
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

This can cause heart disease

Few conditions conjure up as much fear as our number one killer.

Heart disease.

According to, every 33 seconds someone in the US dies from it. 

It has achieved its number one status by a longshot too—currently more people die of heart disease than of AIDS and all cancers combined.

Plus it’s been estimated that by the year 2020, heart disease will be the leading cause of death in the entire world.

Nothing to take lightly.

Let’s take a look at exactly what “heart disease” means, how far we’ve come with measures to help fight it, as well as take a look at some little-known factors that can make a big difference between having a healthy ticker or adding to the statistic pool.

Heart disease 101

The term "heart disease" is very broad and sometimes confuses people.
Doctors frequently use the term "heart disease" to describe atherosclerosis, which is when your arteries get plaque buildup, harden and eventually the flow of blood can be impaired.

Atherosclerosis usually occurs in your larger (wider) blood vessels, so many people don't realize they have a problem until their artery is 90% blocked or more! 

Here are other terms that fall under the "heart disease" umbrella:

1- Thrombosis:  This is when you have atherosclerosis and a piece of a clot breaks off, travels to a skinnier artery and completely blocks the flow of blood.  As a result, the nearby tissue or organ that depends on that blood flow can die.

2- Heart attack (aka myocardial infarction):  This is when blood flow to the heart is blocked.  Your heart requires a steady supply of blood containing oxygen and other nutrients, and when it doesn't get what it needs, it starts to die VERY quickly…and so can you.

3- Stroke (aka cerebral vascular accident, or CVA): This is when a blockage occurs in the blood vessels that feed the brain (the carotid arteries).  When the supply of blood is shut off, nerves in your brain start dying almost immediately. This is why strokes can lead to such devastating impairments as loss of movement, speech, memory or various other bodily functions.

4- Angina pectoris: This is a squeezing, pressure-like chest pain usually caused by insufficient blood flow and oxygen to the heart.  

5- Arrhythmia: Your heartbeat is governed by a series of electrical impulses.  If these signals get disrupted, your heart chambers can start contracting in the wrong sequence.  As a result, your heart's ability to pump blood through your body can be impaired.

6- Congestive heart failure (aka CHF): This means your heart has weakened to the point where it cannot pump enough blood for your body's needs. 

7- Congenital heart disease: This is when you are born with a heart defect or abnormality.

What we’ve done so far
In addition to the obvious routes of cholesterol-lowering or blood thinning medications and surgical procedures such as bypass or angioplasty, most health organizations and medical professionals have also been beating the drum about lifestyle changes to help lower your risk of heart disease.

These typically include the following:
  • Quit smoking
  • Lose weight
  • Get regular exercise
  • Have a healthy diet that’s low in trans-fats, saturated fats and salt
  • Limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks per day
  • Take an aspirin a day if you’re at risk
  • Take fish oil supplements
But in spite of our ever-increasing medication options, surgical advances and even lifestyle recommendations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) our heart disease prevalence rate (meaning the percent of people who have it) has stayed pretty constant from 1999 to 2009.

So—since those numbers should be going down but aren’t, we’re clearly missing some pieces of the puzzle along the way.

And one of those pieces that is emerging as a significant player in the prevention of heart disease is…

The role of crucial nutrients
Nutrients drive every single cell, process and organ system in your body, and that includes how well your heart and blood vessels are able to carry out their jobs.

So it only follows that if you are lacking in any nutrients that are especially important to the health of your cardiovascular system, your heart disease risk could be going through the roof and you may not even know it.

Here are some of the nutrient superstars in terms of strong heart and blood vessel health:

Zinc has been shown to help lower the levels of C-reactive protein in the body.

C-reactive protein is a compound that, when elevated, indicates either inflammatory or free radical damage is occurring within the blood vessels in a way that contributes to cardiovascular disease.

Zinc is an essential component of superoxide dismustase (SOD), which is an antioxidant made by your body to combat free radicals. 

Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant that can reduce the impact of stressors on your cardiovascular system. 

It partners with calcium (which is a muscle contractor) to regulate your heart rate, among other things.

But when you are low in magnesium, your muscles (including the heart) are not relaxing as they should.  That can lead to high blood pressure and subsequent damage to your artery walls.

Vitamins B6, B12 and folate (aka folic acid)
This trio of B Vitamins is like the Three Musketeers when it comes to protecting you against the dangerous effects of homocysteine buildup in your blood. 

Now most people have heard about a problem with homocysteine but aren’t really sure what it is or why it’s not good…so here’s a brief explanation:

Homocysteine is a sulfur amino acid that is derived from your digestion of animal proteins.  It does serve valid functions in your body—it’s used to build and maintain your tissues, and also to build up protective mechanisms in your inner artery walls called GAGs (glycosaminoglycans).

But I’s also a very abrasive molecule which can cause damage to your artery walls if there’s too much of it in your blood.

Normally your body controls the amount of homocysteine in your blood with B Vitamins.  Vitamins B12 and folate convert about 50% of the excess homocysteine into methionine (a harmless amino acid) and the other 50% is converted by Vitamin B6 into cysteine, another benign amino acid.

But when you are lacking in these crucial B vitamins, the homocysteine conversion cannot properly take place.  As a result, homocysteine can build up in your blood, and you can suffer the resulting artery damage.

The good news
The good news is, every single heart health-supporting nutrient I've mentioned above is in Dr.Salerno’s Cardio Factor!

In addition to the ones I've cited above, the superior formula in Cardio Factor 
also contains:
  • Trimethylglycine--a vitamin-like substance that helps with homocysteine conversion.
  • Choline and riboflavin (vitamin B2)—other members of the B-complex group of nutrients that help with homocysteine conversion.
  • Serine--an amino acid that helps build and maintain all the muscles in the body, including the heart.
  • N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)--an amino acid that helps to boost your body’s level of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Don’t stop there!
Supplements like Cardio Factor are fantastic to help stack the deck in your favor and prevent heart disease, but don’t think they give you a green light to eat like garbage.

Because if you think you’re out of the woods by taking supplements and don’t bother having a healthy diet, not only will you likely negate all the benefits of your supplements, but you can very well be increasing your risk of heart disease and other diseases, as well as packing on the pounds to boot.

But never fear, my friend, because a healthy diet can be both nutritious AND delicious.

When you follow the Great Taste No Pain system, that is.

Great Taste No Pain teaches you all of the dangers of a not-so-stellar diet and gives you the real story on hot topics such as trans-fats, saturated fats, refined carbs and processed foods. 

Plus it gives you a collection of scrumptious recipes featuring wholesome real foods that will soon become your family’s favorites. 

Eating for better health (including heart health) NEVER tasted so good!

Unfortunately, heart disease is not going away any time soon, despite our best efforts with treatment advances and lifestyle recommendations being trumpeted from the rooftops.

So it’s crucial to look at ALL possibilities behind the heart disease epidemic and do whatever you can to help prevent your number from coming up in the heart disease lottery.

Put the power of nutrition in your arsenal to help your fight against heart disease. 

It just may make all the difference in the world for you.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Monday, March 30, 2015

6 allergy triggers

Today’s topic which is something that will be rearing its ugly head for countless people in the very near future.

If you’re one of the 60 million people in the US that suffers from allergies, chances are excellent that you are very well aware of what triggers the arrival of your runny, stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sore throat and cough.

And I’m sure you try to avoid it like the plague!

Now, whether you have "year-round" allergies to things like cat dander or dust, or yours are more seasonal in nature (like tree, grass and ragweed pollens), allergy symptoms can certainly put a damper on your days or be downright debilitating.

But what can cause allergies to be especially tricky is that there are six little-known factors that can make your flare-ups more frequent or even worse!

Let's take a look at those 6 sneaky, behind the scenes allergy triggers, as well as explore 4 very effective, natural ways you can get a whole lot of relief:

Sneaky allergy trigger #1: Soft contact lenses
Contact lenses may cause pollen and other irritants to be trapped in your eyes, which can ring the alarm for allergy symptoms to flare. 

Soft contacts are especially guilty here, as they are more permeable and allow substances (like pollen, dust, etc.) to seep through. 

So if you’re a contact lens wearer, it may behoove you to wear your glasses on high pollen days or invest in some daily wear disposable lenses during your tougher allergy flare-up days.

Sneaky allergy trigger #2: Alcohol
Some people are very sensitive to the sulfites in red wine and beer—so if you have found your allergies seem worse in the mornings when you’ve had alcohol the night before, that may be why.

Plus many wines are aged in oak barrels—so if you know you are sensitive to oak, seek out wine varieties that are specifically labeled “unoaked.”

Sneaky allergy trigger #3: Wool and polyester clothing
Clothing made from fabrics like wool can worsen allergies, and I’m not just talking about an allergy to the wool itself.

Fabrics like wool can trap irritants like dust, pollen and animal dander, and if you’re like most people, you try to wear dry cleaned fabrics like wool a few times before sending it off to the cleaners.

So each time you wear that wool sweater or jacket between cleanings, you can be setting off your allergies and not even knowing it.

Plus synthetic fabrics (like polyester and nylon) can create an electrical charge which can actually attract pollen.

During high allergy season time, it’s best to stick to machine washable fabrics like cotton, and be sure to launder them after each wearing.  It can also help to use cotton sheets on your bed, and wash them in hot water.  

Sneaky allergy trigger #4: Fresh raw produce
Pollen and food proteins are very closely related, so your immune system might get a little mixed up and mistake a protein on your favorite fruit or vegetable for pollen and launch its typical allergy reaction.

Particularly guilty here are tomatoes, cantaloupe and apples.

This is called “oral-allergy syndrome” (OAS), and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates up to a third of pollen allergy patients may be affected.

If you find that certain fruits or vegetables do this to you, it can help to thoroughly scrub, peel and/or cook them as appropriate. 

Sneaky allergy trigger #5: Secondhand smoke
As if the increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and lung cancer for people exposed to secondhand hand smoke wasn’t enough--now you can add allergy flare-ups on to the list of dangers from its 7,000 chemicals.

A study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reported that levels of an allergen antibody IgE were 16.6 times higher in people exposed to both secondhand smoke and ragweed than those exposed to ragweed and clean, smoke-free air.

Sneaky allergy trigger #6: Your skin and hair
Just like clothing, your skin and hair can also trap pollen, dust and other allergens—and they can fester while you sleep and practically guarantee you’ll be stuffed up in the morning. 

See if it makes a difference in how you feel by bathing or showering in the evening instead of the morning, or at least wash your face and hands and brush your hair before bed.

Now that you know about some of the hidden factors that may be worsening your allergies, let’s talk about four safe, natural alternatives to allergy medication that can help you feel a whole lot better, without painful shots or nasty side effects!

4 Safe, natural options for allergies

1- Put the power of immune-supportive nutrients to work for you
It can make a HUGE difference in how you feel to embrace the power of nutrients that help encourage proper immune responses and counteract the congestion and mucus associated with allergies. 
And for a superior quality formula, look no farther than Dr. Salerno’s Allergy Factor.

Allergy Factor contains an effective blend of vitamins, minerals, herbs and phytonutrients that help naturally promote healthy immune responses, ease sinus congestion and support healthy nasal passages.
And now is the perfect time to try Allergy Factor because it’s 15 percent off!

2- Consider probiotics
Probiotics can be very helpful in combatting both seasonal and year-round allergies for two reasons.
First, probiotics can manufacture enzymes to help your body break down allergens before they have an opportunity to taunt your immune system, so your allergy can actually get addressed at a root cause, and you can feel a lot better!

They also help beef up your friendly gut flora (where 70 percent of your immune system resides) which in turn can help sharpen your immune function and aim to reduce the “over-reaction” your body produces with allergies.

And for a high quality multi-strain formula that’s up to the allergy challenge, Super Shield is your ticket.

Super Shield's 13 strains of potent, feisty bacteria are ready to line your intestinal wall, crowd out harmful bacteria, encourage your immune system to behave, and help your body effectively break down substances you ingest—both food and allergens.

3- Reduce stress
Stress can destroy your friendly gut flora and fuel inflammatory responses in your body.

That’s why when you’re under stress you may find yourself getting one sickness after another or suffering digestive problems or having chronic headaches.  Your immune system is challenged and inflammation is on the warpath inside of you.

It’s also why many people seem to have allergy flare-ups during stress.

So clearly it’s essential to your health from head to toe to do all you can de-stress.

Do whatever works for you—even taking a brisk walk can help!

And if you need ideas, check out the Help Guide here:

4- Consider Omega-3 essential fatty acid supplementation
You’re probably well aware at this point about how having too many Omega-6 essential fatty acids (and too few Omega-3 EFAs) can stir up inflammation in your joints as well as your arteries (thereby playing a role in the development of inflammatory conditions like arthritis and atherosclerosis), but it doesn’t necessarily stop there.

Because recent studies have indicated that having too many Omega-6 fatty acids may also worsen allergy symptoms!

The reason is simple. 

An allergic reaction by your immune system ignites inflammation.  And when your body’s natural inflammation control system (otherwise known as your Omega-6: Omega-3 ratio) is topsy-turvy, inflammation has the green light to run rampant.

This inflammation can take the form of aches and pains of all kinds, inflamed arteries, skin problems like psoriasis, eczema and acne, asthma, mental fog and…

Allergy symptoms!

But you can help reduce inflammation dramatically and help ease allergies by bringing your Omega-6: Omega-3 EFA balance into a healthier range.

This can be accomplished by eating more fatty fish like salmon, and supplementing with a high quality fish oil supplement like VitalMega-3.

VitalMega-3 is a pure, super-potent, fish oil formula that delivers an inflammation-fighting 600 mg. of EPA and 400 mg. of DHA (the "shining stars" of Omega-3 EFAs).

Allergies continue to cause untold misery for millions...

But that doesn't have to include you any longer!

Because when you look at all of the possible factors behind your allergies (the obvious and the not-so-obvious) and then take natural measures to help your body tackle the underlying issues, chances are excellent you might see YOUR allergy symptoms greatly subside or possibly diminish altogether.

Wouldn't THAT be nice?

See for yourself now what a difference it can make.

And remember, check out our line of Dr. Salerno’s Nutritional Supplements!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The latest answer for excessive gas

Before I get into the meat and potatoes of today’s topic, I’d like to start your day with a little gas humor:

A guy was in a bar and he suddenly realized that he desperately needed to pass gas.  The music was really, really loud so he just timed his farts with the beat.

After farting through a couple of songs he felt much better.  He finished his beer and noticed that everyone was staring at him.

Then he remembered he was listening to his iPod.

 Ah yes, like it or not, gas is something we ALL have on a daily basis.

And as funny as the joke that I just quoted up above was, trust me, some of the emerging solutions out there for gas are arguably even funnier!

Here’s what I mean:

Sleep soundly in your Gas Sack
One of the newest innovations for gas odor control is called the “Gas Sack.”
I’m totally serious.

It looks like a lightweight sleeping bag.  You slide in at night, close up the Velcro strip, tighten the drawstring around your waist and voila-- you’re safe to blast away to your heart’s desire. 

It contains charcoal to cover up the odor, presumably so you won’t singe the eyebrows off your bed partner with the stench.

Now, the company says you have to be careful not to pass gas when your butt is right next to the cloth because it can seep out, thereby defeating the purpose. 

Good luck trying to keep track of your rear end’s proximity to this thing while you’re fast asleep.
And if you need extra odor control, never fear—there are also charcoal deodorizing pads you can pop into your underwear that can fight your backdoor breeze right on the spot.

They’re washable and reusable too—one can last long enough to tame the stench for up to three weeks.

I don’t even have a comment for that.

Gas—just the facts, ma’am
Although gas can be a funny or embarrassing topic, the fact is, it’s a fact of life.

The average person passes gas about 10-15 times a day, and the majority of that is from swallowed air.  We swallow air when we chew gum, drink carbonated beverages and eat whipped foods such as whipped cream and egg whites.

This type of gas is typically made up of about 90% nitrogen, plus carbon dioxide and oxygen, all of which are odorless.

So although the butt trumpet sound may be a little embarrassing, at least there’s not a stench that follows.

Things change, however, when your gas starts to SMELL.

One of the most common causes of stinky gas is when tiny undigested particles of food in your intestines start to ferment—that’s when your gas starts to smell like rotten eggs.

In addition, foods from the cabbage family and beans contain sulfur, which can also give a rotted egg smell to your “brand.”

Plus the number is important here too.  If you typically blow past the 10-15 fart per day average by the time you’re done with your morning coffee, something’s going on inside of you.

Here are some other possible causes of excessive, smelly gas:
  • Gas during or immediately after eating may be a hydrochloric acid deficiency in your stomach or a food allergy.
  • Gas within 1 to 1-1/2 hours after eating suggests harmful bacteria overgrowth in your gut.
  • Gas that worsens after eating fatty foods may be indicative of gallbladder problems.
  • Gas with foul smelling stools may suggest pancreatic dysfunction or parasitic infection.
  • And last but not least, excessive gas with diarrhea or constipation is an indication of colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulosis/itis or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
How to curb YOUR crop dusting
If you’re bothered by excessive and/or smelly gas, know this:  You are NOT alone, you CAN do something about it, and you DON’T have to resort to charcoal underwear pads and sleep sacks!

First and foremost, it's important to see a doctor to rule out a condition that may require medical intervention.

Some of the tests your doctor may wish to run should include:
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) test
  • Organic acid testing
  • Comprehensive stool analysis with parasitology
  • IgE and IgG allergy testing
  • Lactose breath test

But once you're sure nothing serious is wrong and you're just loaded with more gas than a Sunoco station, chances are excellent that you can curb your crop dusting and become much more pleasant to be around if you address these 3 very common causes of excessive gas:

       1- Eating meals that are next-to-impossible for your body to break down 

It's no wonder so many people are gas bags.
Considering the average "Western-type" diet loaded with processed foods, soda and horribly hard to digest, nutrient-poor meals, it's easy to see why nasty cases of gas are practically the norm—not the exception.

Eating this way is also a LEADING cause of diverticulosis, diverticulitis, IBS and acid reflux. They're simply different ways that your body is saying, "What the heck are you doing to me?"

But that can be turned around very easily by simply eating for better digestion--like I can guide you to do in the Great Taste No Pain health system.

Great Taste No Pain teaches you why specific foods and food combinations cause digestive problems like gas, constipation and heartburn and encourage or worsen IBS, ulcers and diverticulosis.

It's all based on simple chemistry and the way your body digests different foods.

There are also guides that show you how to put together meals that your system can break down much easier and a recipe section filled with loads of tasty dishes to try.

You'll be shocked at how great you can feel after eating for a change (and how flat your stomach can be).  Plus you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how delicious good-for-you foods and meals can be!
And everyone around you will appreciate the fresh air :-)

Note: If you have gluten sensitivity, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

You'll learn the same principles for improving digestion as in Great Taste No Pain, plus get a gluten free survival guide and a collection of scrumptious gluten free recipes.

       2- Imbalanced intestinal flora

Nothing can make you a “free Jacuzzi” faster and easier than harmful bacteria overgrowth (also known as dysbiosis) in your intestinal tract. 

You see, the beneficial bacteria in your gut help digest certain carbs and fiber.  So when these microscopic good guys are overcome by harmful bacteria, they can't do their job as well. 

As a result, the carbs can end up fermenting inside of you instead and...

Everyone on the elevator knows for sure it was YOU!

Having a good diet of real foods diet is essential for a strong flora balance, but even if you do eat healthy, the bacteria population in your gut can be thrown off by things like medications, stress, lack of sleep or environmental toxins.

That's where probiotic supplementation can make a HUGE difference in the level and frequency of your "playing the tuba."

And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is up to this brave task.

Super Shield contains 13 of the most feisty, effective strains of bacteria available. Studies show that a wide variety of strains is important to helping the greatest number of people, since each strain has its own "specialty" in terms of how it helps your body and smoothes out your digestion.

       3- Inadequate enzymes

Not only does the typical modern diet massively mess up your digestion, but it also uses up LOTS of enzymes in the process.  Eventually your body's ability to produce adequate digestive enzymes may be diminished and that can mean deficiencies.

 Enzymes are essential for your foods to be broken down like they need to be...
...because when they're not, look out. You'll clear out a room faster than if someone yelled, "Fire!"

Plus inadequate breakdown of foods leads to poor nutrient absorption, which can cause you to overeat (and pack on pounds) or develop deficiency diseases like osteoporosis.

If it's enzyme help you need, Digestizol Max is your ticket.

Over the last 50 years increasing numbers of people are suffering from enzyme deficiencies and all the health challenges they cause. This directly correlates with our increasing dependence on processed foods and fast foods.

And the thing is, once your body's ability to produce enzymes is diminished, that's it!  You can't wave a magic wand and crank out more.

In these cases, it can make a tremendous difference to give your body a little help with a digestive enzyme supplement.

One of the very first changes that many people report with Digestizol Max is immediately less gas! And now you know why.

Other measures you can try
Here are a few other measures you can try to reduce other causes of gas:
  • SLOW DOWN! Eating too fast is a common cause of gas. Slow down and chew your food thoroughly.
  • De-gas your beans. Beans are wonderfully nutritious, but notorious for causing “inverted burps.” It can help to use the dried variety and soak them in water for 4-12 hours before cooking. Put a pinch or two of baking soda in the cooking water too.
  • Use fresh ginger in your cooking. 
  • Avoid gum chewing and soda—two of the common causes of swallowed air.
  • Avoid alcohol sugars like sorbitol and xylitol (commonly found in sugar-free products) because they can cause gas and diarrhea.

Goodbye, uncorked symphony
Embarrassing, excessive, smelly gas does NOT have to be a part of your life any longer!

Take a look at what may be behind your excessive gas habits and give your body the help it needs.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Friday, March 27, 2015

7 Steps to better sleep

It’s an interesting phenomenon that two of the most common complaints that people report to their doctors are excessive sleepiness and too little sleep!

One can fuel the other and cause a vicious poor sleep cycle.  Having a bad night’s sleep can make you feel like the walking dead the next day, which in turn can make you doze off during the day, which can then interrupt your sleep that night!

Now, we all occasionally have a night where we’re staring at the ceiling, but usually by the next night we have an opportunity to “catch up” and things get back to normal.

Unfortunately, many people suffer from chronic insomnia, where being nocturnal is a regular thing.
And aside from delighting your cat because you’re awake during its favorite playtime, there’s nothing good about regularly lacking sleep because it can take a serious toll on your health, both physically and mentally.

Let’s take a closer look at the various health effects of chronic insomnia and explore some ways you can help encourage regular, restful sleep.

The health prices of chronic insomnia
1- The grim reaper arrives early
People who lack consistent quality sleep (this especially applies to nighttime shift workers) are more prone to accidents on the job and die younger than those with more stable sleep schedules.

2- It’s all in your rhythm
Your brain is kind of like a "master computer" that coordinates the timing of many of your physiological functions and processes, and just like your PC or notebook, it needs to be "restarted" from time to time. 

It is during restful, deep sleep that your brain is "reset" and can properly coordinate your various biological rhythms. 

3- REM—not just a singing group from the 90’s
The REM phase of sleep is the phase closest to when you wake up, and this is when dreaming usually occurs.  This phase is marked by rapid eye movements (REM) so it's known as REM sleep.
Studies have shown that people who are deprived of REM sleep are prone to irritability, anxiety and depression.

4- It’s not all in your head…or your back
Many of the problems for which people seek medical care--mental cloudiness, chronic fatigue, joint and muscle aches and fibromyalgia--are actually caused or exacerbated by poor sleep.

5- Adios, immune system
The most serious consequence of lacking sleep is that it greatly hampers your immune system functioning.

Not only does your immune system protect you from the obvious infections and viruses, but it also protects you from disease--and that includes cancer.

Studies show that the consequences of lacking sleep even for ONE night can be serious.
In one study, healthy male volunteers were deprived of four hours of sleep for a single night.  The next day, the activity of certain immune cells (natural killer cells) fell by as much as 30%!

But the good news is that the study also showed a single good night's sleep helped restore the immune cell functioning to near normal again.

So what’s behind YOUR nighttime wide eyeballs?
There are many factors that can contribute to your reluctant admission into the Night Owl Club.
Here are some of the most common reasons why you can count sheep till infinity and still stare at the ceiling every night:

Stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol) lower your body's levels of serotonin and melatonin, which are two important neurotransmitters involved in relaxation and sleep.

Poor digestion
Poor digestion can lead to late night attacks of gas, acid reflux, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. 
Many chronic acid reflux patients report suffering from regular insomnia in addition to the fire in their chest and acid sliding up their throat.

Hormonal changes
In the years leading up to and into menopause, many women suffer sleep disturbances including chronic insomnia due to the significant hormonal changes taking place in their bodies.

Similarly, pregnant women often report suffering from regular insomnia, especially during the third trimester when certain hormonal changes are happening.

Bad eating habits
When your body needs nourishment, it needs NOURISHMENT--and it doesn't care if it has to wake you up at 2am to let you know that.

So if you regularly skip meals, go to bed hungry or lack nutrients because you’re a junk food junkie or fast food fanatic, not having proper nourishment is a great way to make sure you'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed—at NIGHT!

Your night cap can cause a sleep gap
Caffeinated drinks (like coffee and soda) and alcohol are both common drinks to sip in the evening before going to bed.  

They also happen to be two of the worst sleep inhibitors on the planet. 

Lacking Omega-3 essential fatty acids
A recent randomized placebo-controlled study by the University of Oxford has suggested that higher levels of the Omega-3 EFA Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are associated with better sleep.

And considering that our typical processed/fast food diets are anemic when it comes to providing proper levels of Omega-3 EFAs, it’s certainly no surprise that we’re paying the price in countless ways—poor sleep included!

How you can revert back to infancy
If you want to start sleeping like a baby at night, it’s essential to take a look at what might be behind your sleeplessness and do something about it!

Here are seven very safe, effective measures you can try:

1) Counteract stress
Although it's a dirty word to many, there's no denying that exercise is numero uno when it comes to relieving stress.

You can also try counseling, prayer, meditation, aromatherapy, deep breathing, acupuncture, massage therapy and yoga. 

There are a lot of options to help you.  Pick the ones that will work for you and get going.

2) Eat nutritious meals that your body can tackle easier
This is the most obvious one of all.  The best way to prevent poor digestion and having your sleep disturbed by a wrenching gut or a body lacking nutrients is to eat healthy meals that your body can break down more easily.

Now before you roll your eyes, hear me out: Eating right does NOT have to mean deprivation, eating bland meals or existing on "rabbit food."

Not when you use the Great Taste No Pain eating system, or if you have gluten issues, Great Taste No Gluten.

In Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten, I show you the simple tips to putting together meals that are much easier for your body to break down.

The best part about it is everything tastes FANTASTIC!  You'll be shocked that good-for-you foods and eating for great digestion can taste this delicious. 

3) Consider enzyme supplementation
Poor digestion can also be the result of inadequate digestive enzymes.

This is especially common in people who take antacids or acid reducers, the elderly or people who have had a poor diet for years or decades.

Many people with digestive problems like acid reflux, gas, constipation and bloating have gotten tremendous relief by giving their body an occasional boost of enzyme help.  

If you feel your enzymes need a little helping hand, Digestizol Max is here to help.

Digestizol Max has a feisty, potent blend of 15 plant-derived enzymes which assist your system in breaking down whatever foods you eat.

That can mean better digestion and more restful sleep for YOU!

4) Consider bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has been a godsend for many perimenopausal and fully menopausal women.

In health reports from not only the Journal of the American Medical Association, but also from the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Harvard Medical and Stanford University, it’s been stated that bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can have long-term health benefits--including relief from menopausal-related sleep problems!

The catch is many mainstream medical doctors are not familiar with bio-identical HRT because it’s more of a holistic therapy.

Your best bet is to seek out a holistic practitioner to help you.

5) Consider magnesium and Vitamin E supplementation
Many people lose sleep from muscle cramps or restless legs.

If that includes you, taking 250 mg. of magnesium at night, plus 400-800 IUs of Vitamin E each day can be a big help.

6) Switch up your night cap
The more you can avoid coffee, soda and alcohol before hitting the sheets, the better your chances of a good night's sleep. 

If you want a little night cap, try water with lemon or some herbal tea.

7) Get enough Omega-3 EFAs
As I mentioned above, due to our typical diets, many of us are likely walking around with a serious Omega-3 EFA deficiency.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are found in abundance in fatty fish—but unfortunately that's not something that most people eat on a daily basis.  
That's why daily supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids is so important for so many people.
And VitalMega-3 fish oil supplements are the perfect way to make sure you've got what you need. 

VitalMega-3 is loaded with 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in each and every daily two-capsule serving, including the all-important EPA and DHA in the 3:2 ratio recommended by experts.

Your days of being a night owl can finally be over!
If you have occasional poor sleep or downright chronic insomnia, don't think that dangerous, addictive sleep drugs are your only answer. 

When you instead take a close look at what may be behind YOUR "night owl syndrome" and do something about it, your restless nights can come finally come to an end!

Imagine—sleeping like a baby every single night. 

That can be your reality sooner than you think!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Feel & look younger without plastic surgery

Here are some silly jokes about aging to tickle your funny bone today:

When you get old, your secrets are safe with your friends. They'll never share them because they can't remember them.

You know you're getting old when you look in the mirror to shave and realize that the face you're looking at is your father's.

You know you’re getting old when you've gone through the four stages of life:

1- You believe in Santa Claus;
2- You don't believe in Santa Claus;
3- You are Santa Claus;
4- You look like Santa Claus

You know you’re getting older when almost everything hurts, and what doesn't hurt doesn't work.


Seriously, it’s a fact that time marches on for all of us, my friend, and eventually we all show signs of aging. 

It’s a touchy subject for a lot of people, and has certainly helped fill the waiting rooms of plastic surgeons all over the globe.

Sometimes the results of these youth-restoring procedures are great, and other times…well, let’s put it this way—I don’t think someone with “trout pout,” bulging apple-like cheekbones or an inability to move their facial muscles necessarily looks younger.

But in any event, the good news is that, even though you can’t stop the clock from ticking away the years, there is a whole lot of things you can do to help retain a more youthful look and vitality.

Here are eight of the biggest bangs for your buck in terms of fighting the aging process:

1) Drink enough water
Notice I underlined the word “enough.”

The vast majority of us don’t even come close to drinking enough water.  Most people don’t bother drinking any water at all unless they’re thirsty, and by then, they already may be well on their way to dehydration.

Or worse yet, when many people are thirsty, they drink soda instead!

Water is vital for healthy, younger-looking skin.  It provides natural moisture and carries needed nutrients to the skin, and it sweeps away waste products, both of which in turn help keep your skin smooth and clear.

There are a variety of factors that affect how much water the average person needs (including exercise level and the amount of natural water you get from your foods), but a good place to start is to drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses a day.

Another good rule of thumb is to drink half the number of pounds you weigh in ounces of water every day.  So for example if you weigh 150 pounds, you should aim to drink 75 ounces of water each day.

Just avoid drinking large amounts of water with or immediately following your meals, as it may dilute your digestive enzymes and hamper your digestion.

2) Use the right moisturizer
If you're noticing little lines and wrinkles on your face, there’s no need to rush out to the department store cosmetics counter and drop a bank roll on special creams and moisturizers. 

Because simple, old Vitamin C cream can do a much better job for a fraction of the price!

Studies suggest that Vitamin C applied externally to the skin may help stimulate the growth of new collagen.

And applying Vitamin C cream to your face can help plump up wrinkles, restore skin tone and fill in small lines, giving you a more youthful, radiant appearance.

Look for creams that contain a 10% concentration of Vitamin C.  I use Avalon Organics, but there are many great ones out there.

3) Exercise—the anti-aging MUST
There's no denying it--if you want anything that resembles a measure of health (and to avoid looking older than your years), you MUST move your body. 

Engaging in a regular exercise routine that facilitates better, more supportive muscle tone will help firm up sagging skin, plus sweating helps your body release harmful wastes and toxins from your precious skin.

And of course, exercise helps maintain your bone density and keeps your heart healthy too!
Now, before you start with your excuses, exercise doesn't have to mean joining a club or investing in expensive equipment. 

For example, there are a lot of great DVDs out there.  P90X, Insanity and T-25 are intense workouts that really pack a punch, but there are also DVDs with lower impact activities like Pilates too.

Yoga is excellent and there are classes offered practically everywhere you turn.

There are also free weights which are relatively inexpensive, plus running or walking is basically cost-free (except for good shoes). 

Just get your doctor’s OK (especially if you haven’t exercised in a while) and MOVE—you’ll LOVE the results when you look in the mirror for many reasons!

4) Have a nutritious diet rich in antioxidants and fiber
This is crucial…and not optional.

Your skin MUST get the nutrients and antioxidants it needs (like Vitamins A, C and E, as well as zinc and selenium) to look and stay healthy, plus fiber is important for helping to carry away skin-harming waste products.

Trust me, if you exist on mainly packaged foods, fast food, soda and coffee, you can practically count on a lousy complexion, poor skin tone, skin problems and looking FAR older than your years.

To encourage great health in your skin (and all your other organs too!), you HAVE to eat the foods that give your body the nutrients, antioxidants and fiber it needs.

And the best part is, eating nutritious real foods can be positively delicious…when you use the Great Taste No Pain system.

Great Taste No Pain explains the health price that you pay with a processed/junk food diet --you will be shocked to see all the ways poor diet choices can affect your health (including your skin).

It also shows you the best foods to eat (and which ones to pair together) to help promote better digestion and elimination of wastes.

The recipe book makes eating right tasty for the tongue too. It's loaded with easy, delicious recipes that will likely soon become your favorites!

And if you have gluten issues, no worries.  Great Taste No Gluten will give you all the same food pairing information as Great Taste No Pain, plus you'll get a collection of scrumptious gluten free recipes and guides for keeping gluten out of your life.

Get the system that's right for you and use it.

5) Stop smoking
Nothing will destroy your skin and age you faster than smoking. 

Smoking accelerates the normal aging process of your skin, contributing to wrinkles.  These skin changes can occur after only 10 years of smoking and are IRREVERSIBLE.

Smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin.  This impairs blood flow to the skin, robbing it of oxygen and important nutrients, such as vitamins A and C.

Smoking also damages collagen and elastin - the fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity.  As a result, your skin can begin to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

Quitting cold turkey isn't for everyone.  There are loads of stop smoking aids and programs out there, so pick the one that’s right for you.  Your body will say thank you in ways you can’t even imagine.
And I know you can do it! 

6)  Get essential fatty acids
You need good levels of Omega-3 essential fatty acids to maintain healthy cell membranes and reduce the production of inflammation-causing chemicals that can irritate skin tissues and age you.

Unfortunately, our typical diets are grossly lacking in Omega-3 EFAs.  While they're abundant in many fish, most people don't eat fish seven days a most of us are low in Omega-3 EFAs.

That's why a fish oil supplement like our VitalMega-3 is such a great idea for so many people.

VitalMega-3 gives your skin a healthy daily dose of the EPA and DHA that are highly recommended by most experts.

Not only will it benefit your skin, but studies show Omega-3 EFAs are also helpful against age-related issues like excess cholesterol, joint aches and pains, brain health and even high blood pressure! 

7) Get vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and maintaining bone mineral density (and preventing hip fractures) are key in maintaining your longevity and quality of life as you age.

Unfortunately, vitamin D happens to be a common deficiency.  Many people completely shun the sun because of skin cancer concerns, and your body needs sunlight to manufacture vitamin D.

Plus as we age, our skin becomes less efficient at making vitamin D, plus our kidneys have a harder time converting it to a usable form.

So supplementation is crucial in so many cases.

And for a top-quality vitamin D supplement, nothing beats Dr. Salerno’s Vitamin D-K Factor.

Vitamin D-K Factor pairs a helpful therapeutic dose of vitamin D with the added helpful boost of vitamin K—which also enhances bone health and has been shown to help prevent atherosclerosis too!

8) Consider bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
Running low in hormones can also accelerate the aging process.

For example, estrogen is very important for the health and function of many of your body’s tissues including your skin, mucous membranes, bones and blood vessels—so being low in it (especially during menopause) can make you feel far older than your years!

 But bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can help support your body and compensate for reduced hormone levels.

Unlike synthetic hormone replacement, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy works to help naturally reestablish the way your body sends messages to your tissues and organs to keep them healthy.

The body has an easier time assimilating bio-identical hormones because they are exactly identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally made in your body.

Synthetic hormones, on the other hand, have extra molecules which are not recognized by your body, so they are not broken down as easily by your body’s enzymes.

Note that you’ll have to seek out a practitioner that does BHRT—and because it’s more of a holistic therapy, many mainstream doctors are not familiar with it or well-versed in it.

Here is a reference that can help you locate a doctor in your area:

You can also call compounding pharmacies in your area—they prepare BHRT prescriptions and can be a good source of information about BHRT doctors as well.

And if you happen to be in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area, do yourself a big favor and make an appointment with one of the world’s leading experts in BHRT—Dr. John Salerno.  His Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine is located on 52nd St. in Manhattan.  I have had the pleasure of being associated with Dr. Salerno for over six years and I can’t say enough about his level of expertise, professionalism and true heartfelt caring about his patients.

To learn more about Dr. Salerno, check out his website here:

Note: I will be at the A4M Anti-Aging Conference with Dr. Salerno from May 7-9th at the Diplomat Resort in Hollywood, FL, so if you’re in the area, stop by and say hello to us!

Time stops for no one, but you can certainly help S-L-O-W the process of aging and encourage a younger feel and appearance in you! 

Put some of the strategies I’ve outlined above to work for you, and see the tremendous difference they can make!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A little known factor behind mental illness

I’m going to cut right to the chase today with some not-so-rosy news

The National Institute of Mental Health currently estimates that over 40 million Americans are affected by one of several mental or emotional conditions that has a significant adverse effect on their quality of life.

That’s one out of eight of us, my friend.

These include conditions like:

·       Depression
·       Schizophrenia
·       Bipolar disorder
·       Anxiety
·       Panic disorder
·       Dementia
·       Alzheimer’s
·       Addictions
·       Eating disorders

Plus the NIMH also believes an additional 50 million people suffer from intermittent bouts of certain conditions like anxiety and depression.

That brings the total up to nearly one third of the entire US population that is dealing with mental health concerns…and if that doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will.

Clearly we’re missing something along the way in terms of how these conditions are addressed and treated.

Let’s take a look and see what that might be:

The current trend
According to the NIMH, just over half (58.7 percent) of adults in the United States with a serious mental illness receives treatment for their problem.

That treatment includes inpatient care (7.5 percent) and outpatient therapy (40.5 percent), but far and away the leader of the pack is prescription medication (like antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs and pain killers).

Although these medications do “work”—as in, many people do feel relief of their symptoms—that relief comes at a very hefty price.

I’m not referring to how much they cost—I’m talking about side effects.

Plus many of the psychiatric drugs (especially antidepressants) are not even designed to be used for longer than six months, yet many people stay on them for several months, years or even decades.

And considering that the number of people suffering from mental health conditions continues to go UP, methinks there’s got to be a better way of looking at these illnesses.

The missing link—neurotransmitters
When you take a close look at how your brain actually works, mental health conditions make a lot more sense…and you can begin to appreciate that there are other very effective ways of dealing with many of these challenges.

I’ll give you a very brief biology lesson here so you can see what I mean:

The billions of cells in your brain talk to each other and pass along information by using little chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.  We have over 50 known neurotransmitters, and each one carries its own unique type of message.

When one brain cell wants to send a message to another, it releases the appropriate neurotransmitter.  Then the neurotransmitter floats across the tiny space between the two cells (called the synaptic cleft) and the receiving cell “catches” the message in one or more of its “catcher’s mitts” (called neuroreceptors).

Although this sounds like a slow, cumbersome process, it actually happens at the speed of light and the word is spread from cell to cell VERY quickly.

Once the message is delivered, the leftover neurotransmitters are cleaned up in one of two ways:
  1. They get broken down by enzymes, go through the liver and eventually make their way out of you through your urine or feces
  2. They get sucked up by little “vacuums” (called reuptake pumps) and are recycled to be used again another time
Medications play with neurotransmitters
Since neurotransmitters have a significant impact on how your brain functions and communicates, having too much or too little of one or more of them is a major factor behind mental illness.

Now, the reason psychiatric drugs achieve their intended effect on how people feel is that they play with your levels of neurotransmitters.

For example, many antidepressants work by blocking your reuptake pumps from vacuuming up leftover serotonin.  Serotonin is your “feel good” neurotransmitter, so by forcing it to hang around between your brain cells longer, many people feel “happier.”

Anti-anxiety medications target another neurotransmitter (GABA) which is your “calming” neurotransmitter.

A more natural approach—support your neurotransmitters
What many people don’t realize is that when you naturally support your neurotransmitters and encourage proper levels of them, you can feel a whole lot better from mental health challenges!

You see, your neurotransmitters are made from amino acids (building blocks of proteins) and require one or more vitamins or minerals as part of the “recipe” to create the neurotransmitter.

Here are some of your major neurotransmitter players, how they affect you and their ingredients:

How it works:  It regulates your appetite, mood, sensory perception and immune function.

What deficiency can cause: Depression, eating disorders, chronic pain, sleep disorders, emotional problems, anxiety and aggression.

The recipe:  Serotonin requires the amino acid tryptophan, plus B Vitamins, Vitamin C, zinc and iron.

Gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA)
How it works:  It has a calming effect on your mood.

What deficiency can cause: Anxiety, over-excitability, seizure disorders and mania.

The recipe:  GABA requires the amino acid glutamate, plus Vitamin B6, manganese, biotin, lysine and taurine.

How it works:  It is a stimulatory neurotransmitter and controls your arousal, movement and your hormonal responses.

What deficiency can cause: Muscular and cell rigidity, tremors and even Parkinson’s disease.

The recipe:  Dopamine requires the amino acids tyrosine or phenylalanine, plus Vitamin B6, folic acid, iron, copper, magnesium and zinc.

How it works:  It affects the electrical activity of your brain and is essential in the storage of memory.

What deficiency can cause: Memory loss, depression, confusion and muscle incoordination.  It’s low in Alzheimer’s patients, and deficiency is often seen in menopause (hence the forgetfulness that many women experience in this stage of life).

The recipe:  Acetylcholine requires the amino acid choline, plus Vitamin B6, B5 and B3, manganese, lysine and threonine.

Better ingredients = better levels of neurotransmitters
Clearly, having proper levels of neurotransmitters is essential for sound mental health!

So it’s crucial to make sure you’re not only taking in a good variety of nutrients for your neurotransmitter “recipes” (including amino acids, vitamins and minerals), but also that your body is absorbing those nutrients, and eliminating old used-up neurotransmitters like it should.

And that, my friend, is accomplished through having a good, nutrient-dense diet and encouraging efficient digestion.

Here are five very effective ways you can help make that happen:

Step 1: Have a healthy, nutrient-dense (but delicious!) diet
When it comes to eating for optimal physical and mental health, the Great Taste No Pain system will guide you every step of the way.

Or if you have celiac or gluten sensitivity, Great Taste No Gluten.

Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you how to pair together REAL foods (loaded with crucial amino acids, vitamins and minerals) to help digestion to be accomplished smoothly and completely. 

Not only can this help dramatically reduce gut problems, but it also can help improve your overall physical and mental health from head to toe by encouraging the elimination of toxins in your system and enhancing nutrient absorption!

And NEVER did eating for great health taste SO delicious.  The dishes in both the GTNP and GTNG recipe sections are positively spectacular!  You’ll be shocked at how scrumptious good-for-you foods can be.

Step 2: Encourage a healthy flora balance
The friendly flora in your gut also plays an important role in your digestion and nutrient absorption.

Plus here’s something most people don’t know—the vast majority of your body’s serotonin is actually manufactured in your gut, then it gets sent to your brain—so gut health takes on a whole new sense of importance when you’re talking about mental health!

That’s why supplementation with a quality probiotic formula like Super Shield can be so helpful to so many people. 

Super Shield contains a variety of both Lactobacillus strains (which help your small intestine) and Bifidobacteria species (which live in your colon), each of which has their own “specialty” in how they help enhance your gut health and encourage sound digestion and nutrient absorption! 

Step 3: Ensure you have adequate B12 levels
Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that helps control a critical process in your body called methylation.  Methylation is vital to the formation of almost ALL of your neurotransmitters, and methylation abnormality is a factor behind many mental health problems. 

Now, getting enough vitamin B12 can be tricky because its absorption through your digestive tract can varyit depends upon your stomach’s ability to produce enough acid and a compound called intrinsic factor.  

That’s why B12 shots have been recommended so often in the past.  Since the B12 is injected directly into your bloodstream, it bypasses any absorbency shortcomings in the GI tract.

But vitamin B12 sprays are gaining popularity because of their relatively low cost and convenience of use.  With a B12 spray, just like an injection, you are able to bypass the GI tract issues since the B12 can instead be absorbed through the mucus membranes under your tongue. 

If you suspect you’re low in B12 (or your doctor has confirmed it with a test), then you can help turn that around fast with Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 spray!

Step 4: Protect against Omega-3 essential fatty acid deficiency
Omega-3 essential fatty acids are CRUCIAL to mental health.  Your brain absolutely MUST have them to function properly.

Unfortunately, they also happen to be deficient in vast numbers of people. 

You see, because of our current prevalence of processed/fast foods, vegetable oils, farm-raised fish and meat from grain-fed animals (which have few or no Omega-3 EFAs), most people are lacking the Omega-3 EFAs their minds so desperately need.

That's why supplementation with a high quality Omega-3 fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 can make such a difference in your physical AND mental health.

VitalMega-3 is a top-quality fish oil formula that delivers a much-needed, brain-appreciated 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in every daily two-capsule serving.

Step 5: Weigh your alternatives
If you are suffering from a mental health challenge (or want to help prevent one from occurring), I encourage you to put the power of nutrition to work for you.  It truly can make a huge difference in how you feel for the rest of your life!

And if you are presently on any psychiatric medications, be sure to talk to your doctor before you explore reducing or stopping these medications.  Many people have successfully weaned off of drugs like Xanax and Prozac, but they can have serious effects if they are stopped suddenly and/or without proper medical supervision.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.