
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The underlying cause of most diseases

Oftentimes someone who has been diagnosed with a disease will say that their condition “just appeared out of nowhere.”

Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth. 

Disease is instead C-R-E-A-T-E-D over time. 

And the single most significant factor that will determine whether your number will come up in the disease lottery is how overloaded your immune system is.

The more you neglect, stress, challenge and taunt your immune system, the less it will be able to protect you from illness. 

Plus you can also run the risk of your immune system going haywire and making you sick by itself!
Trouble is, many of us are abusing our poor immune systems much more than we realize. 

Let’s look at this concept of immune overload and look at ways you can help support your immune functioning.

Immune overload
Unlike your other bodily systems that you can easily pinpoint (like your heart and blood vessels, your lungs or your GI tract), your immune system is EVERYWHERE inside you.

It’s in all your cells, your gut, your bloodstream, your lymphatic system, your organs—everywhere
And when it’s functioning like it should, it’s protecting you with the strength of an army against sickness and disease.

But it has its limits…and when it gets overloaded, that’s when trouble starts.

Two of the most common causes of immune overload are:
  • Stressors that challenge the immune system
  • Nutritional deficiencies
Here’s the scoop on those:

Stress—the different types
There are three different kinds of stress—physical, emotional/mental and environmental—and each has a negative effect on your immune system.

Physical stressors include any kind of infectious agent—a virus, harmful bacteria, parasite or fungus.
They also include things like chemical substances we take in--all drugs (OTC, prescription and recreational) and alcohol, plus temperature changes and physical inactivity.

Emotional/mental stressors include stress from jobs, relationships, family challenges, tragedies (death, divorce), schoolwork and overbooked calendars.

Environmental stressors are the largest, most uncontrollable category of stressors.  They include things like:
  • Air and water pollution
  • Chemicals in food from radiation, pesticides, herbicides, artificial flavors and preservatives 
  • Lawn chemicals
  • Heavy metal exposure from contaminated water, vaccines, amalgam fillings, wood stains and pipes
  • New building chemicals (from paints and carpets)
  • Vehicle exhaust
  • “Off-gassing” from chemicals on hardware stores shelves
Nutritional deficiencies
Your immune system must have adequate nutrition in order to function and protect you.

That means getting a variety of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and phytonutrients from real foods.

But the nutrition issue is a double-edged sword. 

You see, not getting needed nutrients is bad enough, but if you aren’t eating real foods, that likely means you are eating processed or fast foods.

Not only do these “foods-stuffs” not nourish you, but they can feed the harmful bacteria in your gut (where 70 percent of your immune system resides).  Eventually the harmful bacteria can overpower your friendly flora, which can hamper your immune functioning.

In addition, they can also lead to poor digestion, which can result in badly digested food molecules seeping into your bloodstream and taunting your immune system into overreacting.  (This is how many allergies and food sensitivities are created.)

Are YOU overloaded?
Now that you’ve seen all the ways you can overload your immune system, you’re probably wondering where you stand.

Well, if you have allergies, an autoimmune condition, get repeated infections and viruses or have a chronic disease, immune overload is practically a GIVEN!

Here are five ways you CAN make a difference in the health of your immune system and encourage it to function more like it’s supposed to. 

The Five Immune Overload Reducers
1- Avoid bad bacteria "chow"
Avoid fast food, processed food, sugars, refined carbs and excessive alcohol consumption.

All of these feed the harmful bacteria in your gut, which makes it easy for them to crowd out your friendly flora and hamper your immune function.  

2- Chill out
Stress causes your body's protective mucosal barrier to become less effective at defending against dangerous pathogens. 

There are many ways to help de-stress: Meditation, regular exercise, taking up a hobby, counseling, deep breathing, prayer, adopting a pet, volunteer work and seminars, to name a few. 

3- Nourish the good guys
It's crucial for the health of your immune system (and your overall health) to eat a nutritious diet that can be efficiently digested.

When you focus on consuming good carbohydrates (like whole grains, vegetables and legumes), get enough fiber, and have healthy sources of fats and proteins, you not only encourage better digestion but also you help nourish all of your immune players! 

The Great Taste No Pain health system can help make this a snap for you.

In Great Taste No Pain, I show you how to choose good, healthy sources of carbs, fats and proteins, and how to structure meals that are more easily digested by your system. 

I also explain the dangers of refined, processed foods and bad fats that are literal poisons to your body (and deadly to your immune system).

4- Take a high quality probiotic supplement
If you want to ensure a strong "gut army" you need to recruit enough troops.

And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets for recruiting the force you need.

Two of the powerhouse strains in Super Shield probiotic formula, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, have been shown to be extremely effective in fighting dangerous microbes.

And Super Shield's 11 other potent strains help keep your intestinal flora in a healthier balance, ready and able to fight off harmful microbes and support your intestinal wall.

Note: If you are on immunosuppressive drugs for an autoimmune condition, be sure to talk to your doctor about probiotics or any other supplements you take. 

5- Get enough B12
In addition to helping your body generate energy and keeping your thinking sharp and clear, vitamin B12 is also essential for a strong immune system.

Problem is, many people are deficient in B12 and don't know it.

And even if you eat food sources of B12, it’s not always easily absorbed in the GI tract.

The best way to help make sure you have enough is to supplement with an oral spray form of B12--like Hydroxaden 2.5.

Each daily dose gives you a full 2.5 mg of B12, comprised of two of the best forms--hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin (the form of B12 most used by your brain).

Recover from immune overload!
By giving your immune system the nutritional support it needs as well as de-stressing, you can help YOUR internal army protect you and keep you feeling great 365 days a year.

Monday, June 29, 2015

10 Tips to stop stress eating

I once saw a funny quote about stress eating that said:  Don’t judge me by my grocery cart.  You have no idea the kind of emotions I’m trying to eat away.

Sadly for many people, stress eating is anything but funny.  It’s a frustrating cycle that is SO hard to break and takes a hefty toll on your health.

But when you understand what is going on with stress eating and take effective steps to overcome it, you can start to break out of that vicious cycle and feel MUCH better.

Let’s first look at…

The price of stress eating
Stress eating takes its toll on your health in many ways, starting with your weight. 

Since most stress eaters reach for refined carbohydrates, not only can this cause you to pack on the pounds, but the repeated influxes of glucose into your bloodstream can eventually make you a candidate for insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.

Plus excess glucose in your bloodstream can irritate the internal layer of your blood vessels and increase your risk of hypertension.

In addition, the sugar from refined carbs feeds the harmful bacteria in your intestinal tract.  This can lead to digestive problems like gas and bloating as well as impair your immune system functioning (since your gut houses 70 percent of your immune system).   

The cycle of stress eating seems pretty straight-forward—get stressed, crave carbs, eat carbs, feel better.

But here is what is really going on:

It’s all in your hormones
Back in our caveman days, when faced with the stress of an enemy or vicious animal, our bodies would release adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones would raise the heart rate, dilate the blood vessels and mobilize fat and carbohydrates as quick energy for the "fight or flight" reaction.

Once the stress was over, adrenaline would subside, but cortisol would remain high to help refuel the body and bring it back to balance.

As a result you’d get a HUGE appetite that would drive you to replace the carbs and fats you used up.
Now our modern day stresses more emotional and psychological. But your body's hormonal reaction to those stresses is the same.

So that’s why the intense cravings are hitting you, especially for carbohydrates.

The effects of chronic stress
When you're under chronic stress, your cortisol levels are raised and remain high. This creates a buildup of abdominal fat (our primitive energy supply)—so that’s when you may see the emergence of a spare tire or muffin top.

In addition to GI symptoms, depressed immune function and blood sugar problems, chronic stress can also cause low thyroid function, impaired memory and concentration, adrenal fatigue and eventually chronic illness.

Break the stress eating cycle
Clearly, it's essential to break the cycle of stress eating and chronic stress.
First and foremost, you’ve got to address what is causing your stress and do as much as you can to eliminate it.

And as far as stress eating goes, here are 10 strategies for safely and naturally conquering those cravings and fighting the physical effects of stress:

1) Wait 10 minutes before caving
If you can distract yourself by answering an email, doing a load of laundry, making a phone call, feeding the cat or running an errand, your craving may pass.

 2) NEVER skip meals
Hunger can trigger intense cravings for sugar, so be sure to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. If you are busy and miss a meal, snack on protein foods like meat, cheese or nuts.

3) Eat fruits and vegetables
Fresh produce is full of antioxidants and phytochemicals that eliminate the free radicals caused by stress.

4) Support your adrenals
Being in a prolonged state of stress and adrenal overload depletes your body of its vitamins and minerals.  Plus your cells become unable to function properly, hypoglycemia can set in as well as an overall weakening of all of the major organs of the body.

Dr. Salerno’s Adrenal Factor can help provide the nutritional support you need to keep your adrenal glands healthy and help prevent adrenal burn-out.

5) Turn off the TV and computer
TV and computer ads expose you to endless numbers of food commercials that are specifically designed to trigger cravings.

6) Get enough Zzzz’s
Fatigue and sleep deprivation lead to carb cravings because glucose is our primary source of energy, and carbs are converted rapidly to glucose. 

The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep per night.
7) Move your body—more than to the refrigerator and back
Exercise counteracts stress and cravings by releasing endorphins, the hormones that produce calm, feel-good feelings.

It's not necessary to join a gym or buy expensive equipment.  Even brisk walking is fine, and nearly everyone can do that.  Get your doctor’s OK and get moving.

8) Drink enough water
Many people mistake thirst for hunger, so what may seem like a craving could be your body telling you to drink more water.

You should aim to drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses water a day. 

9) Eat foods with anti-stress nutrients
These include foods with Vitamins A, B6, C and E as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc. Here are some good sources of each:
  •     Vitamin A: Carrots, sweet potatoes, greens, bell peppers
  •     Vitamin B6: Bananas, salmon, potatoes, chicken, turkey and spinach
  •     Vitamin C: Strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oranges, cauliflower
  •     Vitamin E: Sunflower seeds, almonds, olives, spinach, blueberries, greens
  •     Potassium: Yams, spinach, avocado, lentils, winter squash, bananas
  •     Magnesium: Black beans, navy beans, salmon, spinach, sesame seeds, halibut
  •     Calcium: Greens, sesame seeds, dairy
  •     Zinc: Lean beef or lamb, turkey, green peas, shrimp, sesame seeds

10) Support your gut health
Stress throws your intestinal flora balance completely out of whack and compromises your immune system. This makes you susceptible to every bug, cold, virus or infection around, and weakens your body’s ability to fight diseases like cancer.

So it's essential to make sure your body has the levels of beneficial bacteria that it needs to counteract the effects of stress and keep you healthy.

In addition to eating foods that nourish your army of good guys (like fresh vegetables) it's helpful to supplement with a potent probiotic product.

Super Shield's 13 strains of potent beneficial bacteria are feisty and ready to claim their place on your intestinal walls, helping to fight off harmful bacteria and pathogens and beef up your immune system.
In addition, these good guys can also help enhance nutrient absorption, which is critical to help avoid food cravings.

When you can safely and naturally counteract stress eating, you can make a tremendous difference in your health and weight well into your golden years!

Friday, June 26, 2015

7 Ways to beat a summer cold

Summer is a fun time with weddings, graduations, vacations, clam bakes, barbecues, family reunions and back yard parties.

Unfortunately, summertime is also a common time for people to get SICK!  Many of us are stressed with multiple commitments, traveling on germ-loaded airplanes, lacking sleep, eating not-so-healthy foods and drinking more alcohol than usual…all of which depress your immune system functioning and invite a cold to come knocking.

But the good news is there are seven very effective measures you can take to help your body fight off a cold or other respiratory infection: 

Cold Fighting Strategy #1: Vitamin C 
Vitamin C boosts your immune system by helping to increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies.  It also increases your level of interferon, which is the antibody that coats cell surfaces, preventing the entry of viruses.

Good sources include parsley, broccoli, bell peppers, avocado, strawberries, oranges, lemon juice, papaya, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens and Brussels sprouts.

 You can also buy Vitamin C supplements just about anywhere.  2,000-3,000 mg a day is the typical suggested dosage.

Cold Fighting Strategy #2: Vitamin E
Although it's not as popular as Vitamin C, Vitamin E plays an important role in the health of your immune system too.

The main cells of your immune system are T cells and B cells.  Helper T cells patrol your body, waiting to attack a dangerous invader.  Regulatory T cells protect your healthy cells.  And B cells create antibodies when you do get sick to help prevent that sickness from entering again. 

As you age, your T cells and B cells don't work as well as they used to, so your immune system is weaker.  But Vitamin E has been shown in studies to significantly increase T cell and B cell activity, thereby making your immune system stronger. 

Good sources are spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, mustard greens, cayenne pepper, almonds, sunflower seeds, asparagus and bell peppers. 

Vitamin E supplements are also readily available.  400- 600 IUs per day is recommended.

Cold Fighting Strategy #3: Garlic
Garlic is a natural immune system booster.  It stimulates the production of infection-fighting white cells and enhances the efficiency of antibody production.

There's a catch, though:  To get the full benefits of garlic, you have to eat it raw.

Typical garlic pills, tablets, oils and capsules, especially the odorless ones, usually have had the active enzymes in the garlic that provide the health benefits processed out.

But never fear--there are a great many ways to enjoy garlic and get its full immune system charge (more on that below).

Cold Fighting Strategy #4: Oregano
The oils in this delicious spice include thymol and carvacrol, both of which have been shown to inhibit the growth of dangerous bacteria.
In addition to enjoying oregano in Italian and Mediterranean dishes, oil of oregano is also available at health food stores and many grocery stores.

Plus here is a recipe for a delicious dip that will give you a dose of both garlic AND oregano, plus Vitamin C-rich avocado—you’ll be the hit of the party if you bring this for an appetizer!

Avocado Feta Salsa                                                

  • 1 large avocado, chopped
  • 2 plum tomatoes, diced
  • 1/4 cup red onion, chopped
  • 1-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh oregano, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 4 oz. crumbled Feta cheese

Chop avocado and tomato in a large bowl. Add next 6 ingredients. Toss to coat, then fold in Feta cheese.

Serve with raw vegetable dippers or organic tortilla chips.

Cold Fighting Strategy #5: Zinc
Similar to garlic, this powerhouse mineral increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells, and helps white cells release more antibodies.

Good sources of zinc include beef, oysters, crab, turkey, scallops, oats, yogurt, venison and spinach.

Note that although zinc supplements and lozenges are available, too much zinc can backfire on you and inhibit your immune system.  It's best to aim for 15-25 mg a day which you can easily get from a healthy diet.

Cold Fighting Strategy #6: Probiotics
Nothing enhances your immune system like a healthy dose of the same beneficial bacteria that reside in your gut and house about 70 percent of that immune system!

The key is taking a probiotic supplement that has a wide variety of bacteria to help you in different ways.

Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is your ticket here.

Super Shield contains 13 potent strains of beneficial bacteria, each of which has its own specialty on how it enhances your health and helps strengthen your immune system to better fight colds and many other illnesses and diseases too!

Cold Fighting Strategy #7: Eating real foods
You can take all the immune-enhancing supplements on the planet, but if your diet is poor, you're cutting your own throat in these 3 ways:
  • A poor diet creates excessive acid waste in your body, which impairs nutrient absorption. So any supplements you do take can pass right through you.
  • A poor diet (especially refined carbs) nourishes the harmful bacteria in your gut, while starving the helpful ones. This can make your immune system function practically non-existent.
  • A poor diet also encourages an acidic pH. When your body is in a state of acidity, it can't effectively heal itself or fight illnesses.
Now, if you think having a healthy diet sounds about as exciting as watching grass grow, you're in luck.

Because the Great Taste No Pain system will prove you wrong!

The Great Taste No Pain manuals will teach you how to structure delicious meals featuring real foods that not only taste good but are good FOR you. 

Plus the recipe section is jam-packed with scrumptious dishes, many of which feature immune-enhancing oregano and garlic, as well as natural dietary sources of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc.

And now is the perfect time to get Great Taste No Pain because it’s 15% off! But don’t delay, because the sale ends this Sunday!

Put these 7 Cold Fighting Strategies to work for you and see how good YOU can feel this summer!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

This is more telling than your blood pressure

When evaluating a person’s degree of health (or lack thereof), many different numerical indicators can be a part of the assessment process including:
  • Blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 
  • Total cholesterol below 200 mg/dL.
  • Triglycerides below 150 mg/dL.
  • Fasting blood glucose between 70-100 mg/dL.
  • BMI (body mass index) of 18.5 to 24.9
But one of the most telling indicators of your level of health is your blood pH.  
Here’s why:

Your body’s pH
The term pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is.  Zero is pure acid, 7 is neutral and 14 is pure alkaline.

The pH ranges of the human body vary according to the specific body area in question:

The pH of your mouth and saliva is alkaline at about 7.1 – 7.4. 

In the stomach, things are more acidic.  The pH inside your stomach is typically in the 1.2 – 4.5 range. 

In the small intestine the environment becomes alkaline again.  In the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) the pH goes up to 6, and eventually further down in the jejunum it reaches an alkaline level of about 7.4.

In the colon (large intestine), the pH again swings to the acidic range.  The typical pH range for the colon is 5.7 – 6.7.

But the optimal pH of the blood is a much more narrow and specific range.  Ideal blood pH is slightly alkaline between 7.3 and 7.4, with 7.365 being the target number. 

The importance of the right blood pH
Maintaining a slightly alkaline blood pH within the 7.3--7.4 range is crucial.  All of your cells, tissues, bones, joints and organs are better able to function as they were designed to when they are nourished by blood with a pH of about 7.365.

When your blood pH dips down toward the acid range, that's when your body can literally begin to break down (a condition called acidosis). The cells become sluggish and unable carry out proper metabolism.  Wastes begin to build up in the cells and toxins aren't excreted like they should be. Cellular messages are not sent and received and nutrients can’t be properly used.

Eventually irritation then inflammation can result, tumor cells can thrive, chronic aches and pains can manifest and the body can ultimately become an environment that is hospitable to sickness and disease.

Note that having a blood pH that is too alkaline (called alkalosis) is similarly harmful.  When blood pH exceeds 7.8, the following symptoms may manifest:
  • Confusion (that can progress to stupor or coma)
  • Hand tremor
  • Light-headedness
  • Muscle twitching
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Numbness or tingling in the face, hands, or feet
  • Prolonged muscle spasms (tetany)
However, alkalosis is extremely rare and is typically the result of kidney malfunction, prolonged vomiting and/or hyperventilation.

4 steps to a healthy pH
Here are 4 steps to help make sure your blood pH stays in the range that will help YOU to stay healthy!

Step 1- Check your pH at regular intervals
In order to know where you may be starting from, as well as to properly monitor changes in your pH in the future, it’s important to check your pH at regular intervals.  There are three options to measure pH—through the saliva, the urine and the blood.

At-home saliva or urine test kits may be obtained at many drug stores and health food stores.  A blood test must be performed by a physician. 

Desirable ranges for the various forms of testing are as follows:
  • Saliva: 7.0 - 7.4. 
  • Urine: 6.5 - 6.8 
  • Blood: The ideal number is 7.365, although any value between 7.3 and 7.4 is a good sign.  

Step 2- Drink pure water
You should be drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of pure water a day at a minimum, and even more if you are:
  • Exercising
  • Working outdoors in hot weather
  • Over age 65
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Prone to heavy menstrual periods
Step 3- Incorporate sources of Vitamin C into your diet
Among its numerous health benefits, Vitamin C has been shown to help promote alkalinity in the body.  Good food sources of this crucial antioxidant include bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries, cauliflower, lemon juice, romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, kale, kiwifruit, oranges, grapefruit, cabbage, tomatoes, raspberries, asparagus, celery, spinach, pineapple, green beans and summer squash.

Step 4- Help promote efficient digestion
Efficient digestion is crucial to the removal of acid wastes from the body as well as the proper assimilation and absorption of nutrients. 

The Great Taste No Pain system can guide you on how to pair foods together to ease the digestive burden on your system, help all of your foods to be broken down like they should be, and support your body in clearing out wastes.

Great Taste No Pain gives you meal planning guides as well as a collection of outstanding recipes that will soon become your family’s favorites. 

In addition, you’ll get a wealth of important up-to-the-minute health information so you can make informed decisions on what is right for your family (versus being misled by the confusing or false claims made by food companies).

And now that Great Taste No Pain is 15% off, it’s the perfect time to get this valuable health system and see what a difference the right diet can make in YOUR health!

But don’t delay!  Because the sale is ending soon.

Efficient digestion is also a reflection of your body’s ability to create enzymes…and if you’ve had a less-than-stellar diet for quite a while, chances are good you may need a little enzyme boost.

Digestizol Max can help give your body the support it needs to break down all of your foods.

Its blend of 15 plant-derived enzymes (making it suitable for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike) go right to work on breaking down every kind of food you can eat.

Not only can this help support better digestion and nutrient absorption, but it can also reduce gas and bloating too!

Remember, a lot of “numbers” are telltale signs of your level of health—and pH is one of the most important!

Do what you can to help keep yours where it should be for optimal health.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Why a healthy diet might not keep you healthy

Before I get into today’s topic is I would like to announce that for a limited time only, the new second edition of Great Taste No Pain is 15% off!

This beautiful new second edition gives you a wider variety of delicious recipes and important information about refined carbs, which fats are good (and which ones to avoid!), the importance of balancing your pH, the dangers of GMOs and much more!

Why a healthy diet might not keep you healthy
I don’t think I’ll be shocking you out of your chair today if I say that a proper diet is THE #1 key to help ensure that you are healthy (and even make it into) your golden years.’s something you might be surprised to hear me say.

Sometimes a healthy might not keep you healthy!

Sickness often occurs even though you may have what most people would consider a perfectly nutritious diet.

"Why?" you may ask.

Well, there are several reasons:

The air that I breathe...
One of the most common is environmental factors that are out completely of your control.

Toxins are all around us--in our food, air, personal care products, water supply, lawn and workplace.

They can accumulate in your body (especially in your fat cells), making your body's pH more acidic, which makes it easier for disease to flourish inside of you, regardless of the health enhancing foods you eat.

Try to limit your exposure as much as you can.  Buy organic meat and produce whenever possible, look for natural laundry and cleaning products, avoid drinking tap water and search out organic fertilizers.

Even a few minor changes can help dramatically curb your toxic exposure.

Stress wreaks havoc on your digestion and your immune system.

That’s why you may find yourself getting sickness after sickness during times of stress—your body literally cannot fight off bacterial infections or viruses as well.
Plus your immune system also protects you from dangerous diseases like cancer…so being under chronic stress can even have a deadly price.

Take advantage of whatever stress relief options are available to you.  Your health and quite possibly your life may depend on it.

What you drink matters too
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is for me as a nutritionist when I see someone eating a healthy, nutritious meal and washing it down with a soda.

Remember that drinks count too—so ditch the soda (whether diet or regular), drink alcohol only in moderation, limit your coffee consumption and make water your #1 beverage of choice as much as possible.

Medications—both OTC and Rx
Another big factor that can undo the positive effects of a healthy diet is medications.

Remember that, even though some medications can be helpful and even life-saving, they also throw your body out of balance, wreaking havoc with your major organs, blood and nervous system.

They're chemicals that we were not designed by Nature to be able to assimilate.

One of the big health costs of medications is the fact that they affect other areas of your body over and above what they were intended to "treat."  There are ALWAYS side-effects.

If you are on any medications, talk to your doctor about alternatives, reducing your dose, or maybe even eventually weaning off them altogether.  And if your doctor refuses to discuss the matter with you, find one who will.  There are a good number of truly caring doctors who are more than happy to answer your questions and ease your concerns.

Lack of exercise
Exercise is crucial if you want even a remote chance of living a life free of sickness and pain.

Here are just a few benefits of regular exercise that you can’t always get from a healthy diet alone:
  • Weight control
  • Heart disease prevention
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Blood sugar control
  • Easing aches and pains
  • Building bone mass
  • Improve digestion and bowel movements
  • Boost energy
  • Better sleep
  • Improve your mood
  • Ease anxiety
  • Reduce stress
  • Prevent cognitive decline
So, if your sneakers and feet have been strangers for quite a while, or your treadmill has become a funky-looking clothes rack, it’s time to change that.  Get your doctor’s nod of approval and get moving.

It all starts here
Even though there are many things you can do to help keep your body free of sickness and disease, it all comes back to this:

Your health starts with what you put in your body.  No matter how much you exercise or reduce stress or avoid toxins, you absolutely CANNOT expect to feel your best without eating enough nutritious foods and helping to keep digestion efficient so you can actually absorb the nutrients you’re taking in.

That's why the Great Taste No Pain health system is THE primary step to help get the nutrients you need, help keep your pH more alkaline, clear excess wastes and help get your systems working the way they're supposed to.

And the best part is, eating for excellent health has never tasted so delicious!
Now you can embrace the power of the right diet AND save money because for a limited time, Great Taste No Pain is 15% off!

Don’t forget the helpers down below!
It’s also crucial to make sure you consistently maintain a healthy intestinal flora balance.

Your friendly gut bacteria house 70 percent of your immune system—that alone should give you a clue how important they are,

They also help digest certain carbs and fibers, they keep harmful microbes and yeasts under control, they manufacture vitamins, they eat excess cholesterol and they help keep your bowel movements smooth and regular.

Definitely not something you want to be without!

And since SO many factors other than diet can affect your gut flora (especially guilty are stress, antibiotics and acid reducers, smoking and losing sleep), it's helpful to take a quality probiotic supplement like Super Shield daily.

The 13 top-shelf strains of friendly bacteria in Super Shield are potent and ready to make their home along your intestinal walls, fighting, crowding out and overcoming harmful bacteria.

This can help keep your gut wall strong, help make digestion smoother and support your immune system as well.

The unbeatable combination of Great Taste No Pain and Super Shield can be your ticket to feeling great next week, next year and many, many years to come!

Get on the track to a healthy diet now, because Great Taste No Pain is 15% off!
But don’t delay—because this special offer ends on Sunday, June 28th at 11:59 pm EST.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

6 Steps to diabetes (& 5 ways to stop it)

Contrary to popular belief, rarely does a person wake up one day and ZAP! They suddenly get a disease.

Even though getting “the news” that you have a disease can be shocking, trust me, it’s no surprise to your body.  Disease is created over time, and one disease that has a very definitive development path is Type 2 diabetes.

Let’s take a look at the six steps to diabetes, as well as five ways you can help stop it.

The six steps to diabetes
Here are the six steps that will lead you from normal metabolism and blood sugar levels to full-blown Type 2 diabetes:

Step 1-Insulin resistance
The typical foods in the Standard American Diet are highly processed refined carbs which turn to sugar upon digestion and flood your bloodstream with glucose. 

And many people are taking in excessive amounts of refined carbs, causing the pancreas to have to repeatedly secrete insulin. 

Eventually the cells become like a soaked sponge—they can’t absorb any more glucose so they turn off their receptors for insulin—known as insulin resistance.

So if your four food groups are pasta, bread, chips and cookies and your beverage of choice is soda, you may have insulin resistance in the making.

Step 2- Insulin resistance with hyperinsulinism
Once insulin resistance hits, the insulin the pancreas produces isn’t as effective anymore. 

So it must release MORE insulin and you may be facing elevated glucose AND elevated insulin.
At this point you start to experience your blood sugar level starting to roller coaster after eating—with spikes followed by drops. 

If you eat lots of refined carbs and get jittery when you haven’t eaten for a while, insulin resistance with hyperinsulinism may be brewing.

Step 3-Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinism and low blood sugar
As time goes on and your blood levels of insulin and glucose are consistently high, the roller coaster in your blood sugar level will become more dramatic.

Your pancreas takes even longer to produce insulin after you eat and your blood sugar level skyrockets.  When it eventually kicks in, your blood sugar plummets. 

This is called reactive hypoglycemia and if you’re noticing any of these symptoms, it may be a concern for you:
  • Weight gain
  • Sugar cravings
  • Intense hunger
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling anxious or panicky
  • Lacking focus or motivation
  • Fatigue

Step 4- Prediabetes
Eventually your blood sugar roller coaster will cause your sugar level to start peaking above the normal range and you will reach prediabetes.

You may experience sleepiness a couple of hours after a carbohydrate meal, along with the symptoms of hypoglycemia I mentioned above. 

Step 5- Type 2 diabetes with insulin resistance and high insulin production
In this stage your blood sugar level becomes more frequently elevated.  Your pancreas is still producing insulin, but it’s getting slower and slower.  This creates dangerously high glucose levels after eating.

Step 6- Type 2 diabetes with little or no insulin production
At this stage the pancreas is exhausted—its beta cells become dysfunctional and can no longer produce adequate insulin or any at all. 

Your blood sugar levels are more consistently high for longer periods of time—even after fasting.

Symptoms can include:
  • Increased thirst 
  • Increased hunger
  • Frequent urination
  • Weight gain
  • Blurred vision

Change your path—it’s never too late!
No matter what step of Type 2 diabetes you may have reached, the condition is very preventable, and there is a whole LOT you can do to help keep it under control and even turn it around!

Here are five effective strategies that can make a HUGE difference in your blood sugar level:

1- Eat for diabetes prevention and control
Real foods such as legumes, fatty fish, onions, tomatoes and whole grains have been shown to be very helpful in preventing and controlling diabetes.

Plus having sound digestion means better elimination of acid wastes and a healthier pH.  This is especially important to diabetics and pre-diabetics, since your pancreas is VERY sensitive to pH. 
The Great Taste No Pain system will guide you all the way in this crucial step.

The Great Taste No Pain recipes feature loads of easy, delicious dishes featuring nourishing real foods, including the diabetes-fighting foods I mentioned above.

Plus Great Taste No Pain shows you how to put together meals that not only taste spectacular but can be more easily digested!

2- Consider supplementing with helpful nutrients
The following nutrients have been shown to be helpful with blood sugar control.  (Be sure to let your doctor know what supplements you are taking.)
  • Coenzyme Q-10: CoQ10 plays an important role in energy production in your body.  Usual doses are 100-300 mg per day.
  • Alpha lipoic acid: This antioxidant assists your body in using glucose, and neutralizes free radicals in your body that are involved in insulin resistance.  Recommended doses are 600 – 1,000 mg a day.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium helps lower blood glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity.  Doses are 500 – 750 mg each day. 

3- Consider supplementing with Omega-3 EFAs
Omega-3 EFAs provide crucial support to your metabolism including maintaining proper insulin levels.

And for a high-quality, Omega-3 fish oil supplement, VitalMega-3 is just what you need.

Each 2 capsule a day serving provides 2,000 mg of pure, top-quality fish oil including 1,000 mg of EPA and DHA (the very necessary Omega-3 fatty acids) in the 3:2 ratio recommended by most experts.

4- Get regular exercise
Exercise helps you lose weight and increases the ratio of muscle to fat in your body.  The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn more glucose. 

In addition, the more muscle you have, the more responsive your body is to insulin!
Get your doctor’s OK and get moving.

5- Support your immune system
Colds, flu and infections can send your blood glucose soaring through the roof, and your best protection against sickness is to have a strong and sharp immune system

Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets for beefing up your population of friendly, helpful bacteria that will help encourage strong immune function.

Two of the powerhouse strains in Super Shield probiotic formula, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, have been shown to be extremely effective in fighting many dangerous microbes that may be lurking inside of you.

And Super Shield’s other 11 strains each have their own unique specialty in terms of helping with digestion and enhancing immune function.

If you’re on the path to diabetes, you can help turn that around now.

By giving your body the proper support, you are making tremendous strides toward keeping diabetes (and many other diseases!) far away from you.

Monday, June 22, 2015

How obesity increases cancer risk

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last several decades you’re aware that smoking causes cancer.

Plus a good number of other carcinogens in our environment have been identified including asbestos, heavy metals, radon, plutonium, radiation, various chemicals, engine exhaust, and even chemotherapy drugs!

Certain infections and viruses also have a strong association with cancer including:
  • H. Pylori infection
  • Human papilloma virus (HPV)
  • Hepatitis B and C viruses
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Human herpesvirus 8 (also known as Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus)
  • Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1
Well, there’s a new member of the “Associated with Cancer Club” that potentially affects about one out of three people.


Here’s the scoop:

Obesity and cancer—more than a coincidence
A study published in The Lancet Oncology has shown that obesity is associated with close to 500,000 new cancer cases worldwide each year.

The highest number of obesity-related cancers was in North America, with more than 110,000 (23 percent of the worldwide total), while the lowest number was in sub-Saharan Africa, with 7,300 cases (1.5 percent of the global total).

Women have more than double the risk of men.  The analysis of the data showed that excess weight was associated with 345,000 new cancers in women in 2012, as compared to 136,000 new cancers in men during 2012.

It ain’t no surprise
It’s been a well-known fact that obesity is associated with back and joint problems and is part of the “perfect storm” of conditions known as metabolic syndrome which increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Yet the obesity-cancer association may have some people scratching their heads.

Well, let me enlighten you because the link between obesity and cancer is anything but a surprise.

Obesity-cancer connection #1: Sugar
Consistently elevated blood sugar (frequently seen in obese people) causes repeated releases of insulin from the pancreas, and if blood sugar and insulin levels remain elevated for a long time, it can lead to inflammation. 

Tumor cells use inflammation as a signal to multiply—and that especially includes malignant tumors.

In addition, sugar also feeds the harmful bacteria in your gut and can cause them to overcome your friendly bacteria.  When this happens, your immune system is greatly hampered.

Since your immune system protects you against cancer, that also increases your risk. 

Obesity-cancer connection #2: Salt
H. pylori infection (the infection that causes most ulcers) is associated with increased cancer risk.

Well, that risk shoots up exponentially when people with H. pylori also have a high-salt diet!

A study done at Vanderbilt University showed an explosive increase in stomach cancer risk for people who have H. pylori and eat a high salt diet (especially fast and processed foods—and sadly, this is the typical diet of a large number of obese people).

Obesity-cancer connection #3: Fiber
In addition to being loaded with sugar and salt, the Standard American Diet which is typical to many obese and overweight people is also severely lacking in fiber.

It’s a known fact that fiber is associated with a decreased risk of cancers, especially colon cancer. 

This is the reason why Sub-Saharan Africa showed the lowest incidence of obesity-related cancers like I mentioned above.  The traditional African diet is loaded with fiber, so their low cancer rate should be no surprise.

Potential life-saving measures you can take
If you are overweight or obese, or just want to decrease your overall cancer risk, here are four very important, natural life-saving measures you can take:

Step 1:  Keep it real
When you have a diet of real foods, not only are you helping your body to get all the crucial nutrients it so desperately needs to keep you healthy and strong, but you are also inherently limiting your salt and sugar intake and most importantly, naturally upping your fiber intake as well!

And the Great Taste No Pain system can guide you in achieving this very important goal.
(Or if you're gluten sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten.)

Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you the easy steps on how to create luscious meals using nutritious REAL foods that you and your family will positively love.

And both systems show you how to pair foods together (known as food combining) to help encourage better digestion. 

When your foods are more thoroughly broken down like they should be, this encourages better nutrient absorption and more regular bowel movements. 

In other words, you can help your body become a far less attractive home for sickness and disease to fester.

In addition, better nourishment and the lower calorie intake from real foods can also help you drop excess weight and keep it off.

Step 2:  Balance your intestinal flora
For anyone who has had a typical processed food diet, chances are excellent that the beneficial bacteria in your gut have taken a hit and are outnumbered by harmful bacteria (a condition known as dysbiosis).

That can eventually lead to a weakened immune system, impaired digestion, poor nutrient absorption and anything-but-regular bowel movements.

All calling cards for cancer to come knocking!

But you can help replenish your supply of friendly bacteria by supplementing with a high quality probiotic formula like Super Shield.

Super Shield contains 13 strains of potent, top-grade probiotic bacteria.  These little powerhouses go to work immediately in your gut, helping to beef up your population of beneficial, disease-fighting bacteria, strengthening your gut wall, enhancing digestion and crowding out harmful pathogens.

And if H. pylori is a problem for you, Super Shield is your ticket!

Studies have established that certain Lactobacillus strains -- L. acidophilus, L. salivarius and L. casei -- can help DESTROY H. pylori!

And all three of those strains are in Super Shield.

Step 3: Move it
Nothing helps you shed excess pounds and expel disease-causing toxic wastes better than regular exercise.

Stop making excuses not to exercise.  Instead get your doc’s OK (especially if exercise has not been a part of your life for a while or ever) and get your derriere moving.

Step 4: Get enough anti-inflammatory Omega-3 EFAs
Inflammation is an instigator behind cancer and can signal tumor cells to multiply.

Unfortunately, our Standard American Diet happens to be anemic when it comes to inflammation-fighting Omega-3 essential fatty acids.  At the same time, we are getting inundated with inflammation-causing Omega-6 EFA from our diets.

But a high quality, Omega-3 oil formula like VitalMega-3 can help you achieve the very important goal of getting enough of Nature’s anti-inflammatories.

Just 2 capsules a day gives you a healthy 2,000 mg of the purest, medical grade fish oil including 1,200 mg EPA, DHA and other inflammation-taming Omega-3 fatty acids. 

Fight back against the frightening risks and factors behind cancer and other diseases. You CAN beat the odds.

Start now!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Why you should ditch antibacterial products

We Americans are a major germ-adverse society.

Dispensers of hand sanitizers or wipes are everywhere.  Plus the sales of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizing gels have exploded over the last 10 years.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to minimize your chances of getting sick.

But not only are these “germ-fighting” products not all they’re cracked up to be, but they’re making the situation worse and making it more likely that you will, in fact, get sick!

Here’s what I mean…let’s first look at:

Your awesome immune system
Your immune system is an intricate network of cells, tissues and chemical messengers that is designed to protect your body against sickness and disease.

You develop natural immunity as your immune system “learns” which bacteria and other microbes are dangerous “foes” and a threat to your health.  It develops a “memory” and remembers what it learned so it can protect you in the future when faced with that “foe” again.

Developing immunity is a very complex, multi-step process that starts by exposure to the microbe or substance through a bodily orifice—such as the mouth, airway, skin or genitals.  Then the millions of players in your immune system go through an impressive series of steps to learn and recognize what you have just ingested, and most importantly, to destroy it now and in the future. 

But when this perfectly designed process is interfered with, that’s when your immunity is not developed as it should be (or at all).

Fewer bacteria = weaker immune systems
By attempting to completely wipe bacteria out of our existence, we are cutting our own throats.

First of all, bacteria are extremely intelligent and will always out-evolve whatever is trying to destroy them.  That’s why we’re seeing increasing numbers of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are becoming more and more deadly.  If they can outsmart antibiotics, they can easily get past our antibacterial hand soap too.

Plus by trying to germ-proof our world, we are not exposing our immune systems to bacteria and microbes and allowing them to develop natural immunity—instead we are in effect encasing our immune systems in a sort of “plastic bubble,” preventing them from functioning as they should, and as a result making ourselves MORE susceptible to illness in the long run!

Why antibacterial products are not the answer
Not only are antibacterial products a player in the “rise of the superbugs,” but some of the ingredients commonly used in these products are being shown in studies to potentially be harmful to your health.

About 75 percent of liquid antibacterial soaps use a chemical substance called triclosan. It’s also been used in hand wipes, hand sanitizer gels and even kitchen cutting boards as we attempt to decimate the bacteria in our environment. 

But the use of triclosan in these products has never been fully evaluated by the FDA…which means there are potentially millions of guinea pigs out there.

And unfortunately, studies are showing that it may be harmful.  A number of studies have found that in animals, triclosan appears to interfere with the body's regulation of thyroid hormone.  If this carries over to humans, it may potentially lead to health issues such as infertility, obesity and cancer.

In addition, there's evidence that children with prolonged exposure to triclosan have a higher chance of developing allergies, including peanut allergies and hay fever.

Parabens are also a concern.  These substances are found in many personal care products such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soaps and hand sanitizers.  Common names include: ethylparaben, butylparaben, methylparaben and propylparaben.

Parabens are linked to endocrine disruption, skin irritation and cancer.

And last but not least, antibacterial soaps have not been shown to be any more effective than plain old “regular” soap and water!

A smart approach
Instead of putting forth futile efforts trying to eradicate bacteria and germs from your environment (while you make them stronger and you sicker!) a smart approach is to keep yourself clean the good old fashioned way and pamper your immune system so it can develop and protect you!

First of all, washing with soap and warm water is all you need to clean away germs and bacteria from your hands.  Work up a good lather and wash for 20 seconds.

And to pamper your immune system, nothing beats the top three immune-supportive supplements—vitamin D, probiotics and vitamin B12! 

Here’s the scoop on each of those:

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D helps regulate your immune system activity by helping to prevent excessive, inflammatory immune responses (such as those seen in allergies and autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s, colitis, Type 1 diabetes and Graves’ disease).

Your body produces Vitamin D when you’re exposed to sunlight.  But since many people shun the sun and others have limited sunlight (such as those in the northeast), supplementation is wise for most people.

And one of the top vitamin D supplements in existence is Dr. Salerno’s Vitamin D-K Factor!
In addition to getting 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 in each capsule, you’ll also get 45 mcg of vitamin K2 which provides additional support for healthy bones and a strong cardiovascular system too!

And now is the perfect time to put the immune-supportive power of vitamin D to work for you, because Vitamin D-K Factor is $5 off per bottle!

But don’t delay! Because this special offer ends on Sunday,June 21st at 11:59 pm EST.

Since 70 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, it's essential to make sure that you have a healthy population of beneficial bacteria lining your gut wall. 

For a probiotic supplement that can help beef up your supply of these microscopic good guys, Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets.

One of Super Shield's 13 superior friendly bacteria strains, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, has been shown to stimulate immune antibody production.

In addition, Super Shield also contains Bifidobacteria Lactis, which has high adhesion to human mucus.  That means it will stick to your colon wall, which helps keep dangerous toxins and bacteria from leaking out into your bloodstream and making you SICK.

Vitamin B12:
Vitamin B12 is crucial for the formation of red and white blood cells, which help boost your immune function. 

But B12 is it’s not always easily absorbed through the GI you may be getting far less than you think, even if you take B12 pills.

So supplementation with a form of B12 that bypasses the shortcomings of the GI tract can be helpful to many people.

Your ticket here is an oral B12 spray like Hydroxaden 2.5.

Hydroxaden 2.5 is a convenient way to get supplemental B12.  Just 5 sprays under your tongue provides 2.5 mg of B12, and since it's designed to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucus membranes in your mouth, the concerns with GI tract are avoided.  
Engage the power of your body’s natural sickness-fighting and prevention capability and I’m sure you’ll see a difference in how YOU feel.