
Thursday, April 7, 2016

This disease is exploding—will you be its next victim?

According to a study recently published in The Lancet, the number of adults with diabetes worldwide quadrupled from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014.

The study didn’t differentiate between Type 1 and Type 2, but most (90-95 percent) cases of diabetes are Type 2, so that’s the monster we’re looking at.

Plus diabetes is no longer just affecting adults.  According to a 2014 JAMA study, the rate of Type 2 diabetes in children rose 30 percent from 2001 to 2009!

Why is this happening?
Although there are many factors causing the mass explosion in diabetes, a few emerge as the leaders of the pack:

Our typical modern diets
Our typical diets which are heavy in refined carbs, sugars and soda create repeated influxes of glucose which pave the way for a stressed pancreas, insulin resistance and ultimately Type 2 diabetes.

Stress causes secretions of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which in turn trigger a surge of glucose into your bloodstream.  Plus when your stress is chronic and ongoing, your stress hormone levels remain high, and therefore so does the glucose level in your blood.

Lack of exercise
Exercise not only helps reduce stress and helps you maintain your weight, but it also increases the ratio of muscle to fat in your body.  The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn more glucose.

Statin use
A recent Finnish study found that men who were treated with statins had a 46 percent higher risk of diabetes than men who were not treated with statins.  This is because your liver works very closely with your pancreas in controlling your blood sugar, and statins impair the proper functioning of your liver (shutting down its ability to make cholesterol).

Don’t be a statistic!
Type 2 diabetes is very preventable, and even if you do have it, there is a whole lot you can do to help keep it under control and even turn it around!

Eat for blood sugar control
Avoid refined carbs and sugars as much as possible.  Instead, concentrate on these foods that naturally help control blood sugar:

Legumes Legumes are packed with fiber and protein and help regulate blood sugar.

Onions:  Onions are rich in chromium, which is an important mineral to regulate blood sugar.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are also a good source of chromium, plus they are loaded with antioxidant nutrients.

Red and purple fruits: The anthocyanins (phytonutrients) found in cranberries, cherries, blueberries and similar fruits may help lower blood sugar levels.

Leafy greens and sweet potatoes: Loaded with antioxidant nutrients, leafy green vegetables, and sweet potatoes contain special compounds beneficial for blood sugar balance.

Cinnamon: This spice is a potent antioxidant and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Walnuts: A great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, they help to encourage proper insulin levels and help lower heart disease risk.

Extra-virgin olive oil: Studies show that extra-virgin olive oil has beneficial effects on blood sugar levels.

Whole grains: Whole grains contain fiber which supports regular bowel movements and blood sugar control.

Limit the booze
Alcohol can cause your blood sugar to drop through the floor (hypoglycemia).  Eventually, this can lead to spikes and drops—blood sugar that’s out of control.
Don’t drink to excess—limit yourself to one or two drinks in a day, preferably with meals.

There are many ways to help diffuse stress: Meditation, yoga, journal writing, exercise, massage, counseling, deep breathing, prayer, and seminars.  Do whatever works for you.

Supplement with Omega-3 essential fatty acids
Omega-3 EFAs provide crucial support to your metabolism including maintaining proper insulin levels and are also Nature’s anti-inflammatory.

A top-quality fish oil formula can help ensure your body has a proper supply of this crucial nutrient.

Get regular exercise
No need to get fancy here--even brisk walking is helpful.  Pick an activity you like or can at least tolerate, get your doctor’s OK and do it for at least 30 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week.

Beef up your immune system
Colds, flu, and other infections can send your blood glucose soaring through the roof, and your best protection against illnesses like these is to have a strong and sharp immune system.

When it comes to supporting strong immune health, nothing beats probiotic supplementation.  Your friendly gut flora (which houses 70 percent of your immune system) is constantly under assault from things like stress, medications, pollutants and sugars, so it’s crucial to give your body a daily boost of helpful bacteria.

Take the bull by the horns and reduce YOUR risk of Type 2 diabetes now.


  1. I have found that medications have caused other problems in my system. Thyroid medication gave me a heart problem. Heart medication lowered my heart rate to one above being a code blue. I have Type 2 diabetes and each medication they gave me for this gave me another problem. The Pen medication made my heart rate go up tremendously. I have taken myself off all these medications and am feeling better but the one medication which is the only one left is Warferin which I have been on for years because of T.I.A.'s is the one I would really like to come off but am afraid to because of my blood getting thicker. On Warferin I cannot take Fish Oil Supplements etc and cannot even eat a lot of lettuce because of the vitamin K. I would really like to know if I came off Warferin and started Fish Oil Supplements etc would that keep my blood thin enough. I wish you would do an email on keeping your blood thinner. I bought your books just over 5 years ago and I found that they really helped me when I was going through cancer. I have been cancer free for 5years.

  2. I'd like to read Sherry's response to this letter.


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