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Friday, February 27, 2015

10 Effective solutions for fibromyalgia

Nearly six million Americans (90% of which are women) suffer what is arguably one of the most painful yet baffling conditions known to man.


And since it’s rather mysterious, you can bet your bottom dollar that a good number of people that have suffered from it either haven’t been diagnosed or haven’t received effective treatment.

Let’s take a brief look at the history of this medical mystery, as well as the latest thinking as to what causes it and most importantly, 10 safe, natural, effective ways you can help get relief if you’ve got it!

A rose by any other name
The condition we know as fibromyalgia has a long history of various descriptions.

In 1843 Dr. Robert Froriep described it as “rheumatism with painful, hard places.” Then in the early 1900s Sir William Gowers called it “fibrositis”—suggesting that inflammation caused the classic muscle pain.

From the early 1900s until 1987, there was a lot of doubt as to whether fibrositis was even a physical condition, and it was largely suspected to be psychiatric (‘all in your head’)!

But finally in 1987 the American Medical Association recognized the newly renamed fibromyalgia (meaning pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons) as a legitimate physical condition due to its incredibly long list of symptoms.

Hold on to your hat
The classic symptom of fibromyalgia is widespread chronic muscle pain. It might start gradually then increase over time in frequency and severity, or it can appear suddenly, following a traumatic event, illness or infection.

However, fibromyalgia’s effects go FAR beyond muscle pain and can include the following:

  • Overwhelming fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Apathy
  • Impaired memory and concentration
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent awakening and/or non-restorative sleep
  • Pain and morning stiffness of muscles, tendons and ligaments, particularly around the neck, shoulders, upper and lower back, hips, knees, inner and outer elbows, wrists, fingers, toes and chest.
  • Swollen joints
  • TMJ (temporomadibular joint dysfunction)
  • Numbness of the extremities or face
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Leg and foot cramps
  • Undue sweating
  • Rashes, hives, red blotches
  • Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Brittle nails
  • Dull, lifeless hair
  • Feelings of skin crawling or electric vibrations
  • Hypersensitivity to touch
  • Hot, sweaty palms, soles and thighs
  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Leaky gut
  • Spastic or mucus colitis
  • Nausea
  • Gas, pain, bloating
  • Alternating constipation and diarrhea
  • Mucus in stools
  • Hyperacidity with reflux
  • Pungent-smelling urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Bladder spasms
  • Dysuria
  • Vaginal yeast infections; bladder infections
  • Vulvitis
  • Vaginal spasms or cramps
  • Burning discharge
  • Painful intercourse
  • Decreased libido
Head, ENT:
  • Headaches; migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Dry eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive nasal congestion and postnasal drip
  • Bad or metallic taste in mouth
  • Painful, burning tongue
  • Tinnitus
  • Sensitivity to light, sounds and odors
  • Asthma and hay fever symptoms
  • Weight gain
  • Low-grade fever
  • Lowered immunity to infections
  • Night sweats
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes
Methinks you’d need quite an imagination to have all of those symptoms come out of your head.

The latest thinking
Although there still has not been an obvious clear-cut disease process established with fibromyalgia, the latest theories as to the underlying causes are centered on the following factors that can lead to a poor state of health which eventually can manifest itself as fibromyalgia:
  • Unhealthy diet (especially lots of processed foods) which leads to poor digestion and intestinal flora imbalance
  • Lack of exercise
  • Nutritional deficiencies, especially Vitamin D (which is important for the immune system)
  • Toxins from food and the environment which inundate your cells with wastes
  • A weakened immune system
  • A traumatic emotional or physical experience
  • Food and environmental allergies
  • Stress, anxiety and/or depression (stress further upsets digestion and your flora balance)
  • Hormonal imbalances, especially thyroid and growth hormones
  • Low levels of cell energy production
How to fight back at fibromyalgia
Even though fibromyalgia still remains largely a mystery, the more you can address some of the underlying factors behind it, the better your chances of getting REAL relief!

Here are measures you can take to help make a tremendous difference in how you feel. Now keep in mind that they all might not address your unique fibromyalgia situation, so it’s important to keep trying until you see what works for you.

1- Look for clues
It’s crucial is to look for clues about what may be behind your fibromyalgia.

Many sufferers have unresolved emotional issues or post-traumatic stress. If that’s an issue for you, counseling with a skilled therapist can make a big difference.

In addition, in order to be more certain of a diagnosis of fibromyalgia (and avoid misdiagnosis) as well as uncover any other conditions which may coexist with fibromyalgia (and require treatment), ask your doctor to perform the following lab tests:
  • Adrenal tests (including DHEA and cortisol)
  • Autoimmune tests (including antinuclear antibodies-ANA; C-reactive protein and autoantibody tests)
  • Blood sugar tests
  • Candida yeast tests
  • CBC (complete blood count)
  • Food and other allergy testing
  • Gluten intolerance/Celiac disease testing
  • Heavy metal exposure testing (hair or urine analysis)
  • HIV and hepatitis testing
  • Hormone testing (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.)
  • Lyme disease testing
  • Parasite/malabsorption testing (stool analysis)
  • Thyroid testing (including TSH, Total T4, Free T4, T3, thyroid peroxidase antibodies and thyroid binding globulin)
  • Vitamin and nutrient deficiency testing
2- Avoid offending foods
Certain foods have been shown to worsen fibromyalgia symptoms in some people. While these are not "universal offenders" many people have been helped by avoiding some or all the following:
  • Aspartame (NutraSweet)
  • Food additives like MSG (monosodium glutamate) and nitrates
  • Refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour & all products made with them)
  • Caffeine
  • Dairy
  • Nightshade vegetables (bell peppers, tomatoes and eggplant)
3- Consider supplementing with Vitamin D
At least half of the people with fibromyalgia have Vitamin D deficiency, and many have seen their symptoms literally disappear once supplementation was started!

The dosage recommended by most experts is 1,000 – 2,000 IU.

4- Encourage efficient digestion and elimination of wastes
Poor digestion can lead to intestinal flora imbalance, which in turn can affect your immune system functioning (since your gut houses 70 percent of your immune system) and encourage the development of food allergies, all of which are factors behind fibromyalgia like I mentioned above.

It can also cause poor nutrient absorption which is also a concern for people with fibromyalgia.

Plus when you eat lots of fast and processed foods (which are standard staples in the typical American diet!), the acid residue from those foods can get absorbed into your bloodstream from the intestines and add to accumulated cell wastes—which is yet another fibromyalgia characteristic.

So to fight (or help prevent) fibromyalgia, it's essential to eat real (not processed) foods and help encourage better digestion and elimination of wastes!

And that is precisely what you will learn to do with the Great Taste No Pain health system.

Great Taste No Pain will show you how to enjoy eating delicious, nourishing foods in pairings that are easier for your body to break down.

That means you can help cut fibromyalgia right off at five of its primary underlying factors!

Plus you will likely feel the difference in many other ways too--fewer digestive problems like IBS, heartburn or gas, more energy and everyone's favorite--lose excess weight without even TRYING!

Now if you’re gluten sensitive, I’ve got you covered too. Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

5- Explore alternative therapies
Alternate therapies such as chiropractic, acupuncture, yoga, Pilates, massage therapy or physical therapy can all help reduce pain, ease stiffness and improve flexibility.

6- Get regular exercise and reduce stress
Although many fibromyalgia sufferers find it difficult to exercise and suffer exhaustion afterward, regular exercise boosts your body’s endorphins (natural pain-fighting, feel-good molecules); it helps to naturally relieve stress, anxiety and depression; it can help improve flexibility and energy levels, it helps with quality of sleep and strengthens your bones and muscles.

In addition, since stress can impair the immune system by altering the gut flora, and since fibromyalgia sufferers are susceptible to infections, leaky gut, IBS and other GI issues, it’s crucial to reduce stress.

7- Get adequate sleep as much as possible
Many fibromyalgia sufferers have chronically poor sleep, so it’s crucial to encourage more restful sleep. This includes the avoidance of caffeine and alcohol before retiring and sticking to a regular bedtime each night.

5HTP or melatonin supplementation may also be helpful—these are typically available in health food stores.

8- Reduce pesticide and chemical exposure.
People with fibromyalgia are frequently sensitive to various chemicals and odors in the environment, plus their bodies are already challenged with the burden of the condition--which can only be worsened by having to stress the liver and kidneys to detox these chemicals out of the body.

9- Supplement with probiotics
Probiotics can help reverse imbalanced intestinal flora and ease allergies, both of which are triggers for fibromyalgia symptoms.

It’s important to use a formula which contains both bifidobacterium species (for the colon) and lactobacillus species (which beef up the small intestine)—that way you’re covered from one end of the intestinal tract to the other.

Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is up to this important challenge.

Super Shield’s 13 strains of beneficial bacteria can help restore and maintain a healthy flora balance in both your small and large intestines.

Plus Super Shield can help keep digestion smooth, which can in turn help prevent toxins and improperly broken down food molecules from getting into your bloodstream and taunting your immune system, and encourage proper nutrient absorption.

10- Supplement with Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is VITAL for proper cell energy production (which is a major concern for people with fibromyalgia).

The problem is, even if you’re getting sources of B12 in your diet (like shrimp, scallops, salmon, beef, lamb, cod, yogurt, milk and eggs), B12’s absorbability in your GI tract is dependent on the ability of your stomach acids to cleave the B12 from its “partner” amino acids…so you may be getting far less than you think.

This is especially true if you take acid reducing medications—since you’re shutting down your stomach’s acid production, it’s practically a given that most or all B12 you take in will flow back out of you untouched.

But there is a VERY effective way to get B12 that costs less than shots and can bypass shortcomings in the GI tract that affect absorbency.

It’s Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 spray.

Hydroxaden 2.5 is a Vitamin B12 spray that you simply spritz right under your tongue each day. The B12 can be quickly and efficiently absorbed right into your bloodstream where it's needed through the mucus membranes in your mouth.

From there it can get to work helping with your cell energy production, as well as encouraging sharper mental function, stronger immune health, protection from heart disease and a healthier overall you!

Stop the endless cycle of pain!
If you suffer from the agony of fibromyalgia, your days of feeling hopeless and going from one pain-filled day to the next can be over very soon.

See for yourself how much better you can feel when take safe, natural measures to alleviate your symptoms and most importantly, help tackle fibromyalgia at some of its common underlying causes!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Little-known facts about common food allergens

When the subject of a food allergy is brought up, most people think that it’s something a person is born with, and that all the food allergy sufferer needs to do is stay away from the food they’re allergic to.

Well, it’s not quite as simple as that.

First of all, although someone’s tendency toward allergic reactions may have started in the womb, those reactions have had a lot of encouragement from our food supply and how it has changed over the years.

And avoiding the offending food or foods is not as easy as it sounds!

Let’s take a closer look at both of these issues, as well as ways you can help combat known or suspected food allergies.

The magnificent seven
Currently the seven most common allergenic foods in the US are:
  • Wheat 
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Meat 
  • Sugar
These also happen to be foods that are very abundant in our food supply.

Now, you might wonder why these foods seem to be causing more problems for more people than they ever did before.

Well, that’s because our food supply has transformed dramatically…and our bodies are seeing these molecular changes and differences in our foods as a dangerous substance and reacting with an allergic response.

Here are some ways our foods have changed over the years and why they are causing problems in increasing numbers:

1- Wheat
There are actually over 30,000 different varieties of wheat, but in the United States we only grow one for human consumption.

Over the last several decades, we’ve been hybridizing that one species of wheat to increase its gluten content…and now our wheat contains nearly double the gluten that it did just 50 years ago. (Gluten is a water-soluble mixture of sticky proteins and it’s what gives bread its light fluffy texture that we Americans love so much.)

Our health problems associated with wheat have risen because our bodies were not biologically designed to handle that much gluten…so our bodies are instead reacting as if the gluten is a foreign invader.

What makes this even more difficult is that gluten is in a lot more than just known wheat-based products like bread, pasta and crackers. It’s also used as a thickener and filler in LOADS of processed food products and restaurant meals.

2- Corn
There are also a number of varieties of corn, and the corn grown here in the US is vastly different from the native corn that is a staple grain in places like Mexico and South America.

Corn is another crop that’s been hybridized to death, and now add on to that the fact that it’s being genetically modified (i.e. GMO) and used in countless products without requiring GMO ingredients to be spelled out on the label.

GMO crops can create varieties of proteins that completely foreign to your body…and that can spell trouble because your body (especially your immune system) will be put on alert and likely react in some fashion down the road.

3- Soy
Soy has been used for centuries in Asian countries (especially China and more recently Japan) as a protein source, and these cultures have typically fermented it to make it more digestible.

Well, we’ve taken a wide left turn here in the US because it’s not always fermented so therefore it can cause digestive World War III down below.

Plus it too is being genetically modified. So time will tell what the Franken-proteins created by the GMO process will do to our immune systems and our health.

4- Eggs
Gone are the days when chickens were allowed to roam and graze freely from fresh green pastures.

Now they’re injected with hormones and antibiotics which make their way into YOUR body when you eat their eggs (and meat for that matter).

Plus chickens are subjected to horribly inhumane, filthy conditions—miles and miles of them are stacked on top of each other with their wings and beaks clipped and their claws pulled out so they won’t hurt each other. The wastes are abundant throughout and the chickens are stressed to the max.

And if you don’t think that has an effect on the quality and nutritional integrity of their eggs then there’s a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

5- Dairy
The cows that supply our dairy products have been subjected to similar filthy, inhumane conditions as our chickens, and they too are injected with antibiotics and hormones which are becoming a part of us with every bite of conventional dairy products.

The main components of milk are lactalbumin, casein, lactose and cream. The lactalbumin in human milk is vastly different from cow’s milk, and both are different from goat’s milk.

That’s why babies may start having reactions to cow’s milk once they’re weaned, and other people who react to cow’s milk may find they can tolerate goat’s milk.

And like gluten, dairy products or derivatives thereof are used in countless processed foods, so avoiding dairy is not as easy as it seems.

6- Meat (especially beef and pork)
The drug injections and inhumane treatment of animals also carries through to the meat they produce for our consumption.

If you are eating conventionally produced meat, you are most assuredly getting a regular dose of antibiotics and hormones, as well as eating the muscles from an animal that is stressed, sickly and living in a filthy environment (and frequently eating the filth too).

And all those little hidden factors can secretly taunt your immune system and may cause it to eventually overreact.

7- Sugar
In addition to the obvious dangers of sugar (weight gain, insulin resistance, inflammation, cancer) sugar is murder on your friendly gut flora and hampers your immune functioning.

Just one teaspoon of sugar can depress your immune system functioning for up to 5 hours!

Our bodies have the capability to successfully cope with about 2 teaspoons of sugar a day.

And considering that the average can of soda alone contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar, it’s easy to see that many of us are assaulting our bodies and immune functioning day in and day out.

How to combat the common allergens
Hopefully you have a better understanding as to why food allergies are affecting increasing numbers of people.

And although so many of the dangers are out of your control, there is still a whole lot you can do to keep food allergies far away from you, or help minimize their dangerous effects.

Here are three smart strategies that can make a big difference in preventing food allergies or calming them if you’ve got them.

1) Go organic
Many people have noticed that when they eat organic meat, eggs and dairy, they don’t have the allergic reactions they had with conventionally produced products.

This makes sense because animals raised for organic products are not subjected to the same horrible conditions and are not injected with drugs.

Plus organic products by their very nature do not contain GMO ingredients, so you are naturally avoiding that food allergy concern as well.

I know organic items can be more expensive, but think about how expensive your medical bills will be if you get seriously sick.

2) Have a diet of real foods

It’s easy to avoid hidden allergens in processed foods when you stick to real foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy.

Plus it’s also crucial to have efficient digestion in order to absorb the vital nutrients from your foods and properly eliminate wastes to maintain a healthy environment for your intestinal flora (where 70% of your precious immune system resides).

I can help you achieve both of those goals (and love every bite of what you're eating) with the Great Taste No Pain system or if you’ve got known gluten issues, Great Taste No Gluten.

Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you what foods to eat (and what foods to pair together) to help encourage smooth digestion and efficient nutrient absorption.

Plus they're loaded with delicious ideas featuring nourishing real foods that you'll absolutely LOVE--there are no bland or boring dishes in my recipe collections!

3) Supplement with a high quality probiotic
Research has shown that probiotic supplements can significantly reduce allergic reactions to foods!

One study was conducted at Seoul National University in South Korea and published in 2005 in the Federation of European Microbiological Societies' Immunology and Medical Microbiology journal.

The researchers tested two groups of mice that were allergic to egg white. Half of the mice were given the probiotic strains Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus casei every day for 5 weeks and the other half received none.

After the 5 weeks, all of the mice were given egg white. Those treated with the probiotics had significantly fewer allergic reactions, measured by how much histamine they produced.

Human trials have also been conducted that show similar results.

In one study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, researchers from Finland studied 27 babies who were allergic to cow's milk. For one month, cow's milk was removed from their diets and 13 of them were given the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The other 14 were given no probiotics.

After one month, all of the babies were given cow's milk again. Those who had the L. rhamnosus showed significantly fewer reactions to the milk than the babies who received no probiotics.

Food allergies were one of the reasons we included potent strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei in Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.

Those and Super Shield's 10 other superstar strains will help counteract the effects of food allergies, as well as help to beef up your immune system and encourage more regular BMs too.

Food allergies are all around us and they are increasing…and much of that is out of our control.

But when you take the bull by the horns and become more discerning on what you are putting on your plate, you can help lessen your chances of immune reactions to food and instead nourish your body with delicious foods the way it was meant to be!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The truth about Barrett’s esophagus

If you’re one of the 25 million or so people in the US with acid reflux, you know all too well the misery it can cause.

This can go WAY beyond a 4-alarm fire in your chest and can include:
  • Regurgitation of partially digested food and stomach acid
  • Angina-like chest pain
  • Chronic cough; frequent throat-clearing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Bloating and gas
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Hoarseness; laryngitis
  • Loss of tooth enamel
But there’s another consequence of acid reflux that is far scarier than an acidy burp or having to sleep propped up on pillows.

It’s called Barrett’s esophagus.

Let’s take a look at this sneaky, scary and possibly deadly condition, as well as explore some ways that you can help keep it far away from you, or help keep it quiet if you've got it.

What is Barrett's esophagus?
Barrett's esophagus is a condition where the color and the type of cells lining your lower esophagus change, becoming more like the inside of your stomach or intestines instead.

This process is called intestinal metaplasia and is most often the result of repeated exposure to stomach acid -- in other words, acid reflux or GERD (and also sometimes hiatal hernia). Obesity (especially around the abdominal area) can also be a risk factor.

It is three times more common in men than in women, and 55 is the average age at diagnosis. Approximately one in 10 acid reflux/GERD sufferers will develop it.

Although Barrett's esophagus symptoms are usually the same as acid reflux/GERD, it's also possible to have NO symptoms at all...

This can be especially dangerous because people with Barrett's esophagus have an increased risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma – one of the most rapidly increasing cancers in the United States.

So to not even know you have Barrett's esophagus means there is a risk that it can quietly exist and manifest into cancer.

Barrett's esophagus and cancer
Once cancer occurs, depending on the degree of severity it can result in losing a portion of your esophagus.

The surgery is called an esophagectomy. This involves removing your esophagus and the top part of your stomach. A portion of your stomach is then pulled up into your chest and connected to the remaining un-diseased portion of your esophagus.

To say this is traumatic is a vast understatement.

The procedure has a very high mortality rate (I.e.: death risk) and even if you do survive, possible complications of esophagectomy include:
  • Breathing problems
  • Increased risk of dangerous infection
  • Lowered immune system
  • Permanent damage to your larynx (voice box)
  • Difficulty swallowing 
  • Frequent vomiting
Clearly, Barrett's is something to take seriously-a diagnosis of it is a loud clanging warning bell.

So understandably, many people with Barrett’s have gotten the you-know-what frightened out of them and are desperate to do whatever they must to avoid its worst consequences.

Now, the typical suggestions for Barrett’s are the same as acid reflux/GERD--avoid spicy foods and tomatoes, and take acid reducing drugs.

Well, let’s think about that for a moment.

If avoiding spicy foods and tomatoes and taking acid reducers works so well all the time, then tell me, why did the acid reflux progress into Barrett’s in the first place?

In addition, what many people don’t realize is that acid reducers can compound the problem.

Here’s why:

Why acid reducers can worsen Barrett’s esophagus
The most common treatment for acid reflux/GERD and Barrett's is acid reducing drugs -- PPIs (like Nexium "the purple pill," Prilosec or Prevacid), or H2 Blockers (like Zantac, Pepcid or Tagamet).

Now these drugs are designed to reduce your stomach's acid secretions. PPIs shut down the acid “pumps” in your stomach, and H2 blockers suppress the hormones that signal your stomach to create and secrete acid.

But acid digestive enzymes are crucial for your body to be able properly digest proteins. So when your stomach secretes acid when you eat protein, it's doing its job and should not be interfered with.

But that's precisely what acid reducers do, and as a result, your digestion can be greatly slowed and even halted.

Now, your stomach is smart—it senses when this is happening and tries to secrete more acid restart digestion again, but it's eventually its efforts are halted again.

This cycle can go on for 8-10 hours or more and result in a pool of poorly digested, putrefied (rotting) food and acid in your stomach.

Now, guess what happens later, especially as soon as you lie down?

You guessed it--up, up, up it can come into your throat. This creates the very thing you were trying to avoid—the ideal environment for Barrett's esophagus to flourish.

But your misery likely won’t end there, by the way.

Because poor digestion can also lead to trouble "down south." When your foods are not broken down like they should be before they move out of the stomach, it creates a tremendous burden for your pancreas, liver and gallbladder to try to finish digestion once everything moves into the duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine).

As a result, you can also experience gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

Those are common side effects of many acid reducing drugs and now you know why that is so.

Now let’s take a look at a safer, natural approach…in other words:

What is a smart approach for acid reflux/GERD and Barrett’s?
If you want to help lessen your chances of developing Barrett's esophagus (or help prevent it from worsening if you already have it), the true key is to...

Make sure your digestion is efficient!

When your digestion is accomplished thoroughly and completely, there is no putrefying mass of food or acid to rise into your throat.

In other words, you help eliminate a root cause of Barrett's (and acid reflux/GERD too!).

This can be accomplished in two easy steps:

1- Through your diet
This means eliminating acid-creating foods (including processed and fast food) and meals that are causing digestive disaster and replacing them with some real, alkalinizing foods and food combinations that your body can break down easier.

Note that alkalinizing foods include spices and tomatoes -- they are actually GOOD for you and your system!

And here’s an important point--even the best, most nutritious foods can be acid-forming to your body IF they are eaten with the wrong other foods. It's not just the foods you eat that counts -- it's what you eat TOGETHER that's just as important.

The Great Taste No Pain system will show you step by easy step exactly what to do.

Great Taste No Pain spells out which foods are acid-forming in your body vs. those that are alkaline. It also shows you what foods digest easier together and what combinations to avoid.

It couldn't be simpler!

Once you start making these few modifications to your diet chances are excellent you’ll start seeing a difference in how you feel very quickly.

And that's great news to people with acid reflux/GERD and especially Barrett's!

Now, if you have gluten issues, I’ve got you covered too. Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

Great Taste No Gluten gives you the same food-pairing advice as Great Taste No Pain, plus guides for gluten free living and a collection of tasty gluten free recipes.

2- With enzyme supplementation
If you've eaten typical acid-creating, hard to digest meals or processed or fast food for a long time (and Heaven knows that describes countless Americans), chances are excellent that your body's ability to produce adequate enzymes for digestion is reduced or impaired.

That’s why supplementation with an enzyme formula like Digestizol Max can be so helpful to so many people.

Digestizol Max contains enzymes that target any kind of food you can eat—proteins, carbs, fats, dairy, fiber, etc., plus 5 herbs to help soothe an inflamed GI tract.

Digestizol Max can help give your body a much-needed boost to keep your digestion nice and smooth -- and help make acid reflux and GERD symptoms a thing of the past for you.

Other helpful suggestions
Other safe, natural measures to help soothe an inflamed GI tract and enhance digestion can include:
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Meditation/prayer
  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture
  • Antioxidants like Vitamin C (500 – 3,000 mg. per day)
  • Chewing Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL)—available at health food stores
  • Omega-3 essential fatty acid supplements like VitalMega-3 
Omega-3 EFAs are Nature’s anti-inflammatory, and that includes helping to soothe inflammation in your esophagus and intestines!

VitalMega-3 can help with this very important task, as well as help encourage lower blood pressure and fewer aches and pains too!

You CAN fight and WIN

If you have Barrett’s esophagus, or if you have acid reflux/GERD that you want to help PREVENT from progressing into Barrett’s, see what a HUGE difference it can make when you take safe, natural measures to help encourage sound digestion and heal inflammation in your GI tract.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When a healthy diet isn’t enough

I don’t think I’ll be shocking you out of your chair today if I say that a proper diet is THE #1 key to help ensure that you are healthy (and even make it into) your golden years.

Thousands of our clients have experienced the power of a good diet and reported that their health dramatically improved (or completely turned around) once they began following the nutrition principles I outline in the Great Taste No Pain health system.’s something you might be surprised to hear me say.

Sometimes a good diet ISN’T enough!

Sickness often occurs even though you may have what most people would consider a perfectly healthy diet.

"Why?" you may ask.

Well, there are several reasons:

The air that I breathe...
One of the most common is environmental factors that are out completely of your control.

Toxins are all around us--in our food, air, personal care products, water supply, lawn and workplace.

They can accumulate in your body (especially in your fat cells), making your body's pH more acidic, which makes it easier for disease to flourish inside of you, regardless of the health enhancing foods you eat.

Try to limit your exposure as much as you can. Buy organic meat and produce whenever possible, look for natural laundry and cleaning products, avoid drinking tap water and search out organic fertilizers.

Even a few minor changes can help dramatically curb your toxic exposure.

Stress wreaks havoc on your digestion and your immune system.

That’s why you may find yourself getting sickness after sickness during times of stress—your body literally cannot fight off bacterial infections or viruses as well.

Plus your immune system also protects you from dangerous diseases like cancer…so being under chronic stress can even have a deadly price.

Take advantage of whatever stress relief options are available to you. Your health and quite possibly your life may depend on it.

What you drink matters too
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is for me as a nutritionist when I see someone eating a healthy, nutritious meal and washing it down with a soda.

Talk about cutting your own throat!

Remember that drinks count too—so ditch the soda (whether diet or regular), drink alcohol only in moderation, limit your coffee consumption and make water your #1 beverage of choice as much as possible.

Medications—both OTC and Rx
Another big factor that can undo the positive effects of a healthy diet is medications.

Remember that, even though some medications can be helpful and even life-saving, they also throw your body out of balance, wreaking havoc with your major organs, blood and nervous system.

They're chemicals that we were not designed by Nature to be able to assimilate.

You never get anything "for free" when you take them -- there's always a price to pay, over and above the small fortune many of them cost.

One of the big health costs of medications is the fact that they affect other areas of your body over and above what they were intended to "treat." There are ALWAYS side-effects.

It's inevitable. You can't put a substance into your body and tell it, "OK, you just go here and here, but don't go there."

It's like dropping a new red T-shirt into a load of whites--it goes EVERYWHERE.

If you are on any medications, you may wish to talk to your doctor about alternatives, reducing your dose, or maybe even eventually weaning off them altogether. And if your doctor refuses to discuss the matter with you, find one who will. There are a good number of truly caring doctors who are more than happy to answer your questions and ease your concerns, and they deserve your business.

Lack of exercise
Exercise is crucial if you want even a remote chance of living a life free of sickness and pain.

Here are just a few benefits of regular exercise that you can’t always get from a healthy diet alone:

  • Weight control
  • Heart disease prevention
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Blood sugar control
  • Easing aches and pains
  • Building bone mass
  • Improve digestion and bowel movements
  • Boost energy
  • Better sleep
  • Improve your mood
  • Ease anxiety
  • Reduce stress
  • Prevent cognitive decline

So, my friend, if your sneakers and feet have been strangers for quite a while, or your treadmill has become a new funky-looking clothes closet, or the only weight you’ve lifted recently is a sack of groceries or a six-pack of beer, it’s time to change that. Get your doctor’s nod of approval and get moving.

It all starts here
Even though there are many things you can do to help keep your body free of sickness and disease, it all comes back to this:

Your health starts with what you put in your body. No matter how much you exercise or reduce stress or avoid toxins, you absolutely CANNOT expect to feel your best without eating enough nutritious foods and helping to keep digestion efficient so you can actually absorb the nutrients you’re taking in.

That's why the Great Taste No Pain health system is THE primary step to help get the nutrients you need, help keep your pH more alkaline, clear excess wastes and help get your systems working the way they're supposed to.

And if you're also gluten sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead:

It’s also crucial to make sure you consistently maintain a healthy intestinal flora balance.

Your friendly gut bacteria house 70 percent of your immune system—that alone should give you a clue how important they are,

They also help digest certain carbs and fibers, they keep harmful microbes and yeasts under control, they manufacture vitamins, they eat excess cholesterol and they help keep your bowel movements smooth and regular.

Definitely not something you want to be without!

And since SO many factors other than diet can affect your gut flora (especially guilty are stress, antibiotics and acid reducers, smoking and losing sleep), it's helpful to take a quality probiotic supplement like Super Shield daily.

The 13 top-shelf strains of friendly bacteria in Super Shield are potent and ready to make their home along your intestinal walls, fighting, crowding out and overcoming harmful bacteria.

This can help keep your gut wall strong, help make digestion smoother and support your immune system as well.

The unbeatable combination of Great Taste No Pain (or Great Taste No Gluten) and Super Shield can be your ticket to feeling great next week, next year and many, many years from now!

Try it. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Surprisingly effective pain relief

Many times after a very intense karate class my Grand Master instructor (who is an 8th degree black belt) will sit us down and talk about the importance of not only our fighting skills, but also cross-training, awareness, avoidance of dangerous situations, etc.

Then he has us stand back up and line up according to rank so we can formally bow out of class.

And that’s when you hear all the grunting and groaning! We’ve all worked our bodies so hard that once we sit down, it’s tough to get back up again…and we always get a good laugh out of each other’s grunts.

Now, being a little tired or sore after a very vigorous workout is one thing, but sadly for many people, chronic ongoing pain is a regular thing.

Now, pain in and of itself isn’t a true condition—rather, it’s a symptom or a way of your body telling you that something isn’t quite right.

Let’s take a look at what pain is all about, explore some surprising causes of it, and talk about some very effective (and safe!) ways you can make a difference in how you feel without having to resort to pain drugs.

The two types of pain

There are two basic types of pain—acute and chronic.

Acute pain is brief and short-term in nature--typically lasting a few days to a few weeks. It's usually the result of a minor injury or overuse.

Acute pain is normally resolved after rest, icing, heat, stretching, anti-inflammatories, chiropractic care, physical therapy or a combination thereof.

Chronic pain, on the other hand, is pain lasting three months or more, and it's not necessarily the result of one specific injury.

It can be caused by a long history of overuse as well as conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, nerve damage, soft tissue damage, cancer, depression or the big culprit—inflammation.

Chronic pain is tougher to treat and doesn't always respond to the typical treatment options. Depending on the underlying cause, sometimes surgery is performed but even then there's no guarantee the pain won't come back.

Anti-inflammatories are most often used and may provide initial relief, but then your body becomes "resistant" to the drug's efforts and then stronger drugs are needed.

This can become a vicious cycle where increasingly stronger and stronger drugs may be needed to achieve the same relief.

And that doesn't come without a price, my friend.

Because as you take stronger and stronger pain relievers, you're looking at stronger side effects, a good chance of developing gastritis and/or GI bleeding and a risk of drug dependence to add more misery on to your misery!

Plus prescription painkillers are notorious for causing other side effects including constipation, lightheadedness, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea and/or vomiting…

As well as liver or kidney damage!

Surprising causes—and ways to get relief!

If you suffer from chronic pain, first and foremost, see a doctor to rule out any underlying condition that must be treated.

But if your chronic pain can’t really be tied to any set condition, then it’s time to take the bull by the horns yourself.

You see, you can help YOUR body feel a whole lot better by doing some digging and looking at what may be causing or worsening your pain.

Then DO something about it!

Here are six causes or contributing factors behind chronic pain that you might not be aware of, as well as how you help turn each of them around FAST:

1- Lacking sleep

According to recent research from Great Britain, poor or insufficient sleep was a very strong predictor for pain in adults over 50.

It’s easy to see why. Your circadian rhythm (aka your sleep-wake cycle) actually influences the rhythms of the biological activity of all your cells…so if your sleep habits are not-so-good, restless or otherwise interrupted, that can affect the health of ALL of your cells.

And lead to chronic pain over time.

Plus poor sleep patterns can also cause or contribute to the following:
  • Increased risk of heart disease and cancer
  • Impaired neuron (nerve cell) production in your brain 
  • Trigger constant feelings of hunger, which can in turn lead to weight gain
  • Interfere with your growth hormone production, which can contribute to premature aging
If you’re a Night Owl, time to start hitting the hay a little earlier.

Also, avoid caffeine drinks, alcohol and exercising too close to bedtime, because all three can interrupt sleep.

If stress is making you stare at the ceiling, look at ways to de-stress and calm things down in your life.

Melatonin and tryptophan supplements can also be helpful.

2- Dehydration

This is another cause of chronic pain that doesn’t occur to most people.

Dehydration doesn’t just manifest itself as thirst, dark urine or fatigue during workouts.

Dehydration can also eventually cause muscle weakness, and when the muscles surrounding and supporting your bones and joints are involved, that can lead to chronic pain.

Take an honest look at your beverage habits. If Jimmy Carter was President the last time you drank anything but coffee, soda or alcohol, or your urine is dark yellow all day long (and not just first thing in the morning), chances are excellent you may be dehydrated.

Try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water (NOT juice, sports drinks or other “health” beverages—just plain WATER) a day and see what a difference it can make in your level of pain.

3- Anxiety and depression

Although anxiety and depression are mainly psychological conditions, your brain’s functioning can affect your entire body—and can eventually result in chronic pain.

If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, it’s crucial to seek treatment with a skilled counselor or therapist.

Having a healthy diet is also important, as many nutrient deficiencies--especially B vitamins, magnesium, calcium and zinc--can cause or worsen depression and anxiety. (More on that below.)

4- Chronic inflammation

This is far and away the most common culprit behind chronic pain of ALL kinds.

Ours is a society that is rampant with chronic inflammation, which is mainly the result of our diets—specifically eating inflammation-causing foods and meals and getting too few of the Omega-3 essential fatty acids that our bodies need to control inflammation.

So to end chronic inflammation at its very root causes (as well as ease the resulting aches and pains!), it’s essential to have an anti-inflammatory diet and get the Omega-3 fatty acids your body needs!

That just involves 2 simple steps:

1. Eat for low inflammation

All you need to know about an anti-inflammatory diet is right in the pages of the Great Taste No Pain

And Great Taste No Gluten health systems!

Both system stress eating delicious real foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains, while avoiding the processed and fast foods that are laced with inflammation-causing chemicals and trans-fats.

Plus both systems show you what foods to pair together in meals for more efficient digestion, better nutrient absorption and prevention of the inflammatory acid waste buildup that comes about from poor digestion.

And here's an added bonus--eating this way can also help greatly reduce digestive problems like gas, bloating, acid reflux and constipation too!

Now, you don't need to cook like Bobby Flay or Emeril Lagasse to enjoy delicious, low-inflammation meals.

Because both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten come with a collection of recipes that are loaded with scrumptious, easy to prepare dishes that will make your taste buds.

Plus many of the dishes feature natural anti-inflammatory herbs and spices like garlic, ginger, cinnamon and turmeric.

2. Get enough Omega-3 essential fatty acids

A deficiency in Omega-3 essential fatty acids is a major cause of inflammation.

Here’s why:

In an ideal world, Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids works together in harmony in your body to help you deal with temporary challenges like wounds or injuries.

Omega-6 EFAs stir up inflammation, which sounds the signal for the healing process to begin. And once healing is underway, Omega-3 EFAs come in and calm everything down.

But what messes up this efficient process is when you have too many inflammation-causing Omega-6 EFAs in your system, but not enough anti-inflammatory Omega-3s. Then you're practically putting out the welcome mat for chronic inflammation.

Since our typical modern diets are LOADED with Omega-6 EFAs and seriously lacking Omega-3 EFAs, most people have a serious imbalance going on...

The ideal ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 EFAs should be between 1:1 and 5:1.

But most people with a typical modern diet have ratios between 10:1 and 20:1 or worse.

Those eating lots of processed foods, fast food and trans-fats could have ratios as high as 50:1 or worse!

So in addition to eating an anti-inflammatory diet with Great Taste No Pain or (for gluten-sensitive people) Great Taste No Gluten, it's crucial to make sure your Omega-3 supply is where it should be with a quality, potent fish oil supplement like VitalMega-3.

A daily 2-capsule serving of VitalMega-3 provides 1,000 mg. of the crucial EPA and DHA Omega-3 essential fatty acids in the ideal 3:2 ratio that experts recommend.

Volumes of studies continue to support fish oil's capability to safely and naturally help reduce inflammation and the many health problems it can cause.

Including chronic pain!

5- Consider possible B12 deficiency

Most people don’t realize there is a connection between being low in Vitamin B12 and chronic pain.

You see, B12 is crucial in supporting your nervous system, and it helps to maintain the myelin sheath which coats and protects your nerve cells.

Since pain is frequently the result of nerve inflammation, B12 with its "nerve-soothing" properties can actually help encourage pain reduction.

If you've got chronic pain it may behoove you to see if Vitamin B12 deficiency may be a factor!

And if you’re looking for supplementation with a quality product, Hydroxaden 2.5 is your ticket.

Hydroxaden 2.5 is a Vitamin B12 spray that you simply spray right under your tongue each day. The B12 can be quickly absorbed right into your bloodstream where it's needed through the mucus membranes in your mouth.

A B12 spray like Hydroxaden 2.5 can be more efficient than oral supplements (which can have varying absorbency rates depending on your level of stomach acid), and is a lot less costly and more comfortable than B12 shots!

And Hydroxaden 2.5 gives you a daily dose of one of the top forms of Vitamin B12—hydroxocobalamin.

6- Lacking movement

Exercise is crucial in halting and preventing inflammation and pain, especially musculoskeletal pain.

Strength training (weights), stretching and water workouts (swimming or water aerobics) all provide unique benefits.

Arthritis patients who do strength-training report significantly less pain compared to non-strength trainers. The reason is simple--the stronger the muscles are around your joints, the more pressure they take off your joints.

Gentle stretching and yoga can improve flexibility and increase range of motion.

And water activities can take stress off your joints, block some of the pain sensation, loosen stiff joints and strengthen muscles.

Say goodbye to chronic pain once and for all!

Don’t think that suffering from chronic pain and an endless cycle of painkillers and nasty side effects is your destiny for one minute longer!

Because when you look at ALL the possible factors that may be behind YOUR pain, and take safe, natural measures to counteract them, a whole new life free of chronic pain can become YOUR reality.

Try it now and see what a difference it can make for YOU!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

6 Ways to slow the aging process

I remember the day when I was visiting my Mom in the nursing home and first met her roommate Monica.

Monica could barely walk, she had trouble speaking, she had lost a good amount of her hair and was missing some of her teeth.

My Mom whispered to me, “How old do you think she is?” and I guessed maybe late 70’s.

I almost fell over when my Mom told me Monica was 52.

My age.

That was a slap-in-your-face, grim reminder of how the aging process can take its toll no matter what your numerical age is.

Yes, my friend, the biological clock ticks away for all of us, it’s not very kind and there’s no turning it back.

But the good news is you can help S L O W it down and encourage better physical health as well as a youthful appearance.

You just need understand what the aging process is all about, look at the primary factors that contribute to age acceleration, and most importantly, take some safe, effective measures to fight back at those causes of aging…and win!

So what exactly is aging?

In order to understand how you age, we need to take a peek inside your cells.

Inside the center (nucleus) of your cells, your genes sit on twisted strands of DNA called chromosomes. At the ends of your chromosomes are stretches of DNA called "telomeres."

Telomeres protect your genetic code and make it possible for your cells to divide. Cell division is needed so you can grow new skin, blood, bone and other cells when needed.

Telomeres are like the plastic tips on your shoelaces. They prevent the ends of your chromosomes from fraying and sticking to each other, which would in turn mix up your genetic information and may lead to cancer, other diseases or death.

But unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and that includes your telomeres.

You see, each time one of your cells divides, the telomeres continue to get shorter and shorter. When they eventually get too short, the cell no longer can divide and becomes inactive or dies.

As this process continues and increases over time, you begin looking and feeling older and older.

Plus since your bones, tissues, muscles and organs are made of cells too, once the cells that make them up begin to die, they are more susceptible to damage, disease or merely not working as well as they once did.

This is why, for example, many elderly people have trouble digesting their foods when they never did before—because enzyme production declines as we age.

Factors that speed up the aging process

Although telomeres naturally shorten over time and nothing can be done to completely stop this, there are certain factors that can accelerate the aging process.

Number one is a poor diet--especially eating foods with trans-fats, vegetable oils, sugar and refined carbs. All of these substances contribute to inflammation in your cells (and arteries!) which impairs your cells’ functioning, encourages the development of disease, and can make you look FAR older than your years.

Stress is another major ager. Chronic stress causes the repeated release of the hormone cortisol and over time not only can this greatly impair your immune system functioning, but it also damages your cells and speeds up the aging process.

Environmental and household toxins cause inflammation in your cells, they stress your liver and kidneys (your organs of detox) and can put you on a path of disease and aging much easier and faster than you ever dreamed possible.

Decreased levels of hormones also play a big part. Hormones impact every major organ and system in your body, so when your levels of certain hormones begin to diminish, you can feel the effects from head to toe.

Fight back…and WIN!

Now that you know how aging occurs and all the possible factors that can make it that much sooner before Boy Scouts offer to help you cross the street, now is the time to take action and fight to SLOW down that aging process in you!

Here are six very effective strategies than can help:

1) De-stress
There are many ways to help de-stress: Meditation, exercise, yoga, counseling, deep breathing, prayer and seminars, to name a few.

Also taking up a hobby or getting a pet have both been shown to reduce stress in various studies.

Pick what feels right to you and help get rid of that stress.

You just might end up living longer if you do!

2) De-tox
The first step here is to avoid common sources of household and environmental toxins like unfiltered tap water, bug sprays, weed killers, cigarette smoke and medications (both prescription and OTC) as much as you can.

Every little bit counts. The biggest bang for your buck may come simply from using a filter for your tap water.

Another biggie is buying organic produce whenever you can. I know it's typically more expensive than commercially grown crops, but is there a price on your health and life? Plus you can help control the cost by shopping local farmer's markets or participating in community supported agriculture (CSA) programs. Check it out here:

I know this one should be obvious...but if you smoke, please stop now. Millions of people have done it before you, so it's not impossible. Believe me, you couldn't do anything nicer for yourself.

And if you’re on any medications, talk to your doctor about alternatives, decreasing your dose or getting off them altogether. Although they are intended to “help” they also are a major source of health-harming toxins. That’s why there is such a thing called side effects.

3) Engage the power of the right diet
The best way to avoid age-accelerating trans-fats, hydrogenated oils, refined carbs and sugar overload is to eat REAL foods.

I’m talking about things like fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and poultry, whole grains, legumes, nuts, dairy, eggs and healthy fats.

I can guide you on exactly how to do that, while still enjoying delicious, mouth-watering meals that will make your taste buds dance!

In the Great Taste No Pain system,

or if you're gluten-sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten

I explain ALL the health dangers of the typical modern diet, show you how to structure delicious meals made from nutritious, health-enhancing real foods, and even give you a collection of scrumptious recipes to try.

Believe me, you'll see there's nothing bland or boring about eating for great health once you taste these recipes!

And get this—a recent study has shown that a healthy diet can also help counteract the aging effects of stress!

A new study from UC San Francisco has shown that while the impact of life’s stressors can accumulate over time and accelerate cellular aging, these negative effects may be reduced by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and sleeping well.

“The study participants who exercised, slept well and ate well had less telomere shortening than the ones who didn’t maintain healthy lifestyles, even when they had similar levels of stress,” said lead author Eli Puterman, PhD, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at UCSF.

4) Get regular exercise
Regular exercise is an anti-aging MUST.

It helps your body eliminate dangerous, age-accelerating toxins, it increases the strength of your heart, helps improve digestion, promotes better sleep, it helps lower blood pressure, helps you maintain a healthy bodyweight and by strengthening the muscles surrounding your joints, it can help decrease the symptoms of arthritis!


Pick an activity that works for you, get your doctor’s nod of approval and get moving.

5) Consider bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
Unlike synthetic hormone replacement, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy works to help naturally reestablish the way your body sends messages to your tissues and organs to keep them healthy…and help keep you feeling younger!

The body has an easier time assimilating bio-identical hormones because they are exactly identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally made in your body.

Synthetic hormones, on the other hand, have extra molecules which are not recognized by your body, so they are not broken down as easily by your body’s enzymes. This means that they could stay in the body longer, and over time they could turn into toxins and carcinogens.

Note that you’ll have to seek out a practitioner that does BHRT—and because it’s more of a holistic therapy, most mainstream doctors won’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about if you ask them about it.

Here is a reference that can help you locate a doctor in your area:

You can also call compounding pharmacies in your area—they prepare BHRT prescriptions and can be a good source of information about BHRT doctors as well.

And if you happen to be in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area, check out the Salerno Center in Manhattan. -

6) Supplement with Omega-3 essential fatty acids
Studies are showing that the Omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA can play a crucial role in slowing down the telomere action associated with the aging process.

Researchers from Ohio State University have published the result of a study in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity that shows how taking Omega-3 supplements can alter the ratio of a person's fatty acids in a way that helps preserve telomeres by lowering systemic inflammation.

To conduct the study, the researchers broke the 106 disease-free adult participants into 3 groups.

Group 1 was given supplements of 2.5 grams of Omega-3 fats (combined EPA/DHA), Group 2 received 1.5 grams of EPA/DHA and Group 3 was given a placebo.

Groups 1 and 2 (both of whom took Omega-3 supplements) showed, on average, lengthening of their telomeres.

And the placebo group? Their telomeres either stayed the same or declined!

The research team concluded that improved Omega-3 to Omega-6 fat ratios from fish oil supplementation resulted in a reduction in total body systemic inflammation, which can lead to reduced telomere shortening.


So if you want to jump on the fish oil bandwagon to help preserve the youth of your cells, as well as help lower cholesterol, experience fewer joint aches and improve your memory (among other things), pony on up to VitalMega-3.

VitalMega-3 gives you a full 1,200 mg. of health-enhancing Omega-3 EFAs (including EPA and DHA) in every 2-capsule daily serving.

Time marches on, my friend, and we are all going to age. That is a certainty.

But as you can see from the information above, there’s so much you can do to help slow the aging process internally and keep feeling great well into your golden years!

Start now.

It’s never too late to feel better, and I personally think you’re worth it!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Friday, February 20, 2015

How to stop winter weight gain

It’s now February 20, 2015.

Although Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on the 2nd and predicted six more weeks of winter, and it seems like this brutal winter will never end, I assure you, warmer weather WILL eventually arrive.

And you know what that means.

The re-emergence of T-shirts, shorts, sleeveless shirts, sundresses and the all-time most dreaded item of clothing known to mankind—bathing suits.

This is especially challenging because so many people pack on a few (or more) extra pounds over the winter, so the first time in those more “unforgiving” clothes isn’t necessarily a welcome sight!

If I’ve even remotely described you, then it’s time to take the bull by the horns and put an end to winter weight gain.

The good news is, it’s not hard to do!

Because there are some sneaky factors at work behind the scenes that have been helping to create more of you to love in those chilly months, and when you know about them, you can in turn DO something about them.

And help keep those extra pounds off!

Here are the…

Eight Ways to Blast Winter Blubber

1- Location, location, location
Location may be everything when you’re looking for a house, but it also affects your intake of food.

When you’re eating somewhere other than a dining table and your mind is distracted with other things, it’s VERY easy to eat way too much and not realize it until you see the empty Doritos bag or you’ve polished off enough pasta for four people.

Avoid eating in places where your mind is usually occupied, such as in front of the TV, when you’re driving, when you’re working, when you’re studying, etc. Instead make the time to eat meals at the table with your loved ones as much as possible.

2- Slow down
It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get tipped off that you’ve had enough food.

So if you resemble a Dyson vacuum cleaner when you sit down to eat, chances are excellent that you are eating far more food than you actually need.

Slow down and chew each bite thoroughly. Have a conversation with someone at the table. And put your fork down after every couple of bites.

3- Get your protein
Protein helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied longer than starchy carbohydrates, thereby helping to reduce your likelihood of overeating.

If you don’t believe me, try this little experiment:

One morning have two or three eggs fried in butter for breakfast, and the next day have a bowl of cereal. Compare your level of hunger mid-morning between the two days—I think you’ll see a difference.

Plus protein foods such as red meat provide critical nutrients like iron and vitamin B12. Being low in either of these nutrients can zap your energy, which in turn will affect your motivation to do anything except be a couch potato.

And speaking of movement, that’s #4…

4- Don’t use cold weather as an excuse not to exercise
Never has there been a more extensive list of excuses as those associated with avoiding exercise.

I swear some people would rather eat used cat litter than to work up a sweat, so cold temperatures are commonly used as an exercise cop-out.

Sorry, that doesn’t fly. There are plenty of reasonably-priced gyms (some as low as $10 a month or less!) as well as exercise DVDs you can use in the privacy of your own living room.

Be creative to work in some extra (indoor) exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work, walk up and down the hallways of your local mall, or do some push-ups, squats or sit-ups when you’re watching TV.

5- Face the music
It’s easy for extra pounds to come creeping on when you’re avoiding the scale like the plague.

Face the music once a week and step on the scale to see where you stand.

If you don’t own a scale, at least slip into a test pair of tight jeans each week to see if you can still zip them without having to lie on the bed.

6- Choose smart comfort foods
Comfort foods like macaroni and cheese, meatloaf and gravy or fettuccini alfredo are OK once in a while, but when you’re craving comfort food, make up a nice soothing batch of soup instead.

Here’s a super easy, wonderfully delicious tomato soup recipe from Great Taste No Pain that’s always a huge hit when I serve it:

Tomato Soup with Basil Serves: 4
  • 3 large ripe tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 1 small red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves (or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried) 
  • Fresh basil leaves for garnish
  • Grated Parmesan or Romano cheese for garnish (optional)

Heat oil in a Dutch oven or large soup pot over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and red pepper; cook, stirring, for about 10 minutes or until all ingredients are soft. Add tomatoes and cook for another 10 minutes. Add the broth, tomato paste, salt, pepper and sugar. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in basil and allow to cool slightly.

Process soup in batches in a food processor or blender until smooth. Return the mixture to the pan and reheat over low heat. Top with fresh basil leaves and grated Parmesan or Romano cheese if desired.

And speaking of Great Taste No Pain, check out the new second edition here:

It’s loaded with new, updated information about eating smart for great health, plus some delicious new recipes for you to try!

In addition, Great Taste No Pain shows you how to pair foods together for more efficient digestion (known as food combining). Good digestion is the key to proper nutrient absorption and elimination of wastes, both of which are crucial in keeping your weight down.

Now, the other part of good digestion is to…

7- Make sure you have the enzymes for the job
Thanks to our typical processed food and fast food diets, many people have expended far more enzymes than Nature ever intended to break down their foods…and as a result, their bodies may eventually have trouble producing what they need.

In addition, using antacids and acid reducers is another enzyme waster. When you cripple your body’s ability to produce stomach acid, your pancreas has to “pick up the slack” and secrete even MORE digestive enzymes to try to compensate for what the stomach didn’t do.

Lastly, unfortunately as we age our body’s ability to produce enzymes diminishes.

But an enzyme supplement like Digestizol Max can also be a huge help with any deficiencies you may have going on.

Its super-potent blend of enzymes targets a broad range of foods, including proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, fats and fibers in your diet.

When you take Digestizol Max with meals, its 14 plant-derived enzymes help break down all of your foods completely, more like Nature intended.

8- Make lower calorie substitutions
Instead of a mug of hot cocoa in front of the fire every night, substitute herbal tea now and then.

At parties and get-togethers, substitute a club soda with lemon or lime for that extra glass of wine or beer.

Gravitate toward crudité platters and go easy on the dip, or choose shrimp with cocktail sauce over the taco dip with tortilla chips.

A little effort on your part can go a long way in keeping those pounds off.

Now that you know some of the behind-the-scenes factors that have been adding to YOUR winter widening, you can stop them dead in their tracks.

And chances are excellent you might not dread putting on that bathing suit this year!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.