
Friday, July 31, 2015

Just one of these a day can kill you

People often ask me if their poor diet choices are “really that bad.”

Clearly they know what they’re eating or drinking probably isn’t good, but they’re hoping for “nutrition forgiveness.”

This especially applies to soda!  I can’t tell you the number of people that have said to me, “I only drink one soda a day.  That can’t be so bad!”

Well, here’s what you need to know about soda and you can decide if just one a day is OK.

The more obvious issues
Drinking soda is associated with Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

You can thank the high fructose corn syrup in soda for that.  Plus the HFCS is made from GMO corn to boot, so you’re also a guinea pig taking in lots of Franken-corn.

In addition, high blood glucose and excess weight is the perfect calling card for heart or kidney disease to come knocking at your door.

Now, the HFCS in soda isn’t the only concern here--the phosphoric acid does its share of damage too. 

Acid of any kind has a direct effect on the functioning of your kidneys.  It’s their job to filter acid wastes out of your bloodstream and create urine to excrete them, and the more you subject your kidneys to the acid barrage of soda, the more stressed they become.

Plus your body also uses its own alkaline minerals to neutralize the acid in your bloodstream. 
Over time this can lead to mineral deficiency conditions like osteoporosis, tooth decay, brittle, porous bones that fracture easily and weak muscles. 

Is diet soda any better?
You may be wondering if diet soda is any better.

For starters, diet soda is just as acidic as regular soda.  So you’re still harming your kidneys and depleting your body’s minerals with every sip.

Although diet soda doesn’t contain HFCS, it does have artificial sweeteners which have been linked to a variety of health problems including:
  • Migraines; headaches
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Vision problems
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Hypertension
  • Increased irritability or agitation
  • Worsening PMS symptoms
  • Anxiety
Plus artificial sweeteners create a hormonal response in your body that increases your cravings for sweets and refined carbohydrates. 

That doesn’t sound like a “diet” to me.

Plus people who drink diet sodas can be tricked into thinking they can have more leeway on other calories they take in because they’re saving calories with diet soda.

This can blow up in your face and lead to overeating and weight gain.

The not-so-obvious issues
Here are four other dangers of drinking soda that are showing up in many research studies:

1- Caramel color = cancer
Most cola manufacturers use “caramel color” to make their sodas brown.

But two contaminants found in caramel coloring (2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole) have been shown to cause cancer in animals.

What’s crazy about this is that the caramel coloring isn’t even a necessary ingredient that impacts the taste of the soda—it’s for color only!  So the cancer risk is completely avoidable if the manufacturers cared enough to eliminate it.

And with caramel color, a little WILL hurt.

According to California's Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause cancer, just 16 micrograms per person per day of 4-methylimidazole is enough to pose a cancer threat, and most colas (both diet and regular), contain 200 micrograms in just one 20-ounce bottle.

2- Acid = accelerated aging
In addition to the harmful effects of the phosphoric acid in soda mentioned earlier, you can add dying before your time onto the list.

A study published in a 2010 issue of the FASEB Journal found that the excessive phosphate levels found in soda caused lab rats to die a full five weeks earlier than the rats whose diets had more normal phosphate levels.

3- From the can to your water glass
The artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas are treated by your body as a poison—they can’t be metabolized so they are instead detoxed out of you.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Because once your “excrement” makes its way to wastewater treatment plants, they are not equipped to filter out the sweeteners from the water.

So instead the sweeteners can make their way into our waterways, and eventually into your tap water!
A recent test of 19 municipal water supplies in the US revealed the presence of sucralose in every single one.

4- Do the ‘Dew—you won’t remember a thing
Dentists now have a title for the boatload of cavities they see in kids who drink a lot of Mountain Dew—they call it “Mountain Dew Mouth.”

Well, there’s “Mountain Dew Brain” too.

An ingredient called brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, added to prevent the flavoring from separating from the drink, has been known to cause memory loss and nerve disorders when consumed in large quantities.

It’s also suspected to build up in your body fat and lead to behavioral problems, infertility and lesions on your heart muscle too.

Life after soda
If you’re a soda drinker, hopefully you’ve gotten the idea that you’d be better off drinking dirty motor oil at this point.

Don’t worry--there is life after soda (in more ways than one!).

Better, healthier alternatives to soda are iced herbal teas, water with a splash of fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice and fresh vegetable juices.

If you want to sweeten your iced tea with a non-calorie sweetener or make a low-cal homemade lemonade using fresh-squeezed lemon juice, try using Stevia.  Just look for organic, minimally processed brands.

Soda recovery
The best way to help your body recover from the health toll that soda may have already taken on you is to put the restorative power of nutrition to work for you and help your gut heal.

First—the right foods
When you eat nutritious real foods and encourage sound digestion, you are helping your body to be properly nourished.  This helps keep you feeling satisfied and FAR less likely to snack or overeat.

Plus delicious nourishing foods are inherently lower in calories, so you'll naturally take in fewer calories overall.

Just watch those pounds you packed on from all that soda slide off!

Your elimination channels will be better able to clear wastes without the undue strain from excess acid wastes and artificial sweeteners.

And eating more real foods means avoiding the glucose flood from refined carbs--which can not only help you drop the pounds but also help reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease!

The Great Taste No Pain Health System can help make “soda recovery” easy and delicious for you. 

Great Taste No Pain teaches you all the dangers of bad carbs and sugar, and shows you what foods to pair together in your meals for better digestion.

Plus you’ll get a collection of scrumptious recipes featuring good-for-you foods that are so delicious, you just might find yourself losing your taste for soda and other processed junk!

Note: if you've got gluten issues, Great Taste No Gluten is for you. 

Next-gut recovery
If you've been a soda lover for a while, chances are excellent that all that sugar has caused some major imbalance in your intestinal the point where harmful bacteria can outnumber the beneficial ones. 

Not only can this cause gas and bloating, but it can also weaken your immune system functioning!

The best way to help your gut to recover is to have a healthy diet and repopulate your army of helpful bacteria with a top-quality probiotic supplement like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.

Super Shield was formulated for tough jobs like this—it contains 13 top-notch strains of beneficial bacteria that are eager and ready to combat harmful bacteria, ease gas and bloating, encourage more regular BMs and help support your immune system!

Remember—ANY amount of soda can be harmful. 

But there is life after soda—and it can be very sweet indeed!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Have a sharp mind into your golden years

Many people joke around about age-related forgetfulness or “CRS disease,” but age-related memory loss (dementia) is no laughing matter.

Let’s look at dementia and talk about some very effective ways you can help prevent it or slow it.

As the brain ages
Our brain weight drops by about 10 percent by age 80.  In addition, blood flow to the brain diminishes, neurons and connections die and nerve functions slow down.

But on the plus side, the human brain has great reserve capacity and our brain cells can not only regenerate, but they can grow new dendrites (finger-like connections to other cells that form little electrical “pathways” for brain function).

All the signs of dementia
Common signs of dementia include the following:
  • Memory loss
  • Impaired judgment
  • Difficulties with abstract thinking
  • Faulty reasoning
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Loss of communication skills
  • Disorientation as to time and place
  • Gait, motor and balance problems
  • Neglect of personal care and safety
  • Hallucinations, paranoia, agitation
Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease accounts for as many as 80 percent of all dementia cases. 
It’s typically found in people over age 60; however, there’s been a recent surge in the number of people with early-onset Alzheimer’s. 

It’s not just old age!
When most people think Alzheimer’s, they think “old age” but there’s more to it than that.

Here are some of the not-so-well-known causes:

Three forms of a gene called APOE plus certain other genes (known as SORL1, CLU, CR1, PICALM and TREM2) have been associated with increased risk of Alzheimer’s. 

Heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure
Heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure are all linked to Alzheimer’s.

Decreased blood flow to the brain from these conditions is linked to the formation of the classic plaques and tangles that disrupt brain activity in Alzheimer’s. 

Type 2 diabetes
Your brain needs glucose to function properly, and when there is impaired glucose function with Type 2 diabetes, it can damage brain cells.  Plus high blood sugar causes inflammation which is harmful to brain cells.

Chlamydia infection
This type of pneumonia bacteria has been found in the brains of people who died of Alzheimer’s.

H. pylori infection
H. pylori in the stomach may block the absorption of vitamin B12, and since B12 is crucial to proper brain function, H. pylori can play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s.

Herpes simplex virus HSV-1
The herpes simplex virus HSV-1 (the virus that causes cold sores) has been found to cause brain inflammation.

Nitrates in food
Researchers at Brown University have suggested that nitrates and nitrosamines damage your DNA and destroy brain cells.  They may also trigger the liver to produce toxins that destroy brain cells.

Nitrates are found in processed meats like ham, bacon, lunch meat, hot dogs and sausage.

For more than 30 years, it has been observed that aluminum has been found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.

Studies have shown that people who use aluminum cookware and use aluminum-containing antiperspirants have a higher risk for Alzheimer’s.

Aspartame (Equal and NutraSweet) has been linked to Alzheimer’s as well as a variety of other neurological conditions.

Fight back at Alzheimer’s!
Now that you’ve seen all the possible factors behind the development of Alzheimer’s, it’s time to do all you can to keep this dreaded disease far away from you.

Here are 7 Sharp Brain Strategies that can help prevent, slow or in some cases even reverse cognitive decline:

Sharp Brain Strategy #1- Omega-3 essential fatty acids
A deficiency of Omega-3 EFAs makes it impossible for your cell membranes to perform their vital functions, and your brain is heavily dependent on the Omega-3 EFA Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Unfortunately, our typical diets are severely deficient in Omega-3 EFAs, so daily supplementation with these nutrients is essential

Pharmaceutical-grade VitalMega-3 fish oil formula is just what you need for promoting great brain health.

VitalMega-3 provides an impressive 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in every daily two-capsule serving, including 600 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA--two of the very best Omega-3 EFAs for sharp brain functioning.

Sharp Brain Strategy #2- Electrolytes and antioxidants
The ability of your nerves to fire off messages and impulses depends on the presence of the electrolytes--sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and magnesium.

Plus your brain cells are very vulnerable to free radical damage, so the protection of the antioxidant Vitamins C and E is extremely important. 

The trouble is, many of us have WAAAY too much sodium in our diets and far too few of the other electrolytes.

And considering the fact that most of us still don't consistently eat an appreciable amount of fruits and vegetables, there is clearly a lot of people lacking Vitamins C and E. 

But both of these issues can be helped simply by having a diet that concentrates on vitamin and mineral-rich REAL foods AND making sure your digestion is efficient so you can absorb the nutrients you need.

The Great Taste No Pain system can help you achieve both of those goals.

Great Taste No Pain gives you recipes and ideas for preparing nutritious real foods that taste positively out of this world.  Plus you’ll learn what foods to pair together to support efficient digestion and maximum nutrient absorption. 

Sharp Brain Strategy #3- Regular exercise
Exercise promotes brain health by nourishing brain cells.  It also improves memory, reduces stress and improves mood.

The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation states that regular exercise cuts your risk of developing Alzheimer’s in HALF!

Get your doctor’s OK and get moving. 

Sharp Brain Strategy #4- The B Vitamins

ALL of the B vitamins are crucial for proper nerve and brain function. 

·         Vitamins B1 and B2 help your neurons use glucose and help memory function.
·         B3 is vital for proper mental function
·         Vitamin B6 helps bring amino acids to your brain so it can make neurotransmitters.
·         Folic acid is part of the manufacturing of neurotransmitters like serotonin.

And the all-important superstar...

Vitamin B12!

Vitamin B12 helps your brain use carbohydrates and proteins, and it works with folic acid to make neurotransmitters. 

It’s also essential for the production of a compound called acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter which allows the nerves and brain to communicate, and high levels of it can help you maintain clear-thinking abilities for a LIFETIME.

But getting enough B12 can be tricky…because absorption can be decreased by things like antacid use, alcoholic beverages, gastric surgery, inflammatory bowel disease) and certain diabetes drugs.

Plus as we age, our stomach acid production decreases and that impairs B12 absorption.
To ensure you get enough of this vital nutrient, Hydroxaden 2.5 is your ticket.

Hydroxaden 2.5 is an easy-to-use vitamin B12 spray that you spray it under your tongue so it can be absorbed by the mucus membranes in your mouth.  This helps bypass any shortcomings in the GI tract that may affect absorbability.

Sharp Brain Strategy #5- Get quality sleep
Deep sleep and dreaming are important to supporting your brain and body functions.

Most people need seven to nine hours a night, so make sure you’re getting enough.

Sharp Brain Strategy #6- Reduce stress
Stress hormones have been shown to lead to shrinkage of the hippocampus, which is the memory center of the brain, slowing nerve growth and increasing your risk of Alzheimer’s.

Try exercise, yoga, prayer, meditation, music, massage, deep breathing and more.  Do what works for you.

Sharp Brain Strategy #7- Challenge it
Challenge your brain with things like crossword puzzles, taking a class, creating associations for new people you meet (I.e.: Rachel is a redhead, Frank is funny) learning a new language, memorizing a recipe, etc.

You CAN make a difference in your brain’s sharpness and make tremendous strides toward keeping your brain strong and disease-free for many years to come!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What you don’t know about Lyme disease

When you ask the average person about Lyme disease most people will say:
  • It’s spread by ticks
  • It’s relatively rare
  • It causes flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, headache, stiff neck, achiness and fatigue 
  • It’s treated with antibiotics
Well, each of those is only partially true…and not having all the facts on Lyme disease can put you at a much greater risk.

Here’s the complete story on Lyme disease, and how you can fight or prevent it.

Lyme disease—the emergence of a mystery
Lyme disease originated around 1975 and was named after the town of Lyme, Connecticut, where it was first identified.

Within two years, the black-legged tick (also known as the deer tick) was linked to the infection.

Then in 1982, scientists discovered the bacterium responsible for the infection--Borrelia burgdorferi—which is related to the bacterium that causes syphilis.

The Lyme bacterium has a knack for hiding and survival.  It can live inside your cells and encase itself in a “cyst.”  That’s why treatment can be so difficult and it can recur after antibiotics.

It’s also tricky to diagnose.  There are many species of the Lyme bacterium, but only a handful of strains are detectable with lab tests.

It starts with a tick bite—or maybe not                        
The typical Lyme infection starts when a tick that’s carrying the bacterium jumps off a deer, bird or other animal and gets on you

Then it immediately starts numbing your skin so you can’t feel it. It prefers dark, secluded areas such as your armpits, behind your ear or your scalp.

But ticks aren’t the only guilty parties.  Lyme can also be spread by other insects including mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, and mites.  

After being bitten, one of the first signs of Lyme is a bulls-eye-like rash on your skin, but if a tick didn’t do the biting (and you were instead bitten by another Lyme-carrying insect), the rash may be shaped differently. 

A myriad of symptoms
The typical signs of Lyme disease are flu-like symptoms, but that’s not always the case.

Because Lyme can partner up with other co-infections, and the “team” can cause a myriad of symptoms and mimic other disorders such as:
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Arthritis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
  • ADHD 
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Migraines
  • Vision and hearing problems
  • Heart problems
  • Facial palsy

It’s not as rare as you think
Although many people think Lyme disease is rather rare, that’s not true.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease are diagnosed in the US each year.

Blood tests don’t always pick up cases of Lyme and here’s why:  The Lyme bacterium can infect your white blood cells, and when this happens, they don't respond by producing antibodies like they should.  Since the blood tests measure white blood cell antibody production, you can get a false negative.

Once your white blood cells recover and begin to make antibodies, then they’ll show up on a blood test—but by then you can have full-blown Lyme disease.

Fighting Lyme disease—prevention first
As is the case for most illnesses, prevention is the key.

If you spend time outdoors, check for ticks daily on yourself, children and pets.

Bathe or shower within two hours after coming in from the outdoors if possible.

If you’ve been in a tick-infested area, do a full body check and examine your clothing for ticks.  
Tossing your clothes in a dryer on high heat for an hour will kill any you may have missed.

And see a doctor immediately if you develop a “bull’s-eye” rash.

Help your body along if you’ve got it
If you’ve already contracted Lyme disease, here are three ways you can help your body fight the challenges of the condition, encourage strong immune system functioning, and help counteract the effects of the strong antibiotics that are usually prescribed.

1- Engage the power of the right diet
Nourishing your body with a healthy diet is number one.

Having a nutritious diet and encouraging sound digestion helps create a healthier gut environment. 

Since your gut is where most of your immune system resides, by promoting gut health, you are also supporting strong immune function!

The nutrients in a healthy diet play a big part too.

Antioxidant vitamins and minerals can help fight the damage caused by infections and viruses, and many of the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables have been shown to have immune-enhancing properties.

The good news is, having a healthy diet is not only easy, but it tastes great too—when you follow the Great Taste No Pain health system.

Great Taste No Pain will show you how to create nutritious meals that are positively delicious and easier for your system to digest.

When you have sound digestion, you can better eliminate wastes and dangerous bacteria, and absorb immune-enhancing nutrients from your foods.

Note that if you are gluten-sensitive, have Celiac disease or just want to avoid gluten, then Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead. 

2- Immune support
Since most of your immune system lies in your beneficial gut bacteria, it's essential to make sure you have a strong population of these good guys. 

In addition to a nutritious diet, supplementation with probiotics can help you achieve this important, health-enhancing goal.

Super Shield's 13 strains of friendly bacteria are up to the task, ready to line your intestinal walls, help keep your digestion smooth and be on the lookout for "suspicious invaders." Plus Super Shield can help your body bounce back from “antibiotic destruction” of your helpful gut bacteria.

In addition, vitamin D is critical to your immune system, and helps to prevent excessive, inflammatory immune responses.

And for a top-quality vitamin D supplement, nothing beats Dr. Salerno’s Vitamin D-K Factor

You’ll get 5,000 IUs of immune-loving, bone-supporting vitamin D with the added benefit of vitamin K to support bone and heart health!

3- Additional measures
Here are other ways you can fight Lyme disease:
  • Foods such as garlic, leeks, onions, radishes and cabbage have anti-infectious properties.
  • Helpful spices include thyme, fennel, clove, cayenne pepper, turmeric and ginger. 
  • Mushrooms including cordycep, reishi and maitake have been shown to activate immune response.
  • CoQ10 can protected your brain and nervous system from degradation and improve cellular
To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Monday, July 27, 2015

$15 an hour isn’t the only issue with fast food

Many fast food employees across New York State and some cities nationally are or will soon be earning $15 an hour, and it’s quite the hot topic fueling many debates.

I will simply share my own experience:  I worked part-time throughout college, juggling school and jobs, making $3.10 an hour (about $7.60 today).  After graduating with a 4.0 GPA in May 1982, I got a full-time job as an underwriter at a health insurance company.  My starting pay (with a college degree) was $5.75 an hour, which is $14 an hour today.

But let’s talk about something else besides what the person who builds your Big Mac is paid for doing so.

Because there’s a serious issue with a very steep price tag associated with fast food, and it affects people EVERYWHERE.

It’s the…

Health price of fast food
Whether you’re talking about burgers and fries, chalupas, chicken nuggets or stuffed crust pizza, one description generally applies to ALL fast food:

HIGH fat (not the good kind), HIGH sodium, HIGH refined carbs, HIGH preservatives and chemicals and LOW nutrition.

Talk about a recipe for health disasters of epic proportions.

Here are just some of the ways that eating fast food guarantees that you will be overweight, sick, age quickly and likely die way before your time:

The obvious one—widening your load
When you take in truckloads of calories and get little or no nutrition in return, an interesting phenomenon occurs.

Your hunger signal is triggered by a need for nutrients, and since fast food doesn’t nourish you, it won’t be long before you’re hungry again.

Plus the refined carbs in fast food are very addicting, so you’re likely to reach for more fast food when you do feel hungry.

All the while the calorie tally continues to soar, you never get properly nourished and the weight keeps piling on.

Insulin resistance & Type 2 diabetes
Fast food meals high in refined carbs cause a surge of glucose into your bloodstream and clang the alarm for the pancreas to secrete insulin.

If this happens repeatedly, eventually your cells can get saturated with glucose, they’ll ignore the insulin (called insulin resistance) and ultimately glucose can build up in the bloodstream resulting in Type 2 diabetes.

Heart disease
Fast food can lead to heart disease in three different ways!

First, the glucose building up in your bloodstream from fast food can stir up inflammation in your arteries because sugar is a very abrasive, destructive substance.  Eventually this can cause damage to the inner artery walls, creating “hot spots" where plaque can begin to build up.
Second, the high sodium content in fast food causes your body to retain water.  Over time your blood volume goes up and so can your blood pressure.

Lastly, the trans-fats in fast food spur the development of free radicals which damage your arteries (as well as accelerate the aging process and make you look far older than your years).

The inflammation stirred up by excessive glucose in the bloodstream can give a signal to tumor cells to multiply—especially cancer cells.

Plus sugar feeds the harmful bacteria in your gut, creating an unhealthy gut flora environment known as dysbiosis.  Since 70 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, and your immune system protects you against cancer, eating lots of fast food and upsetting the gut bacteria balance can eventually weaken your body’s primary cancer defense.

Your brain needs nutrients and good fats, and when it doesn’t get what it needs, depression can result.
A study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition showed that people who eat fast food are 51 percent more likely to develop depression than those who eat little to no fast food. It was also found that the more fast food they consumed, the more likely study participants were to develop depression.
Lacking these vital nutrients can also cause cognitive impairment.

Liver disease
Not only are the numerous chemicals and preservatives in fast food linked with a variety of cancers, learning problems, gastrointestinal issues and endocrine problems (thyroid and hormones), but they also stress your liver.

Your liver is your main organ of detox, and contrary to what you may believe, the chemicals in fast food don’t just innocently cruise out of you—they have to be detoxed like a poison by your liver.

In addition, the excessive amounts of sugar in fast food (especially high fructose corn syrup) puts a tremendous strain on the liver because the liver must metabolize 100 percent of the fructose you take in (but only 20 percent of the glucose).  

Plus fructose metabolism in the liver drives up uric acid production which can lead to gout.

Say goodbye to the golden arches
If you want a disease-free life, not having to depend on medications just to get through your day and maintaining a normal, healthy bodyweight, stay far away from the golden arches (and all the other junk joints too).

Instead feed your body the REAL foods it needs to create a stronger state of health and a slimmer you!

The Great Taste No Pain health system will give you the all guidance you need.

Great Taste No Pain teaches you what foods to eat (and what foods to pair together) to help keep digestion smooth, nutrient absorption high and acid wastes low.  Plus it's loaded with delicious recipes featuring healthful REAL foods that you'll absolutely LOVE.

Note: If you have a known or suspected gluten sensitivity, I've got you covered with Great Taste No Gluten.

Pamper your gut too!
The friendly bacteria in your intestinal tract help to keep the gut wall strong and non-porous, as well as assist with digestion, keep harmful bacteria under control and support your immune system functioning.

The ideal flora balance is having at least 85% beneficial bacteria and no more than 15% harmful.
The problem is many people are walking around with the complete OPPOSITE of what they should have—and this is especially true of people who eats lots of fast food. 

So it's important to give your gut a helping hand with a quality probiotic supplement like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.

Super Shield contains strong, effective strains of 13 friendly bacteria that can help fend off harmful bacteria, encourage smooth digestion, support your immune system and help make the gut wall nice and strong (so toxins and wastes can be safely eliminated and not reabsorbed into your system).

See how great YOU can feel when you say goodbye to fast food and hello to the right diet and a healthy gut environment!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Sunday, July 26, 2015

What’s behind your diarrhea and how to stop it

Here are a few funny quotes about something that we’ve all had at one time or another…


People say love is the best feeling, but I think finding a toilet when you are having diarrhea is better.

Travel is very educational.  I can now ask for Kaopectate in seven different languages.

Laughter is the best medicine…except for treating diarrhea.
Yes, diarrhea is certainly the subject of many jokes, but the truth is, when you’ve got it, it’s no laughing matter.

Now, occasional diarrhea is one thing—it usually clears up in a day or two.  But it’s quite another when diarrhea becomes a regular thing for you, as in chronic diarrhea.

Let's take a little closer look at this often joked-about but potentially serious condition. 

It keeps you runnin'
Diarrhea is simply your body’s way of saying, "Get this out of me NOW!"

With diarrhea, your wastes move through your colon way too fast.  Since the colon is where the excess water in your feces is absorbed, when everything flies through at the speed of light, the colon doesn't have a chance to do its job...

And you get the classic loose, watery stools known as diarrhea. 

Oh, and sense of urgency like nothing else on earth. 

But wait! There’s more
With diarrhea, having to sprint to a toilet on a moment's notice is not the only problem.

Because when your wastes rocket through the intestinal tract, chances are excellent that you are not properly absorbing the nutrients from your foods as they fly on by.

This can lead to nutritional deficiencies over time and underweight.  (Sadly, that's why some people have resorted to abusing laxatives to induce diarrhea as a way to lose weight—with little regard for what it’s doing to their body in the long run.) 

But the flip side can also be true.  Lacking nutrients can also lead to feelings of constant hunger since your inner dinner bell rings when you need nutrients.

Constantly feeling hungry leads to overeating...and you know what THAT means.  That scale number creeps up, Up, UP. 

Plus diarrhea is an excellent way to get irritation in your “exit ramp”--otherwise known as hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

Lastly, since your body isn't absorbing the fluids from your wastes like it should, you're at risk for dehydration.  (This is especially dangerous for small children and the elderly.)     

What it is and isn't
Now, diarrhea is not a disease in and of itself, but rather a symptom of something else.

That something else can be any number of things like:
  • Crohn's disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Celiac disease/gluten sensitivity
  • Food allergies and sensitivities
  • An excess of Vitamin C or magnesium
  • The sugars found in dietetic candies--sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol
  • Diverticulitis/diverticulosis
  • Viral or bacterial infection
  • Food poisoning
  • Laxative abuse
  • Colon cancer
  • Fructose or lactose intolerance
What to do to stop running to the loo
If you have acute diarrhea (diarrhea that's related to a bug, virus, something you ate, etc.), although you may feel lousy, chances are it will resolve itself within a few days.  Just make sure you stay hydrated.

But chronic, long-term diarrhea is a different story.

First and foremost it's important to see a doctor to rule out anything serious.

But in the absence of a specific underlying condition, chronic diarrhea is most commonly the result of the foods you eat and how efficient your digestion is.

When you eat processed foods and meal combinations that are hard to digest, you put your entire GI tract into a stressed state. 

Your stomach can churn and repeatedly secrete acid trying to break down what you've just eaten.  This can go on for as long as 8-10 hours or more. 

Eventually the stomach passes the "mess" on to your small intestine as if to say, "I've had enough--you deal with it now!"

Then your small intestine tries like heck to finish the job, but it can only do so much—it was not designed to do its work AND finish up the stomach’s job too.
By the time this mess reaches the colon, heaven help you.  If your foods are not broken down properly, this can stress the colon, and in a stressed state it may not properly absorb the water it should to make your bowel movement "solid."

And you fly like a jet plane to the toilet. 

Put an end to the explosions
To help keep things running smoothly at the "bottom," you have to start at the TOP (what you put in your mouth).

If you want to get rid of chronic diarrhea, you must eat foods that are nourishing to your body, and make sure that your meals pair foods that break down better together in your system.

And that is exactly what you will learn from the Great Taste No Pain health system!

(Or for gluten-challenged people, Great Taste No Gluten.)

When you eat meals that are easier for your system to break down, your stomach and intestines literally shout out, "Thank you!" and your digestive problems (including diarrhea) can begin to disappear FAST.

There are just a few easy-to-understand guidelines that explain how and why eating this way works so well for everyone, no matter how badly you've eaten before or how long diarrhea has been your companion.

Put your army to work too
Your intestinal flora also helps break down your foods and encourages normal bowel movements. 

Problem is, thanks to the typical diets most people have, their intestinal flora balance is the complete opposite of what it should be, and they instead have an environment that favors harmful bacteria.  This is an open invitation for diarrhea or other digestive problems.

But a potent, high-quality probiotic supplement like Super Shield can help turn that around for you fast, and help you maintain a proper flora balance each and every day.

Super Shield contains the probiotic strains Bifidobacteria Infantis, Bifidobacteria Longum, Lactobacillus Casei and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, all of which have been shown to help counteract diarrhea and improve digestion!

Those and Super Shield's other 9 strains go to work immediately in your gut, beefing up your population of beneficial, disease-fighting bacteria, helping to strengthen your gut wall, enhancing digestion and crowding out harmful pathogens.

Don't think for one minute longer that your only solutions to chronic diarrhea are anti-diarrhea medications or eating lots of bananas!

Experience the power of the right diet and a healthy flora balance, and I'm sure you'll be able to say goodbye to chronic diarrhea and hello to more normal BMs very soon!

For more information on diarrhea click here.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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PPS:  I am available for bookings as a speaker!  For more details go to:

Friday, July 24, 2015

A war that we’re losing

Despite billions of dollars being spent on research and the “war on cancer,” the cancer death rate in this country has decreased only slightly in the last 60 years or so!
So clearly, this is a “war” we’re losing.

Although advances have been made in detection and treatment, prevention of cancer is the key.

Luckily, there are some very powerful ways you can help keep our number two killer far away from YOU…

A war that we’re losing
Despite billions of dollars being spent on research and the “war on cancer,” the cancer death rate in this country has decreased only slightly in the last 60 years or so. 

In addition, while the cure rates haven’t changed much in the last five decades, survival time has improved, likely due to technological advances and early detection methods.

This translates to:
  • If you get cancer, you’re likely to find out sooner and survive longer than previously.
  • You don’t stand any better chance of being cured from cancer as you would have when John F. Kennedy was President.
  • Your chances of dying from it haven’t dropped much since Leave it to Beaver was the number one TV show in the US.
Prevention is where it’s at
The good news is, it has been estimated that at least half of all cancer deaths can be prevented.
And while a lot of “ingredients” are in the cancer prevention mix (quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy bodyweight, getting regular exercise) one of the biggest bangs for your buck in terms of preventing cancer is to engage the power of NUTRITION.

Different nutrients help reduce your risk of cancers in various ways.  Some act as antioxidants that can fight inflammation and disease-causing free radicals in your body. 

Others support your immune system, which is your first line of defense against cancer—it actually helps nip it in the bud before it can take hold of you! 

And yet other nutrients function as natural anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.

Let’s take a look at some of the superstars that can go a long way in helping you in your cancer prevention efforts.

Cancer-fighting nutritional superstars

Omega-3 essential fatty acids
The Omega-3 essential fatty acid Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) has been shown in studies to help inhibit the growth of certain cancers, especially breast cancer, plus it’s also showing promise in helping to prevent bowel cancer.

Unfortunately, in the US and other westernized countries, the typical diet provides very few Omega-3 fats, so many people are low in this disease fighting nutrient.

Foods sources of Omega-3 EFAs include: Cold-water fatty fish; meats, eggs and milk from grass-fed animals.

Recommended dose for supplementation: 1,000 mg of Omega-3 fish oil per day
And if you’re looking for a quality Omega-3 formula, look no further than VitalMega-3!

VitalMega-3 is a potent top quality fish oil that delivers a full 1,000 mg. of the necessary EPA and DHA essential fatty acids in every daily 2-capsule serving.

Selenium combines with proteins to function as a free-radical fighting antioxidant. 

Studies have shown a correlation between higher levels of selenium and lower risks of cancers, especially colorectal and lung cancers.  Plus it’s also been shown to actually alter lung cancer cells!

Food sources include: Tuna, shrimp, sardines, salmon, cod, Crimini mushrooms, asparagus, turkey, chicken, beef and eggs.

Recommended dose for supplementation: 200 mcg per day

Zinc pampers the immune system and supports its cancer-fighting efforts.

It also functions as an antioxidant, helping to protect you against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Food sources include:  Oysters, red meat, poultry, cheese, shrimp, crab, shellfish, beans, legumes, whole grains, mushrooms and pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Recommended dose for supplementation: 50 mg per day

Numerous studies have shown that probiotics not only help promote better overall gastrointestinal health, but they can also help protect against colorectal cancer.

Adding these beneficial bacteria to your intestinal tract also helps enhance immune function and helps flush dangerous toxins from your GI tract. 

And for a top quality probiotic product that’s up to this important challenge, Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is your ticket.

Super Shield contains 13 strains of potent, top-grade probiotic bacteria.  These little powerhouses go to work immediately in your gut, helping to beef up your population of beneficial, disease-fighting bacteria, strengthening your gut wall, and supporting your immune system.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E has been researched extensively for its role in boosting the immune system and functioning as an antioxidant.  Studies have shown that it helps protect against lung, esophageal and colorectal cancers.

Food sources include: Whole grains, (unprocessed, organic) vegetable oils, almonds, hazelnuts, peanut butter, avocado, spinach, Swiss chard and asparagus.

Recommended dose for supplementation: 800 IU per day

Vitamin A
The term "vitamin A" sounds like just one nutrient, but it’s is actually a group of related nutrients, each of which provides us with a variety of health benefits.  There are retinoids (animal sources of vitamin A) and carotenoids (plant sources). 

It is the carotenoids that shine in terms of antioxidant protection and may help reduce the risk of breast and lung cancers.

Foods sources of carotenoids include: Winter squashes, sweet potatoes, greens, carrots, tomatoes and red and yellow bell peppers.

Recommended dose for supplementation: 10,000 IU per day

Vitamin D
In addition to being another nutrient important to immune system functioning, vitamin D has been shown to be an important player in protecting your body against several cancers, especially colorectal cancer.

Foods sources of vitamin D include: Oily fish such as salmon and sardines, and fortified milk. 

Recommended dose for supplementation: 2,000 – 5,000 IU per day

One of the best vitamin D supplements in existence is Dr. Salerno’s Vitamin D-K Factor.  This uniquely formulated supplement combines the cancer-protecting action of vitamin D with vitamin K, which has been shown to have anti-tumor growth properties!

Garlic is a health megastar--thanks to its sulfur compounds, it can slow or prevent the growth of tumor cells!  It’s been shown to reduce the risk of stomach and colorectal cancer by up to 40 percent, as well as even suppress the growth of existing polyps in the colon and rectum. 

Fresh garlic may be added to many foods including roasted or sautéed vegetables, salad dressings, dips, Italian dishes and soups. 

Recommended dose for supplementation: 400 mg per day

(Note: Always be sure to let your healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.)

When you engage the power of nutrition, you are stacking the deck in your favor and giving your body tremendous support to keep cancer far away from you!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Natural remedies for Restless leg syndrome

As many as 12 million Americans are plagued by as Restless leg syndrome (RLS)--an uncontrollable urge to move their legs while trying to rest or sleep.

RLS can also occur during prolonged periods of sitting, such as on a long plane ride.

Sufferers report feelings of tingling, aching, itching or slight burning deep in their lower legs, and moving the legs usually provides relief.  Sometimes sensations are also felt in the thighs, feet, hands or arms.

Because it typically strikes at night, people who have it are often sleep-deprived and have to deal with the ramifications of that as well—including brain fog and difficulty concentrating.

Let’s take a closer look at this disturbing condition and see how you can safely and naturally get relief!

Underling factors
RLS is an inflammatory condition similar to autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses (such as heart disease and arthritis), and heaven knows we Americans are an inflamed society. 

Nutrients play a big role too—especially magnesium.  Magnesium is your body’s natural relaxant, so it’s no coincidence that the classic symptoms of low magnesium (tremors, muscle contractions, twitches, involuntary jerks and tetanic cramps) are all similar to RLS. 

In addition, deficiencies of folate and iron have also been seen with RLS.

Also, medications can exacerbate symptoms, especially anti-nausea drugs, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants (SSRIs) and some antihistamines.

Safe, natural ways to ease RLS
The standard treatment of RLS is medication to combat the symptoms (dopamine drugs, benzodiazepines, opioids and anticonvulsants), but the potential side effects of these drugs can arguably be as bad or worse than RLS itself and include addiction, depression, compulsive behaviors, memory loss, sleep disturbances, dyskinesia (uncontrolled movements) blurred vision and even hallucinations!

Luckily there are some safe, natural and very effective ways you can help to ease RLS—without running the risk of dangerous medication side effects.

Here are some measures you can try:

Curb inflammation
Ease inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water. 

And most importantly, take advantage of Nature’s potent anti-inflammatory—Omega-3 essential fatty acids!

Many Americans are dangerously low in these inflammation-fighting powerhouses due to our typical refined food diets and heavy reliance on grain-fed animals—which are high in inflammatory Omega-6 EFAs, while lacking Omega-3 EFAs—and we have the inflammation to prove it!

But a top-quality fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 can help make sure your Omega-3 EFA supply is where it should be to effectively combat inflammation. 

Get enough magnesium
Food sources of magnesium including dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, beans, whole grains, milk, meats, avocados, yogurt, bananas and dried fruit.  

If you want to consider supplementation, the recommended dose is 500 mg a day in the form of magnesium carbonate or magnesium oxide, as those forms have the greatest potency.

Get sources of folate and iron too
Sources of folate include Includes beef, liver, leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli and whole wheat.  Recommended doses for supplements are 400 mcg per day.

Iron-rich foods include beef, fish, poultry, shellfish, eggs, leafy greens, potatoes, lentils, beans and milk.  Supplement doses are typically 15-25 mg/day for men and 18-30 mg/day for women.

Other forms of relief
Some additional ways to help relieve RLS that many sufferers have benefitted from include leg massages, hot baths, and heating pads or cool packs applied to the legs before bedtime. Acupuncture, exercise and yoga have also been used with success.

A Relaxis™ pad, which can be placed at the site of discomfort when in bed and provides 30 minutes of vibrations (counter-stimulation) that taper off after 30 minutes, has also been recommended for individuals with RLS.

Also, vein problems have been associated with RLS.  If you are prone to varicose veins or other vein problems, consider consulting with a venous specialist to see if it is an underlying cause of RLS for you.

Last but not least, although this may sound like an old wives’ tale, many people swear that putting a bar of soap under their bottom sheet prevents restless leg syndrome and nighttime leg cramps.  I personally know at least two people who have had success with this.  Although it can’t scientifically be explained, it’s worth a shot!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia