
Monday, August 17, 2015

Should you get a flu shot?

Unfortunately, many people don’t have the complete story when it comes to the flu or the flu shot.  And ignorance is definitely not bliss.

Here is what you probably don’t know, but MUST know, about the flu and flu shots.

Will flu shots prevent you from getting the flu?
The answer to that is:  Maybe. 

There are several strains of flu in existence each year, and when the flu vaccine is designed for a given season, scientists guess which strains may be more prevalent.

If they guess right, some cases of the flu can be prevented.  If not, the shot is useless.

Plus the flu shot’s period of effectiveness varies from person to person, so you can get the flu even after getting a flu shot.

And all vaccines depress your immune system functioning for up to several weeks, which means you are more susceptible to flu varieties that weren’t in the vaccine, plus the variety of other viruses and infections around.

Don’t lots of people die from the flu each year?
The answer to that is:  No. 

First of all, only about 20 percent of all flu-like illnesses that occur every year are actually influenza.  

Many types of respiratory illnesses with flu-like symptoms are simply labeled “flu” without any testing being done to see if the flu virus is present. 

And even when the testing is done, about 80 percent of cases of suspected influenza sent to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for analysis test negative for type A or B influenza.

Plus in many cases of death, especially in the elderly, “flu” is cited as the cause, when in fact death was truly caused by pneumonia or a combination of illnesses in which flu may be in the mix.

In addition, flu statistics are unclearly presented by the CDC every year—they lump deaths due to influenza and pneumonia together when they cite death statistics.   

Here are the actual statistics for 2013 (the most recent year for which stats are shown on the CDC’s site):

Total deaths due to influenza and pneumonia: 56,979

But then when you drill down further into the statistics you see that 53,282 of those deaths were due to pneumonia and 3,697 due to influenza.

Plus many of the reported flu death cases were elderly people whose general state of health is likely to already be greatly compromised by chronic disease.

Flu shots are safe, right?
The answer to that is: No.

First, as I mentioned above all vaccinations depress your immune system functioning, leaving you susceptible to other illnesses.

In addition, the ingredients in vaccines have easy access to your bloodstream and this can be dangerous. 

Your body is designed to break substances from the environment down in your digestive tract before they are absorbed into circulation.  Harmful molecules can then be filtered to the organs of detox (your liver and kidneys) and any parts that can be used as nutrients can be absorbed. 

Since they are injected, vaccines bypass the protective action of the GI tract.  As a result, the foreign molecules in your bloodstream can put your immune system on alert and eventually trigger inappropriate immune responses.

That’s why many people develop asthma or allergies when they never had a problem with them in the past.

And it’s important to understand that flu shots contain much more than just a “little dose of virus.” Here’s the complete picture:

Common ingredients in flu shots
Thimerosal:  Almost all flu shots contain Thimerosal, which is a mercury preservative.  Mercury is a known neurotoxin that can affect your brain functioning, lead to autoimmune diseases and has been linked to autism.

Ethylene glycol:  Another term for this is antifreeze. Ethylene glycol and its toxic byproducts can affect the central nervous system, as well as your heart and kidneys. Ingestion of sufficient amounts can be fatal.

Phenol:   Also known as carbolic acid, this is used as a disinfectant and dye. Before and during World War II, phenol injections were used by Nazi Germans as a means of fast execution!

Formaldehyde: This is used by morticians for embalming, and in vaccines it’s a preservative.  Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and it can also cause allergic reactions.

Aluminum Aluminum is used in flu shots to promote antibody response.  It also happens to be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.  Studies show that people who received 5 or more flu shots during a 10-year period have a 10 times higher risk of Alzheimer’s, compared to those who had fewer than 2 flu shots.

Antibiotics: Antibiotics are added to flu shots to kill any bacteria that may be present.  But antibiotics also kill off your friendly flora, where 70 percent of your immune system resides, and can cause allergic reactions in many people.

The flu strains In the US, a typical flu shot contains 3 viruses—2 “A” strains and 1 “B” strain. These strains are cultivated in animal proteins such as rabbit brain tissue, monkey kidney tissue, pig blood, chicken embryo, embryonic guinea pig cells and calf serum

Not only can these proteins that have bypassed your GI tract taunt your immune system, but heaven help you if you’re allergic to any of them—the result could range from discomfort to death.  Most pharmacies are happy to administer flu shots, but VERY FEW are equipped to recognize and properly handle an emergency adverse reaction.

Adverse reactions are not as rare as some people like to think.  During the year 2013, 9,441 adverse reactions to flu shots were reported to VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), and that is estimated to be only 10-20 percent of the actual events, since most go unreported.

Prevention is the key
Whether you choose to get a flu shot is up to you, but remember that when it comes to the flu as well as all other illnesses, prevention is the key.

When you support your immune system and let it fight and prevent sickness like it was designed to, it is FAR less likely that you will have to worry about illness to begin with.

Here are five ways you can boost your immune system so it can better protect YOU:

Immune Booster #1: Probiotics 
Nothing enhances your immune system like a helpful dose of the same beneficial bacteria that reside in your gut and house about 70 percent of that immune system!

The key is taking a probiotic supplement that has a wide variety of bacteria strains, since each strain has its own “specialty” in terms of how it supports your health.

Super Shield probiotic formula delivers on that important point!

Super Shield contains 13 potent strains of beneficial bacteria, including strains from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, to help support your overall health and help your immune system to fight colds, flu and many other illnesses.

Immune Booster #2: Vitamin D 
Vitamin D is an important immune booster, but it’s also an effective antimicrobial agent on its own.  

It produces up to 300 different antimicrobial peptides in your body that kill bacteria and viruses!

And when it comes to vitamin D supplementation, nothing beats Dr. Salerno’s Vitamin D-K Factor!

Dr. Salerno’s Vitamin D-K Factor is a highly innovative product that combines the well-documented immune and bone-building support of vitamin D with the unique special assistance of vitamin K, which also supports bone health and has anti-tumor properties too!

Immune Booster #3: Vitamin C 
Vitamin C boosts your immune system by helping to increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies.  It also increases your level of interferon, which is the antibody that coats cell surfaces, preventing the entry of viruses.

Immune Booster #4: Vitamin E
As you age, your immune system’s T cells and B cells don't work as well as they used to, so your immune system can weaken.  But vitamin E has been shown in studies to significantly increase T cell and B cell activity, thereby helping to make your immune system stronger. 

Immune Booster #5: Garlic
Garlic is a natural immune system booster.  It stimulates the production of infection-fighting white cells and enhances the efficiency of antibody production.

There's a catch, though: To get the full benefits of garlic, you have to eat it raw.

The easiest way to get some raw garlic in your diet is to crush up a clove into your salad dressing or stir it into olive oil and use as a bread dip.

Embrace the power of nutrition to help support your precious immune system and it will thank you handsomely.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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