
Monday, March 30, 2015

6 allergy triggers

Today’s topic which is something that will be rearing its ugly head for countless people in the very near future.

If you’re one of the 60 million people in the US that suffers from allergies, chances are excellent that you are very well aware of what triggers the arrival of your runny, stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sore throat and cough.

And I’m sure you try to avoid it like the plague!

Now, whether you have "year-round" allergies to things like cat dander or dust, or yours are more seasonal in nature (like tree, grass and ragweed pollens), allergy symptoms can certainly put a damper on your days or be downright debilitating.

But what can cause allergies to be especially tricky is that there are six little-known factors that can make your flare-ups more frequent or even worse!

Let's take a look at those 6 sneaky, behind the scenes allergy triggers, as well as explore 4 very effective, natural ways you can get a whole lot of relief:

Sneaky allergy trigger #1: Soft contact lenses
Contact lenses may cause pollen and other irritants to be trapped in your eyes, which can ring the alarm for allergy symptoms to flare. 

Soft contacts are especially guilty here, as they are more permeable and allow substances (like pollen, dust, etc.) to seep through. 

So if you’re a contact lens wearer, it may behoove you to wear your glasses on high pollen days or invest in some daily wear disposable lenses during your tougher allergy flare-up days.

Sneaky allergy trigger #2: Alcohol
Some people are very sensitive to the sulfites in red wine and beer—so if you have found your allergies seem worse in the mornings when you’ve had alcohol the night before, that may be why.

Plus many wines are aged in oak barrels—so if you know you are sensitive to oak, seek out wine varieties that are specifically labeled “unoaked.”

Sneaky allergy trigger #3: Wool and polyester clothing
Clothing made from fabrics like wool can worsen allergies, and I’m not just talking about an allergy to the wool itself.

Fabrics like wool can trap irritants like dust, pollen and animal dander, and if you’re like most people, you try to wear dry cleaned fabrics like wool a few times before sending it off to the cleaners.

So each time you wear that wool sweater or jacket between cleanings, you can be setting off your allergies and not even knowing it.

Plus synthetic fabrics (like polyester and nylon) can create an electrical charge which can actually attract pollen.

During high allergy season time, it’s best to stick to machine washable fabrics like cotton, and be sure to launder them after each wearing.  It can also help to use cotton sheets on your bed, and wash them in hot water.  

Sneaky allergy trigger #4: Fresh raw produce
Pollen and food proteins are very closely related, so your immune system might get a little mixed up and mistake a protein on your favorite fruit or vegetable for pollen and launch its typical allergy reaction.

Particularly guilty here are tomatoes, cantaloupe and apples.

This is called “oral-allergy syndrome” (OAS), and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates up to a third of pollen allergy patients may be affected.

If you find that certain fruits or vegetables do this to you, it can help to thoroughly scrub, peel and/or cook them as appropriate. 

Sneaky allergy trigger #5: Secondhand smoke
As if the increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and lung cancer for people exposed to secondhand hand smoke wasn’t enough--now you can add allergy flare-ups on to the list of dangers from its 7,000 chemicals.

A study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reported that levels of an allergen antibody IgE were 16.6 times higher in people exposed to both secondhand smoke and ragweed than those exposed to ragweed and clean, smoke-free air.

Sneaky allergy trigger #6: Your skin and hair
Just like clothing, your skin and hair can also trap pollen, dust and other allergens—and they can fester while you sleep and practically guarantee you’ll be stuffed up in the morning. 

See if it makes a difference in how you feel by bathing or showering in the evening instead of the morning, or at least wash your face and hands and brush your hair before bed.

Now that you know about some of the hidden factors that may be worsening your allergies, let’s talk about four safe, natural alternatives to allergy medication that can help you feel a whole lot better, without painful shots or nasty side effects!

4 Safe, natural options for allergies

1- Put the power of immune-supportive nutrients to work for you
It can make a HUGE difference in how you feel to embrace the power of nutrients that help encourage proper immune responses and counteract the congestion and mucus associated with allergies. 
And for a superior quality formula, look no farther than Dr. Salerno’s Allergy Factor.

Allergy Factor contains an effective blend of vitamins, minerals, herbs and phytonutrients that help naturally promote healthy immune responses, ease sinus congestion and support healthy nasal passages.
And now is the perfect time to try Allergy Factor because it’s 15 percent off!

2- Consider probiotics
Probiotics can be very helpful in combatting both seasonal and year-round allergies for two reasons.
First, probiotics can manufacture enzymes to help your body break down allergens before they have an opportunity to taunt your immune system, so your allergy can actually get addressed at a root cause, and you can feel a lot better!

They also help beef up your friendly gut flora (where 70 percent of your immune system resides) which in turn can help sharpen your immune function and aim to reduce the “over-reaction” your body produces with allergies.

And for a high quality multi-strain formula that’s up to the allergy challenge, Super Shield is your ticket.

Super Shield's 13 strains of potent, feisty bacteria are ready to line your intestinal wall, crowd out harmful bacteria, encourage your immune system to behave, and help your body effectively break down substances you ingest—both food and allergens.

3- Reduce stress
Stress can destroy your friendly gut flora and fuel inflammatory responses in your body.

That’s why when you’re under stress you may find yourself getting one sickness after another or suffering digestive problems or having chronic headaches.  Your immune system is challenged and inflammation is on the warpath inside of you.

It’s also why many people seem to have allergy flare-ups during stress.

So clearly it’s essential to your health from head to toe to do all you can de-stress.

Do whatever works for you—even taking a brisk walk can help!

And if you need ideas, check out the Help Guide here:

4- Consider Omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation
You’re probably well aware at this point about how having too many Omega-6 essential fatty acids (and too few Omega-3 EFAs) can stir up inflammation in your joints as well as your arteries (thereby playing a role in the development of inflammatory conditions like arthritis and atherosclerosis), but it doesn’t necessarily stop there.

Because recent studies have indicated that having too many Omega-6 fatty acids may also worsen allergy symptoms!

The reason is simple. 

An allergic reaction by your immune system ignites inflammation.  And when your body’s natural inflammation control system (otherwise known as your Omega-6: Omega-3 ratio) is topsy-turvy, inflammation has the green light to run rampant.

This inflammation can take the form of aches and pains of all kinds, inflamed arteries, skin problems like psoriasis, eczema and acne, asthma, mental fog and…

Allergy symptoms!

But you can help reduce inflammation dramatically and help ease allergies by bringing your Omega-6: Omega-3 EFA balance into a healthier range.

This can be accomplished by eating more fatty fish like salmon, and supplementing with a high quality fish oil supplement like VitalMega-3.

VitalMega-3 is a pure, super-potent, fish oil formula that delivers an inflammation-fighting 600 mg. of EPA and 400 mg. of DHA (the "shining stars" of Omega-3 EFAs).

Allergies continue to cause untold misery for millions...

But that doesn't have to include you any longer!

Because when you look at all of the possible factors behind your allergies (the obvious and the not-so-obvious) and then take natural measures to help your body tackle the underlying issues, chances are excellent you might see YOUR allergy symptoms greatly subside or possibly diminish altogether.

Wouldn't THAT be nice?

See for yourself now what a difference it can make.

And remember, check out our line of Dr. Salerno’s Nutritional Supplements!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

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