
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Are you part of this frightening health trend?

According to a study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the use of prescription drugs in the US from 1999 to 2012 has literally exploded.

Overall use of prescription drugs increased by 16 percent from 1999 to 2012, with the biggest jumps being seen in the 40 and over age group.

Considering that the US population only increased 12 percent during that time period, clearly a larger proportion of us are relying on thy daily meds.

What’s even more disturbing is that polypharmacy--the use of five or more prescription drugs—nearly doubled from 8 to 15 percent over the same 13-year period. 

So what’s the big deal?
To really understand how serious our increasing reliance on drugs is, you need to realize exactly what drugs are.

They are chemicals that alter or suppress one or more of your bodily functions and in doing so, they achieve a desired result (usually relief from a symptom)—but there’s always a price to pay.
Let’s look at a few examples:

Antidepressants (SSRIs) “work” by shutting down the little pumps in your brain that vacuum up excess neurotransmitters (in this case serotonin, your feel-good chemical).  But this isn’t necessarily the answer to depression and it can backfire on you.

First of all, when your brain is chemically induced to hold on to serotonin, it shuts down its own production of serotonin—which can eventually leave you running low and therefore worsen depression!

In addition, many cases of depression are actually caused by too much serotonin—so artificially forcing your brain to hold on to it may also lead to excessive levels of serotonin and even worse depression.

Acid reducers
Acid reducers “work” by shutting down your stomach’s production of acid.  Less acid hanging around is supposed to mean less acid to come sliding up into your throat and setting your chest on fire.

But by stopping your stomach from producing acid you are thwarting your body’s ability to properly digest proteins, since the initial breakdown of proteins into amino acids begins in the stomach.

This can have a domino effect of poor digestion throughout the GI tract, eventually leading to gas, bloating, dysbiosis and impaired nutrient absorption.  This is why, for example, Nexium is associated with an increased risk of fractures—because your bones aren’t getting the nutrients they need.

Your stomach acid also protects you from dangerous bacteria and viruses in your food, but without its protective action, you are more susceptible to food-borne illness. 

Statins typically “work” by inhibiting your liver’s production of cholesterol.  Less cholesterol being produced ultimately means less to help clog up your arteries (never mind that the main cause of atherosclerosis is actually inflammation—and cholesterol is merely guilty by association).

Statins work so well, in fact, that liver failure is a possible side effect.  I guess the liver takes offense to not being allowed to do that which Nature intended it to.

Stop the madness!
One important point to remember is that, with very few exceptions (such as antibiotics that kill a dangerous infection), drugs merely cover up symptoms—they don’t help restore wellness or optimal bodily function.

Put another way, drug companies don’t create cures—they create customers.
Don’t open yourself up to be a customer any longer.

Especially when there is so much you can do to help create health from within!
Here are some ways you can start:

Rely on the farmer—not the pharmacist
At least 80 percent of what you put in your mouth should be real foods—meats, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy, eggs and healthy fats.  These are your body’s basic fuel and what it needs most to keep you healthy.

Make up for any deficiencies
To make sure you have all bases covered (and help compensate for the fact that our food supply is not as nutritious as it used to be) a high quality multi-vitamin like Super Core can help fill any gaps you might have with basic, core nutrients and antioxidants. 

Keep your gut healthy
If your gut environment is unhealthy (and trust me, if you’ve had poor digestion and/or have been taking medications for quite some time, that’s practically a given) you may be lacking in some protection from your precious immune system (among other things).

But a top-notch probiotic like Super Shield can help turn that around for you by repopulating your supply of friendly, health-enhancing bacteria.

Keep inflammation low

Inflammation is a basic underlying cause of most diseases, including our two big killers—cancer and heart disease.

In addition to having a healthy diet of real foods, a potent Omega-3 supplement like VitalMega-3 can help ensure your body has the supply of natural anti-inflammatories that it needs to keep inflammation under control.

Get regular exercise
You and your doctor can decide what’s right for you.  Just pick an activity and do it at least four-five times a week.
Take the steps you need to help create REAL health from within—not a chemically-induced absence of symptoms.

You’ll never regret it.


  1. Are Rolaids considered a drug like Nexium? I do real foods and eat very little and still get heart burn. Nexium is wonderful, but I notice I'm not as regular when I take them. I stopped them, but need Rolaids sometimes.

  2. Are Rolaids the same as Nexium? I stopped taking Nexium because you put the fear on me. I eat real foods and very little, but still get heart burn.

    1. I'm 73 and used to get lots of heartburn; still do but a little bit of lemon juice in water or one of the canned soda waters with lemon (no sugar or sweetners in them) always helps, or just a glass of water. I used to take rolaids but not for years now. The food combining is a great help against stomach problems.

    2. Carol, we do not support the continued use of either of those products. We recommend food combining as stated above. Sherry's Great Taste No Pain program will teach you how to eat the way your body is designed to digest food which helps to promote overall health and wellness in the body. For more information, please visit our website


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