
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Yes, you can say goodbye to IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) currently affects up to 45 million people in the US, and two out of three of those are women.

People with IBS deal with regular bouts of abdominal pain, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea—sometimes to the point where it controls many aspects of their emotional, social and professional life.

Plus one of the worst characteristics of IBS is that it’s unpredictable. Symptoms can vary, come on suddenly without warning and can be contradictory--you can have diarrhea one day and constipation the next. 

Although there are medications aimed at symptomatic relief and people with IBS are told to keep a food diary to identify “trigger foods,” many people continue to suffer.

But there is hope for people with IBS.  You simply need to know what some of the common underlying causes are and do something about them!

Three common IBS triggers

Irritable bowel syndrome has 3 primary underlying factors or triggers:
  1. Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO)
  2. Poor digestion
  3. Undiagnosed food allergies
Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) 
The bacteria in your large intestine break down fiber in your foods and as they're doing that, some gas is naturally produced. The bacteria typically absorb the gas, and any excess is passed as normal flatulence.

However, with SIBO is some of the bacteria from your large intestine “swim upstream” into the small intestine. When this happens, fiber that you eat begins to be broken down too soon--in the small intestine instead of the large.

Since your small intestine isn't equipped to handle fiber digestion and it doesn't have the right bacteria to absorb the gas, this can cause bloating, excessive gas and pain (typical IBS symptoms).

Probiotics have been shown to be extremely helpful in counteracting SIBO, but it's important to use a formula which contains both bifidobacterium species (for the large intestine) and lactobacillus species (which reside in the small intestine)—like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula!

Poor digestion 
If your digestive system cannot break down your foods like it's supposed to on a regular basis, it's just a matter of time before your body begins to give you signs that something isn't right.

And the most common signs of poor digestion are also the classic IBS symptoms—gas, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea.

If your digestion isn’t going along so well, you can help by making your meals easier to break down (the Great Taste No Pain health system will show you how) as well as supplementing with Digestizol Max digestive enzyme formula to give your body a supportive enzyme boost.

(PS: I was an IBS sufferer for many years, but I helped improved my digestion by changing my diet and making my meals less taxing on my system—like I describe in Great Taste No Pain.  I’m happy to report I have been completely symptom-free for 24 years.)

Food allergies and sensitivities 
Many people have food allergies or sensitivities and don’t even know it.  All they know is that they’re suffering with frequent pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea—all of which are IBS symptoms.

If you suspect food allergies or sensitivities could be an issue for you, it’s important to see a doctor and have testing done. 

A new emerging IBS cause—vitamin D deficiency!
A recent study has shown that 82 percent of people with IBS are vitamin D deficient!

In addition to its well-known role of strengthening your bones, vitamin D also helps calm inflammatory responses throughout your body—including your intestinal tract. 

So lacking vitamin D’s “calming” action can certainly encourage a volatile intestinal environment!  Note that vitamin D deficiency is also common with inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis).
If you suspect your vitamin D level is low, then Vitamin D-K Factor can help turn that around fast!

Vitamin D-K Factor contains a helpful therapeutic dose of vitamin D3, plus it’s complemented with vitamin K, which works with vitamin D to help support bone and cardiovascular health.

Keep stress under control too
Although stress doesn’t independently cause IBS, it can definitely compromise your digestion, which can certainly worsen IBS symptoms.  Your mind and GI tract are connected through a series of impulse pathways called the "brain-gut axis" and what affects one affects the other. 

Stress relievers include regular exercise, taking up a hobby, adopting a pet, counseling, prayer, meditation, aromatherapy, deep breathing, acupuncture, massage therapy and yoga.  There are a lot of options to help you.  
When you address all of the possible factors behind your IBS, you can start to feel a whole lot better and say, “Goodbye IBS!”


  1. It seems that everytime I drink coffee I have a flair up. I am trying to get off coffee. I tried GTNP for months but it did not work for me. Thanks for this post. BTW when will the results of your research be published from your masters. I was a participant.

    1. Brian, if you have any questions regarding the programming or need assitance, feel free to contact our support team at As recommended by the person below, tea is a great alternative to coffee as there are many caffeine-free options available that are alkaline to the body. When following the principles of Great Taste No Pain, some people notice results quickly whereas others may take a little longer. Results are dependent upon a number of factors which include how acidic your body is when you start, the extent of built-up toxins in your system and how much healing needs to take place. Ulcers, for example, are open wounds and may need time to heal before you will feel completely normal. Medication is also a factor. Many drugs cause bowel problems and other horrible side effects, and that won't change no matter how well you eat.
      When a properly combined dietary lifestyle is adapted, the body responds by cleansing built-up wastes, toxins, and acid through a process called "detoxing".
      Sherry would like to have her thesis that was based on the study published. This is a laborious process and she has not had the time to do so. Here is a small excerpt from her summary: The health concerns that showed the greatest percentage of improvement in this study were common digestive symptoms and disorders-namely heartburn, acid reflux, gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. Between 82 and 100 percent of the participants who suffered from those maladies reported a reduction in their symptoms, with 22 to 63 percent attesting to complete elimination of symptoms.

  2. I drink tea all the time. Tea with no caffeine and there are so many delicious ones. Organic India has tulsi teas with flavors such as vanilla, etc. Check out all the teas in the health food stores and on line. Even Swanson Vitamins has Organic India teas.


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