
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Are you doomed by your family history?

One thing that I frequently hear when talking with people about their health is they feel doomed by their family history.

Statistics show that the following conditions can run in families:
Alzheimer’s disease
Heart disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Parkinson’s disease
Thyroid problems

But "family history" isn't always what it seems.

Yes, there are some disorders that affect multiple family members that are caused by gene mutations, which can be inherited.

But other conditions that appear to run in families are not necessarily caused by genetics. Instead, other factors such as dietary habits and lifestyle are largely responsible for these disorders.

And while it's true that the genes you inherit can play a role in your state of health, it's not an iron-clad guarantee that the same fate will befall you.

Here's why:

Genes--the good and the bad
Your genes are your blueprint of life.  Everything about you--your hair color, eye color, body type, voice, shape of your nose, etc.--is determined by your genes. 

Contrary to what you may believe, not all of your genes are firing on all cylinders all the time...or even at all. 

Instead there are some parts of your genes that are very active and some that lie dormant and will only affect you if they are "awakened." 

Food and genes talk to each other
This may come as a surprise to you, but the food you eat directly affects your genes!

The nutrients in your foods "talk to" your genes, delivering information that can alter which aspects of your genes will be activated.

Research has shown that any genes you've inherited that make you more susceptible to disease do not single-handedly cause disease. 

Instead their harmful messages remain "asleep" unless food, lifestyle or environmental factors trigger them into action.

As a matter of fact, your genes are SO responsive to your diet that not eating foods that provide for your unique nutritional needs is now recognized as a major factor in the development of chronic diseases. 

Phytonutrients are where it's at
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes all contain health-promoting compounds called "phytonutrients."

Phytonutrients interact with your genes to "wake up" the ones that help encourage production of antioxidants and detoxifying enzymes, while "putting to sleep" the ones that promote inflammation and disease.

Get a good variety and use them too
Each phytonutrient has its own "specialty" in terms of how it helps promote healthy body functioning.  So it's important to make sure you're getting a wide variety of real foods so you can maximize your genetic disease-fighting ability.

But that's just half of the equation.

Because unless your body is actually absorbing the nutrients you take in, you'll end up benefitting from little or none of their disease-fighting power.

And the key to properly absorbing nutrients of any kind is complete and efficient digestion.
Now you may ask, "How can I tell if my digestion is efficient?"

Well, see how many of these common signs of poor digestion you have:
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Belching
  • Uncomfortable fullness after meals
  • Nausea
  • Constant hunger
  • Undigested food in your stools
  • Skin problems
  • Body aches
  • Low energy
If you suffer from any of these on a regular basis, chances are excellent you have poor digestion.

Turn it all around
In order to smooth out your digestion and maximize your disease-fighting nutrient absorption, it's important to have a healthy diet that can be more easily broken down by your system.

It's also crucial to keep your population of intestinal beneficial bacteria strong, since they too help aid digestion and nutrient absorption (and keep your immune system strong too).

Eat the right foods
In the Great Taste No Pain system, you will learn what foods to eat together (and what other combos to avoid!) to help encourage better, more complete digestion. 

And while it's not necessary to make the dishes in the recipe section, if you do want to cook, my recipes are downright scrumptious and feature lots of real foods with disease-fighting phytonutrients.

Note: If you're gluten sensitive or have celiac, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

Beef up your friendly flora
The friendly bacteria in your gut help break down certain starches and fibers and keep digestion running smoothly.  Plus they help promote gut wall health, which helps with nutrient absorption too.

Super Shield probiotic formula is a top quality probiotic that contains 13 quality strains of potent beneficial bacteria that help keep your digestion tip-top, as well as help strengthen your gut wall and support immune functioning.

You’re not done yet!
In addition to having a nutritious diet and sound digestion, it’s also crucial to make sure your lifestyle habits don’t trigger disease-causing genes!

Number one is getting regular exercise.  If you don’t engage in some form of regular exercise, you are cutting your own throat in terms of health and paving the way for disease. Get your doctor’s OK and get going.

If you smoke, please quit.  There are many stop-smoking programs and aids out there to help you. 

Keep alcohol consumption under control.  Alcohol is fine in moderation but if you’re drinking heavily on a regular basis, it’s time to cut back.

Lastly, getting adequate sleep each night is essential.  Lacking sleep can sap your immune system functioning at the speed of light. 

Start a new history
Regardless of your genetics, you can put the power of nutrition, sound digestion, a strong flora balance and healthy lifestyle habits to work for you. 

And start a NEW history for yourself.  Today.

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