Let’s look at this life stage that most women will face
between ages 40 and 58, and talk about some very innovative ways to help feel
like you've “turned back the clock.”
Menopause—so much more
than “just a stage”
The definition of menopause is the stage of life when a
woman’s ovaries stop functioning—they stop releasing hormones and stop
producing eggs.
Although that sounds straight-forward, nothing could be
farther from the truth.
The average age for the onset of menopause is 51, although
it can occur as early as your late 30’s.
The best way to predict when you might face it is to ask your Mom when
she went through it—menopause is strongly genetically linked, so you’re likely
to follow in her footsteps.
It takes six to 12 months without a period to be diagnosed
with menopause, but other symptoms can occur before that. The period of time during which symptoms are
seen but before the period ends is called perimenopause.
Note that women who have had their ovaries surgically
removed are suddenly thrust into the world of menopause, many times far earlier
than Nature intended. It can also be
triggered by chemotherapy.
Itty bitty hormones, MASSIVE
When menopause hits, estrogen and progesterone production by
the ovaries comes to a screeching halt.
Now, your pituitary gland senses something’s wrong and steps
up its production of two other hormones (follicle stimulating hormone or FSH
and luteinizing hormone or LH) to try to jump start the pooped-out ovaries.
That’s why a blood test showing high levels of FSH is one of
the ways menopause is diagnosed.
Since estrogen is very important for the functioning of many
of your body’s cells, menopausal symptoms can run the gamut. They include:
- Hot flashes
- Headaches
- Vaginal dryness
- Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Changes in mood and mental functioning
- Brain fog
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness
- Weight gain
- Thinning hair
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Joint pain
Slim pickings
The typical treatment options for menopause include
synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and symptomatic treatment
(antidepressants or sleeping pills).
But long-term use of synthetic HRT is associated with an
increase risk or breast or uterine cancers.
It can also raise your risk of gallstones and blood clots,
and cause nausea, breast tenderness, liver disorders and fluid retention.
And antidepressants and sleeping pills come with a list of
serious potential side effects, plus you run the risk of dependence with sleep
Safer, effective
answers for relief
The good news is there are safer, very effective answers to
help ease the symptoms of menopause!
Here are some measures you can try:
Soy foods have been shown to help relieve hot flashes. But look for minimally processed options such
as tofu or edamame, and avoid those made from soy protein concentrates (like
imitation “vegetarian meat”).
Vitamin E can help by relieving vaginal dryness and
Vitamin E is available as an oil, cream, ointment or
suppository. Food sources include: Swiss
chard, almonds, spinach, collard greens, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts,
blueberries, tomatoes and broccoli.
It’s hard to beat exercise when it comes to relieving
menopausal symptoms.
Exercise will help counteract menopause-related weight gain
and encourage better sleep.
Plus it stimulates the release of endorphins which can help
curb depression and mood swings associated with menopause.
Get your doctor’s OK, get moving, and you’ll likely feel a lot
better very soon.
Vitamin B12 is crucial for proper nerve and brain
function—and this is especially important with the mental functioning
challenges and brain fog that accompany menopause.
B12 is also essential for the production of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter
that allows the nerves and brain to communicate. Healthy levels of acetylcholine can help you
maintain clear-thinking abilities for a LIFETIME.
Unfortunately, as we age, in addition to facing menopause,
our stomach acid production decreases and that affects vitamin B12 absorption….so
deficiencies are common.
But you can help ensure your body has what it needs by
supplementing with a top-quality B12 product like Hydroxaden 2.5.
Hydroxaden 2.5
is a convenient vitamin B12 spray that gives you a daily dose of hydroxocobalamin, which is one of the
top forms of B12.
Since it can be absorbed by the mucus membranes in your
mouth, this helps bypass any shortcomings in stomach acid that may affect
And now is the perfect time to try Hydroxaden 2.5 because it’s 15% off!
Unlike synthetic HRT, bio-identical
hormone replacement therapy works to help naturally reestablish the way
your body sends messages to your tissues and organs to keep them healthy.
The body has an easier time assimilating bio-identical
hormones because they are identical in molecular structure to the hormones
naturally made in your body.
You’ll have to seek out a practitioner that does BHRT—and
because it’s more of a holistic therapy, many mainstream doctors are not
familiar with it.
Now, if you happen to be in the New York/New
Jersey/Connecticut area, check out the Salerno Center in Manhattan.
Dr. John Salerno is a leading expert on BHRT and is featured
in all of Suzanne Somers’ anti-aging books.
You can feel better!
If you are menopausal or even perimenopausal, see what a
difference it can make in your symptoms to help your body through this “life
stage” naturally, and feel a whole lot better as a result!
Undergoing menopausal can be very uncomfortable and it sometimes makes a woman sick. Thank you for sharing some tips to help relieve its symptoms.
ReplyDelete- Sarah from The House Clinics Blog