
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Job stress raises your risk of this chronic disease

A recent study conducted in Germany has concluded that stress—specifically job stress—can raise your risk of Type 2 diabetes

People who reported high levels of job stress were 45 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who worked in less stressful environments.

Let’s talk about exactly what’s going on when you’re under ANY kind of stress, and why it’s not surprising that the health-wrecking resume of stress now includes Type 2 diabetes.

Your body under S-T-R-E-S-S
Your body reacts to stress (whether real or perceived, mental or physical) by engaging the action of your adrenal glands.

Here’s what happens:

When your brain senses a stressful situation, it sends a signal through the sympathetic nervous system down to your adrenal glands (which sit just above your kidneys), telling them to release the hormone adrenaline. 

The adrenaline kicks into gear and prepares you for a possible “fight or flight” response by raising your blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow to your muscles, and putting glucose into your bloodstream to burn for energy.

Then the adrenals release the hormone cortisol.  Cortisol is adrenaline’s partner and, like a traffic cop, it helps direct energy to your brain and muscles as needed to respond to the stress.

This is a reflection of our ancient biological programming—our ancient ancestors had a variety of physical stressors to deal with, and many times they had to react FAST…or possibly lose their life. 

Our lives are very different now—our stresses are more mental in nature, like working long hours, being in unsatisfying jobs, financial problems, school workloads, tight deadlines, relationship problems, demanding schedules, family problems, etc.  

But your body don’t know the difference between physical and mental stress, so it reacts the same way regardless of what kind of stress you have.

And when your stress is chronic and ongoing, your body gets a consistent barrage of adrenaline and cortisol, with lots of glucose pouring into your bloodstream as a result.

The health prices of that can include:

· Low thyroid function (because high levels of adrenal hormones trigger thyroid hormones and eventually your thyroid can become exhausted)
· Lowered immune function
· Repeated infections
· Chronic fatigue
· Depression
· High blood pressure
· Triggering or worsening irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn’s disease
· Obesity (due to overeating caused by repeated cortisol secretion)
· Elevated blood sugar, insulin resistance and eventually Type 2 diabetes

Minimize your risk of ALL stress-related health problems
Stress can take its toll on your body (and mind) in countless ways…so clearly it’s not only a good idea but vital that you do whatever you can to manage stress in your life and help counteract is health effects.

Here are some very effective strategies you can try:

1-   Stress reduction and removal
There are many ways to help reduce stress: Meditation, yoga, journal writing, massage, visualization, counseling, deep breathing, prayer and seminars, to name a few. 

Also taking up a hobby or adopting a pet have both been shown to reduce stress in various studies. 
And let’s not forget about one of the most effective stress reducers…


Not only will exercise help diffuse stress, but it will also help burn away any pounds you might have put on due to stress eating, it can help brighten your mood (if depression is affecting you) and it can help lower your blood pressure too!

So get off the couch, get your doctor’s OK and get moving.

You also might have to remove sources of stress from your life.
One way is to set boundaries.  Don't add to your stress by saying yes to every single commitment that comes your way.  Learn to say no when your plate is already full.

Job stress may be unavoidable, and if it's temporary, that's one thing.  However, if you're in a job that's consistently stress-filled and you find yourself dreading work every day or losing sleep over it, it’s time to find another job.

And if you’re in a personal relationship that is not fulfilling, positive and beneficial to you (or worse yet, is downright harmful), it’s time to get out.  Seek support, protection and counseling services as you need them.

2-   Support your adrenal glands
Being in a prolonged state of stress and adrenal overload depletes your body of its vitamins and minerals, resulting in serious fatigue and even chronic infections. 

But nutritionally supporting the health of your adrenals with Dr. Salerno’s Adrenal Factor can help your body counteract the harmful physical effects of stress and adrenal exhaustion.

Adrenal Factor contains an effective blend of B vitamins, vitamin C, amino acids and natural glandulars that can give your adrenals some much-needed help and in turn help boost your energy level and support proper hormone production.

3-   Balance your gut flora
Stress can cause your gut to become hypersensitive, which can contribute to the development of food allergies and intolerances.

Plus it also causes the protective mucosal lining in your intestines to become less effective at defending your body against unfriendly bacteria and dangerous pathogens.

That means that you are more susceptible to catching viruses and infections when under chronic stress.

Although a healthy diet can help encourage a good gut flora balance, since so many other factors (like environmental toxins, medications, lack of sleep and STRESS) can affect your gut microbes, many times diet is not enough.

That's why supplementation with a good multi-strain formula can help SO many people.

Fighting the effects of stress on your gut is yet another great reason to take Super Shield probiotic formula every day.

One of Super Shield's 13 superior bacteria strains, Bifidobacteria lactis, has been shown to have high adhesion to human mucus.  That means it will stick to your intestinal wall and help keep it strong and protective.

In addition, Super Shield also contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus.  This strain has been shown to stimulate antibody production and enhance phagocytosis, one of your body's weapons for destroying invaders.

It also helps strengthen the gut-barrier function, and can even have a beneficial impact on autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and allergies!

The harmful physical and mental effects of stress continue to grow, and judging by our stressed-out lives, those harmful effects aren’t going to be disappearing on their own anytime soon.

But when you do what you can to diffuse and remove stress from your life, as well as help counteract its effects, you are taking huge strides toward a healthier and quite possibly LONGER life!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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