
Monday, April 20, 2015

You can stop acid reflux-here’s how

For those of you who were born prior to 1970, you probably remember the Speedy Alka-Seltzer commercials on TV.

Speedy’s body was one Alka-Seltzer tablet, and he wore another as a hat, and he would sing the famous jingle, “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.”

Way back when, heartburn used to be an occasional thing you’d get when you ate too much or had an unusually rich meal.

Now?  People get it several times a week or daily, and it’s even got a fancy title.

Acid reflux disease.

And you know what that means.

There is a whole lot of people putting out the fire in their chest each day, to the tune of $6 billion being spent on Nexium alone in 2013 and 2014. 

But what many people don’t realize is: Acid reflux is preventable!

And even if you do overindulge and trigger a bout of heartburn, there are many safe, natural ways to get relief, without dealing with possible drug side effects!

Let’s take a look at the some of the lesser-known effects of acid reflux drugs, talk about what acid reflux really is, how to prevent it, and how to put out the fire of an occasional bout of heartburn.

“Relief” at a price
Most people do feel relief when they first start using acid reducers and they're thrilled, thinking that they've found the magic answer.

But eventually the magic stops.

Because while reducing or neutralizing stomach acid might relieve the flames in your chest, at the same time it's opening up a Pandora's Box of other issues that can make you feel WORSE--not better--and may trigger other health problems.

Here’s what I mean--crippling the acid in your stomach can lead to these major problems:

1- Demolished digestion
Your body must have stomach acid to properly break down proteins.  So when you eat protein, your stomach naturally secretes acid like it’s supposed to.

But then its acid production gets shut down or weakened by the medication.

Your stomach senses something's wrong and tries to secrete more acid to get digestion going again...but the acid reducer keeps doing its job.

This process can potentially go on for hours and result in a pool of acid in your stomach that can come rising up into your throat—precisely what you were hoping to prevent!

Plus when your digestion is ruined, this can cause trouble further down the road too--namely, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. 

Those symptoms are all listed as side effects on most acid medication inserts and now you know why that is so.

2- Dangerous deficiency
The vitamin B12 in your foods is bound to little proteins that must be "shaved off" by stomach acid before the B12 can be absorbed in your GI tract.

So when your stomach acid is halted by acid reducers, B12 cannot be "released" from the protein like it must be in order for your body to absorb it.

Over time this can result in vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to a whole host of other health issues including memory problems, depression, low energy and a weakened immune system.

3- Disabled defenses
One of the most vital functions of your stomach’s hydrochloric acid is protect you against food poisoning, H. pylori, parasites, fungi and other infections you take in from your food and the environment. 

Without the protection of properly working stomach acid, you are basically defenseless against many of these dangerous microbes. 

4- Bacterial bedlam
As a consequence of poor digestion and the waste buildup that typically results from it, your intestinal flora population can be thrown completely out of balance.

Not only does this compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to every virus and bug around, but it ruins your digestion even MORE because the friendly bacteria in your gut help to digest certain starches and fibers.

Now let’s look at the REAL story
Now that you know some of the lesser-known dangers of acid reflux drugs, let’s take a look at what acid reflux really is, and most importantly, how you can help prevent it!

Acid reflux is simply your body being unable to effectively break down and completely digest what you’ve put in it.

And there are three primary reasons that this happens:

Acid reflux cause #1: Food
It never ceases to amaze me how people eat fast food or smorgasbord-type meals, day in and day out, then wonder why they have a 4-alarm fire in their chest every night.

That's like saying you're surprised that your thumb is throbbing after you slam it with a hammer.

If you have acid reflux, it's time to face facts--YOUR DIET is very likely the main cause of your misery. 

Accept it, stop making excuses and do something about it--like changing your diet to include more nutritious REAL foods and easier to digest meals.

When you eat foods that nourish your body and meals that are easier for your system to break down, your body can respond very quickly…and you can see the difference in these ways:
  • Less burping, belching or acid in your throat. 
  • Less gas, bloating, flatulence or BM problems.
  • No more need to sleep propped up on pillows.

The dietary advice you need is in the Great Taste No Pain program. 

Great Taste No Pain will show you what foods are naturally acid-creating versus alkaline, and which ones digest better together in meals by working with—not against—your stomach acid and other enzymes.

And it's delicious too!  Just wait until you try the scrumptious recipes for beef tenderloin with horseradish sauce, crab cakes, chicken soup and much more!

Note: if you have gluten challenges, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

Acid reflux cause #2: Enzymes
If you've eaten a typical hard to digest diet for quite some time, chances are excellent that you have expended far more digestive enzymes than Nature intended you to.

As a result, your body's ability to produce adequate enzymes may be diminished...and this can be a major contributing factor to poor digestion and acid reflux!

Plus as we age, our bodies' ability to produce enzymes naturally decreases.

If you suspect low enzymes are a concern for you, or have out and out been told you're low in stomach acid, then Digestizol Max is your ticket for getting the help you need.

Digestizol Max's 14 plant-derived enzymes and 5 herbal soothers can give your body a boost to help keep your digestion nice and smooth -- and help make acid reflux, GERD and heartburn a thing of the past for you.

Acid reflux cause #3: Stress
Stress is also a common cause of ruined digestion and acid reflux.

Digestion is a parasympathetic process, meaning your body must be in a relaxed, non-stressed state for it to be accomplished. 

Eating in a relaxed state also encourages you to eat slower, which means that your body can recognize satiety before you overeat (and bring on a bout of heartburn).

But if you instead eat when your sympathetic nervous system is in gear (such as when you're working, driving, emotionally upset, stressed, rushing, etc.) that can have a devastating impact on your digestion and lead to reflux.

So slow down and relax!  Avoid eating in a stressed state.  Make time for meals and don't eat on the run. 

And if stress is an ongoing issue for you, it's time to take a look at ways to reduce the stress in your life.  There are many helpful suggestions, programs and exercise options out there.

But what if I overindulge?
We’re all human…and that means that every now and then, we might overindulge and end up with heartburn as a result!

But there are safe, natural answers for occasional heartburn too—here are some you can try:

1) Fresh ginger
Fresh ginger root has been used since ancient times as a natural anti-inflammatory and a treatment for digestive conditions.
It can easily be peeled, sliced, diced or grated. You can stir it into barbecue sauces, steep it in a cup of tea, use it in a stir-fry, add some to smoothies or enjoy it thinly shaved with sushi.

2) Licorice
Licorice root is soothing to the mucous membranes of the GI tract and can promote healing. 
However, the glycyrrhizic acid in licorice root can raise your blood pressure and lower potassium levels if you eat too much, so look for deglycerrhized licorice (DGL licorice) supplements in health food stores.

3) Slippery elm bark
Slippery elm bark is another herb which soothes mucous membranes and has been used as a remedy for stomach problems for centuries by European and Native American cultures.
You can brew a tea with slippery elm bark or purchase slippery elm lozenges at health food stores.

4) Aloe vera
Aloe vera juice is another natural anti-inflammatory that can help soothe inflammation in the stomach or esophagus.
Aloe vera is available at many health food stores and retail merchants.

5) Apple cider vinegar
Sometime heartburn can result from too little stomach acid.
In those cases, you can easily improve the acid content of your stomach by taking one tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water.

Do all you can to eliminate the underlying causes of acid reflux (as well as take safer, natural measures to combat occasional heartburn) and I’m sure it won’t be long before you’re feeling tremendous relief!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Follow me on Twitter @sherry_brescia and Instagram @sherrybrescia


  1. Thanks for this post, Sherry. I've been using apple cider vinegar successfully for several years now whenever I get hit with acid reflux and it works surprisingly well. It was a bit counter-intuitive the first time I tried it, but the results convinced me.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Unlike typical distilled vinegars (which are acidic), raw (unfiltered) apple cider vinegar is alkaline to the body. It is also helpful to make sure you are eating to help prevent acid reflux from occurring as Sherry teaches in the Great Taste No Pain program .

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