Thursday, December 17, 2015

Little-known causes of depression

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one out of every 10 Americans suffers from depression, and the World Health Organization (WHO) states 350 million people worldwide have the condition.

Although there are some who are helped by antidepressants, there are a whole lot of others that continue to suffer.

There’s a very good reason for that.

Because depression is not a “one size fits all” illness!

There are many different causes, triggers and underlying factors behind depression—a low serotonin level is just a drop in the bucket and certainly doesn’t apply to everyone. 

Here are five little-known underlying factors behind depression and ways that you can help turn things around if you suspect they may be affecting you!

Depression factor #1: Inflammation
Inflammation is fast emerging as an underlying factor behind depression, and heaven knows we Americans are an inflamed society.

Certain substances that suggest the presence of inflammation such as cytokines in your blood and inflammatory messengers like C-reactive protein, Interleukin-1, Interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha are now suggested to be included as part of an overall depression workup.

Depression factor #2: Lacking sleep
Regularly lacking sleep has been shown to exacerbate or worsen depression symptoms, as well as decrease your tolerance to pain.

Depression factor #3: Vitamin D deficiency
The number of conditions associated with low vitamin D levels continues to grow, and you can add depression on to the list.

Studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels are more prone to depression. 

Depression factor #4: Low levels of vitamins B3, B6 and B12
These three B vitamins are essential to proper mental health, and without them your brain can actually produce chemicals that make you feel out of your mind.  Lacking in these vital nutrients can lead to a whole series of disturbing symptoms including:
  • Feeling unreal or disconnected
  • Hearing your own thoughts
  • Anxiety and inner tension
  • Suspicious of people
  • Inability to think straight
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Seeing or hearing things abnormally
  • Having delusions or illusions
Depression factor #5: Gut flora imbalances
You may not realize this, but your gut produces the majority of the serotonin in your body…so if it’s unhealthy and not able to do its job, that can definitely darken your mood.

Unfortunately, many Americans have diets that are high in processed foods and refined carbs, plus we take antibiotics and acid reducers by the truckload—and ALL of these can seriously impair your friendly gut flora, creating an environment that favors harmful pathogens and keeps your gut from working optimally.

So it should be no surprise 10 percent of us also report being depressed.

Turn it around!

To help address all of the possible factors that may be behind your depression (and start feeling a whole lot better too!), here are some measures you can try:

Reduce inflammation with Nature’s anti-inflammatory
Omega-3 essential fatty acids are Nature’s anti-inflammatory, and they also happen to be absolutely ESSENTIAL for normal brain functioning.

That’s why a high quality Omega-3 fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 can make such a difference in your physical and mental health.

VitalMega-3 delivers 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in every daily two-capsule serving, including 600 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA—the two fatty acids that are especially important to your brain.

Get rested
If you want any chance of having sound mental (and physical) health, you must get decent sleep on a regular basis. 

Aim to get seven to nine hours a night.

Get tested (your vitamin D level that is)
Your doctor can do a simple test to see if your vitamin D levels are low. 
If your vitamin D level is shown to be low, supplementation with a top-quality formula like Vitamin D-K Factor can make a huge difference. 

Get your Bs
Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 spray can help make sure you’re getting the crucial B vitamins you need for strong mental functioning.

Hydroxaden 2.5 is a sublingual spray that provides a helpful dose of B12, plus its mental health teammates vitamins B3 and B6, as well as riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Help balance your gut flora 
When it comes to encouraging a healthy gut flora balance, although fermented foods can be very helpful, probiotic supplementation is your ticket to making sure that your population of friendly inhabitants is where it needs to be.

And Super Shield probiotic formula is just the supplement that’s up to this important challenge. 
Super Shield’s 13 strains of helpful bacteria help to repopulate your supply of friendly bacteria, fight off and crowd out dangerous pathogens, help encourage better digestion, boost your immune system functioning…

And help create a healthy gut environment that makes serotonin like it’s supposed to!
If you’ve been suffering from depression and medication doesn’t seem to be helping, don’t despair! 
Take a look at all the depression factors that may be affecting you and do what you can to turn them around and start feeling better.


  1. wish my Syracusan mother had had this info when she was alive. Would have helped her a ton.

  2. Thanks for publishing such great information. You are doing such a great job. This information is very helpful for everyone. Keep it up. Thanks. Markham psychologists

  3. One of the best solution of depression is try to make your mind busy, and I have a perfect solution and usually I watch Is harry potter on netflix, and many other movies to make myself busy.

  4. I appreciate this article highlighting the lesser-known causes of depression. One small way I try to combat stress and anxiety is by using scentsations candles at home. Their beautiful scents create a peaceful ambiance that helps me relax and clear my mind.

  5. Such an important topic! Exploring little-known causes of depression helps bring valuable insights to light. Just like innovative approaches in studies or while offering International Economics assignment help, understanding hidden factors and using the right tools can make all the difference. Thank you for sharing this perspective!"

  6. Depression isn’t always caused by obvious factors like trauma or genetics. Lesser-known triggers include chronic inflammation, gut health imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, prolonged stress, certain medications, and even social isolation in the digital age. Understanding these hidden causes can lead to better prevention and treatment strategies. A thought-provoking and insightful read!
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