
Thursday, August 13, 2015

A shocking cause of disease

There are many well-known factors that trigger sickness and disease, but one of the least known and most shocking is:  Enzyme deficiencies.

That’s right—not having enough enzymes goes WAY beyond gas, bloating and belching.

Here's what I mean—let’s take a closer look at the full-body effect of being low in these little dynamos:

Proteases are the enzymes that digest proteins.

Most proteins are acidic.  So when you have too FEW proteases in your system to break down proteins so they can be absorbed into your bloodstream, this can actually lead to too MUCH alkalinity in your blood.  And that can cause anxiety and insomnia.

Protein is also changed into glucose (energy) as needed.  So poor protein digestion can lead to hypoglycemia, moodiness and irritability.

If you are on anti-anxiety drugs, sleep drugs or antidepressants, it may behoove you to consider if poor protein digestion could be playing a role.

Plus protein is needed to transport calcium in your blood.  So without the proteases to break the protein down, the calcium can't get where it needs to be.  That means you're encouraging calcium deficient diseases like osteoporosis as well as arthritis.

Amylases digest carbs and dead white blood cells (pus).  So when you're low in amylases you are susceptible to abscesses (inflamed, swollen collections of pus). 

Amylases also help fight histamine-related inflammation.  So being low in amylases can worsen skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, hives, reactions to bug bites and herpes. 

Asthma and emphysema can even be exacerbated by an amylase deficiency.

If you’re troubled by worsening allergic issues and your usual medications don’t seem to be helping, amylase deficiency could be behind the scenes.

Since lipases digest fats, lipase deficient people have a tendency toward high cholesterol, high triglycerides, difficulty losing weight and diabetes.

People low in lipase also have decreased cell permeability, so essential nutrients can't get in and wastes can't get out.  This causes toxin build-up and a variety of nutrient deficiencies that vitamins can't compensate for.

So you can diet until the cows come home or pop vitamins like crazy, but if you're low in lipases, you've failed before you start. 

Cellulases break down the fiber you eat. 

Of all the enzymes, cellulase deficiency causes the widest variety of health challenges and can especially affect your intestinal and cardiovascular health.

Lacking cellulase can also lead to problems with your pancreas as well gas, cramps and bloating.
Your body doesn’t produce cellulase, so you must get it through fresh fruits and vegetables or supplemental sources.

But why would I be running low?
The most common cause of enzyme deficiency is your diet. 

When you exist mainly on highly processed foods and meals that are difficult for your system to break down, you expend way more enzymes than Nature ever intended you to. 

Contrary to what you may think, your enzymes resources are limited—and sooner or later your body may have difficulty producing enough for your needs.

Another possibility is a challenge with your pancreas and/or gallbladder.  The pancreas is your “Grand Central Station” of enzymes and if it’s not working right, chances are excellent you’re lacking in enzymes. 

Plus without proper functioning of your gallbladder to concentrate bile from your liver, fat digestion may be a challenge for you.

Using antacids and acid reducers is another reason.  When you cripple your body’s ability to produce stomach acid, your pancreas has to “pick up the slack” and secrete even more enzymes to try to compensate for what the stomach didn’t do.

So what do you do now?
Now that enzyme deficiency is not this strange thing that "happens to someone else" but instead may be affecting you, you can appreciate how important enzymes are.

And how devastating it can be to your health without them.

The good news is that no matter how deficient in enzymes you may be, you CAN help your body along with these three important measures:

1- Rule out any problems with your pancreas or gallbladder
First and foremost, it’s important to see your doctor to rule out any physical issues with your pancreas and/or gallbladder that might require medical attention.

2- Eat food sources of enzymes and help conserve yours
There’s no getting around it—in order to ensure your body has the levels of enzymes you need, you must eat foods that are sources of—not depleters of—precious enzymes.

I’m talking about fresh fruits and vegetables.

And if you want tasty ways to enjoy these enzyme-rich foods, let Great Taste No Pain show you what to do. 

Great Taste No Pain will show you how to structure delicious meals featuring many enzyme-loaded foods that will not only taste fantastic but are easier for your system to break down.  This can help conserve your enzyme supply and leave you feeling much better!

And get this—if you’re on acid reducers or antacids, eating this way can help eliminate the need for those medications too!

Now if you're gluten sensitive, I've got you covered too.  Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

3- Supplement with a high quality digestive enzyme supplement
Digestizol Max can also be a huge help with enzyme deficiencies.

Its super-potent blend of enzymes targets a broad range of foods, including proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, fats and fibers in your diet. 

When you take Digestizol Max with meals, its 15 plant-derived enzymes help break down all of your foods completely just as Nature intended.  This encourages smooth digestion as well as improvements in the enzyme-related health problems I mentioned up above.

Don't run the risk of enzyme-related health problems creeping up on you.  Give your body a little help and make sure your enzyme supply is all it needs to be.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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