
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Come and hear me speak at the Tech Garden!

I’m very excited to announce that I will be speaking at the Tech Garden in Syracuse, NY next Wednesday, February 17, 2016.

The event, Healthy Living for Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals, is being sponsored by Gaber Marketing in Syracuse and will focus on how the demanding schedules of professionals and entrepreneurs can impact their health, and provide strategies for helping to support better health.

Devin Sardano, founder of Gaber Marketing says, “Entrepreneurs and business people are among some of the unhealthiest people around!  I’m lucky if I eat one meal a day and that’s usually at 11:30 at night.  People with hectic schedules need guidance on how to fit healthy habits into their day and help prevent sickness and disease.”

The event starts at 11:00 am EST with a personal meet and greet, where I will be signing copies of Great Taste No Pain, and then heart-healthy chili will be served in recognition of February being heart health month.

My presentation will run from noon to 1:00 pm and explain the health-wrecking effects of common challenges faced by business people every day, many of which may be surprising to downright shocking to many.  I will also provide suggestions to counteract these harmful effects and get on the road to optimal health.

Following the presentation at 1:00 pm I will be available for questions and individual discussion.
Please come and say hello to me—I look forward to seeing you!

Healthy Living for Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals
The Tech Garden - 235 Harrison Street Syracuse, NY 13202
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM (EST)

1 comment:

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