
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A new test for IBS & 4 ways to get relief

A new blood test that can help diagnose irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been developed by Dr. Mark Pimentel, a gastroenterologist at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, CA.

The test is designed to identify the presence of anti-Cdtb and anti-vinculin antibodies, which have been shown to be elevated in many people with IBS.

While this is good news in terms of diagnosing IBS—because it was previously a “last resort” diagnosis when everything else had been ruled out—many people are still in the dark about what triggers IBS and how to get relief.

IBS is commonly described as a functional disorder whose cause is not known, but the truth is, there are three primary underlying factors behind IBS, and once you are aware of these factors and do something about them, you can start to feel a whole lot better—fast.

Three common IBS triggers
Irritable bowel syndrome has 3 primary underlying factors or triggers:

1-Poor digestion
2-Undiagnosed food allergies
3-Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO)

Poor digestion
If your digestive system cannot break down your foods like it's supposed to on a regular basis, it's just a matter of time before your body begins to give you signs that something isn't right.

And the most common signs of poor digestion are also the classic IBS symptoms:
  • Gas, flatulence
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain
Food allergies and sensitivities
Many people have food allergies or sensitivities and don’t even know it...all they know is that they’re suffering with very frequent pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea—all of which are IBS symptoms.

True food allergies are easier to detect because you usually get symptoms pretty quickly after eating the offending food.

But food sensitivities are a bit sneakier.  You won’t necessary get symptoms right away—it might take you up to 72 hours to feel the effects, and at that point, it’s difficult to make the connection.

Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO)
The different types of bacteria that live in your large vs. small intestines each have different functions.

One of those differences is the metabolism of carbohydrates. Most carbs are absorbed in your small intestine, and there's typically little or no gas produced.

The only exception is dietary fiber -- that passes on to the large intestine.

The bacteria in your large intestine break down fiber and as they're doing that, some gas is naturally produced. The bacteria usually absorb most of the gas, and any excess is passed as normal (not excessive) flatulence.

However, with SIBO some of the bacteria from your large intestine “swim upstream” into the small intestine. When this happens, fiber that you eat begins to be broken down too soon—in the small intestine instead of the large.

Since your small intestine isn't equipped to handle this and it doesn't have the right bacteria to absorb the resulting gas, this can cause bloating, excessive gas and pain (classic IBS symptoms).

How to get real IBS relief!
Now that you know the common underlying factors behind IBS, you can do something about them and start feeling much better.

Here are four measures you can take:

1- Get tested
If you suspect food allergies or sensitivities could be an issue for you, it’s important to see a doctor and have testing done. 

2- Help improve your digestion
This is the most obvious one of all, since poor digestion is the #1 most common cause of IBS (and many other digestive conditions for that matter).

In order to help promote better digestion, it’s essential to eat real (not processed) foods, and structure your meals so that they’re less taxing on your system.   

The Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten eating systems show you exactly what to do.

Both systems show you how to put together meals that your body can more easily break down.  When you make the body’s job easier, digestion can be completed much more efficiently.

And that can mean less gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are in your future.

3- Help counteract SIBO
Probiotics have been shown to be extremely helpful in counteracting SIBO.  But the key is that it's important to use a formula which contains both bifidobacterium species (for the large intestine) and lactobacillus species (which reside in the small intestine).

And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is up to these important challenges.

Super Shield can help enhance digestion and fight SIBO-induced symptoms safely and naturally from within by helping to restore and maintain the bacteria balance in both your small and large intestines.

4- Relieve stress
Stress can definitely compromise your digestion, which can certainly worsen IBS symptoms.  Your mind and GI tract are connected through a series of impulse pathways called the "brain-gut axis" and what affects one affects the other. 

Stress relievers include regular exercise, taking up a hobby, adopting a pet, counseling, prayer, meditation, aromatherapy, deep breathing, acupuncture, massage therapy and yoga.  There are a lot of options to help you. 

Pick whatever suggestions above are right for you, and get going on having real relief from IBS now!

1 comment:

  1. My doctor says all my stomach problems, is due to my Thyroid it's either high or low....I don't really know anymore what to eat, can't eat, fruit or vegetable anything with milk I don't it's my thyroid but even combining the food the way your book does, doesn't work for me, because as soon as I eat vegetables or anything dairy I have everything you mention, that leaves protein, but i don't eat meat...I drink almond milk, that helps....and yes if i have fruit first thing in the morning I'm ok. ....but I tried one day an all fruit diet, it helped i felt better, but the next day, it felt like \i had no muscle left, weak as a kitten....I've tried everything,now I just accept the pain until it hopefully goes away


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