I’m going to cut right to the chase today with some not-so-rosy news
The National Institute of Mental Health currently estimates that over 40 million Americans are affected by one of several mental or emotional conditions that has a significant adverse effect on their quality of life.
That’s one out of eight of us, my friend.
These include conditions like:
Bipolar disorder
Panic disorder
Eating disorders
Plus the NIMH also believes an additional 50 million people
suffer from intermittent bouts of certain conditions like anxiety and
That brings the total up to nearly one third of the entire US population that is dealing with mental
health concerns…and if that doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will.
Clearly we’re missing something along the way in terms of
how these conditions are addressed and treated.
Let’s take a look and see what that might be:
The current trend
According to the NIMH, just over half (58.7 percent) of
adults in the United States with a serious mental illness receives treatment
for their problem.
That treatment includes inpatient care (7.5 percent) and
outpatient therapy (40.5 percent), but far and away the leader of the pack is prescription medication (like
antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs and pain killers).
Although these medications do “work”—as in, many people do
feel relief of their symptoms—that relief comes at a very hefty price.
I’m not referring to how much they cost—I’m talking about side effects.
Plus many of the psychiatric drugs (especially
antidepressants) are not even designed to be used for longer than six months,
yet many people stay on them for several months, years or even decades.
And considering that the number of people suffering from
mental health conditions continues to go UP, methinks there’s got to be a
better way of looking at these illnesses.
The missing
When you take a close look at how your brain actually works,
mental health conditions make a lot more sense…and you can begin to appreciate
that there are other very effective ways of dealing with many of these
I’ll give you a very brief biology lesson here so you can
see what I mean:
The billions of cells in your brain talk to each other and
pass along information by using little chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. We have over 50 known neurotransmitters, and
each one carries its own unique type of message.
When one brain cell wants to send a message to another, it
releases the appropriate neurotransmitter.
Then the neurotransmitter floats across the tiny space between the two
cells (called the synaptic cleft) and
the receiving cell “catches” the message in one or more of its “catcher’s
mitts” (called neuroreceptors).
Although this sounds like a slow, cumbersome process, it
actually happens at the speed of light and the word is spread from cell to cell
VERY quickly.
- They get broken down by enzymes, go through the liver and eventually make their way out of you through your urine or feces
- They get sucked up by little “vacuums” (called reuptake pumps) and are recycled to be used again another time
Medications play with
Since neurotransmitters have a significant impact on how your brain functions and communicates,
having too much or too little of one or more of them is a major factor behind mental illness.
Now, the reason psychiatric drugs achieve their intended
effect on how people feel is that they play with your levels of
For example, many antidepressants work by blocking your
reuptake pumps from vacuuming up leftover serotonin. Serotonin is your “feel good”
neurotransmitter, so by forcing it to hang around between your brain cells
longer, many people feel “happier.”
Anti-anxiety medications target another neurotransmitter
(GABA) which is your “calming” neurotransmitter.
A more natural
approach—support your neurotransmitters
What many people don’t realize is that when you naturally support your neurotransmitters
and encourage proper levels of them, you can feel a whole lot better from
mental health challenges!
You see, your neurotransmitters are made from amino acids (building blocks of
proteins) and require one or more vitamins
or minerals as part of the “recipe” to create the neurotransmitter.
Here are some of your major neurotransmitter players, how
they affect you and their ingredients:
How it works: It
regulates your appetite, mood, sensory perception and immune function.
What deficiency can cause: Depression, eating disorders,
chronic pain, sleep disorders, emotional problems, anxiety and aggression.
The recipe: Serotonin
requires the amino acid tryptophan, plus B Vitamins, Vitamin C, zinc and iron.
Gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA)
How it works: It has
a calming effect on your mood.
What deficiency can cause: Anxiety, over-excitability,
seizure disorders and mania.
The recipe: GABA
requires the amino acid glutamate, plus Vitamin B6, manganese, biotin, lysine
and taurine.
How it works: It is a
stimulatory neurotransmitter and controls your arousal, movement and your
hormonal responses.
What deficiency can cause: Muscular and cell rigidity,
tremors and even Parkinson’s disease.
The recipe: Dopamine
requires the amino acids tyrosine or phenylalanine, plus Vitamin B6, folic
acid, iron, copper, magnesium and zinc.
How it works: It
affects the electrical activity of your brain and is essential in the storage
of memory.
What deficiency can cause: Memory loss, depression,
confusion and muscle incoordination.
It’s low in Alzheimer’s patients, and deficiency is often seen in
menopause (hence the forgetfulness that many women experience in this stage of
The recipe:
Acetylcholine requires the amino acid choline, plus Vitamin B6, B5 and
B3, manganese, lysine and threonine.
Better ingredients =
better levels of neurotransmitters
Clearly, having proper levels of neurotransmitters is essential
for sound mental health!
So it’s crucial to make sure you’re not only taking in a good variety of nutrients
for your neurotransmitter “recipes” (including amino acids, vitamins and
minerals), but also that your body is absorbing
those nutrients, and eliminating old
used-up neurotransmitters like it should.
And that, my friend, is accomplished through having a good,
nutrient-dense diet and encouraging efficient digestion.
Here are five very effective ways you can help make that
Step 1: Have a
healthy, nutrient-dense (but delicious!) diet
When it comes to eating for optimal physical and mental
health, the Great Taste No Pain system
will guide you every step of the way.
Or if you have celiac or gluten sensitivity, Great Taste No Gluten.
Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you how to pair together REAL foods (loaded with crucial
amino acids, vitamins and minerals) to help digestion to be accomplished
smoothly and completely.
Not only can this help dramatically
reduce gut problems, but it also can help improve your overall physical and
mental health from head to toe by encouraging the elimination of toxins in your
system and enhancing nutrient absorption!
And NEVER did eating for great health taste SO delicious. The dishes in both the GTNP and GTNG recipe sections
are positively spectacular! You’ll be shocked at how scrumptious good-for-you foods can be.
Step 2: Encourage a
healthy flora balance
The friendly flora in your gut also plays an important role
in your digestion and nutrient absorption.
Plus here’s something most people don’t know—the vast
majority of your body’s serotonin is
actually manufactured in your gut, then it gets sent to your brain—so gut health takes on a whole new sense of
importance when you’re talking about mental
That’s why supplementation with a quality probiotic formula
like Super Shield can be so
helpful to so many people.
Super Shield
contains a variety of both Lactobacillus
strains (which help your small intestine) and Bifidobacteria species (which live in your colon), each of which
has their own “specialty” in how they help enhance your gut health and
encourage sound digestion and nutrient absorption!
Step 3: Ensure you
have adequate B12 levels
Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that helps control a
critical process in your body called methylation. Methylation is vital to the formation of
almost ALL of your neurotransmitters, and methylation abnormality is a factor
behind many mental health problems.
Now, getting enough vitamin B12 can be tricky because its
absorption through your digestive tract can vary—it depends upon your stomach’s ability to produce enough acid and
a compound called intrinsic factor.
That’s why B12 shots have been recommended so often in the
past. Since the B12 is injected directly
into your bloodstream, it bypasses any absorbency shortcomings in the GI tract.
But vitamin B12 sprays are gaining popularity because of
their relatively low cost and convenience of use. With a B12 spray, just like an injection, you
are able to bypass the GI tract issues since the B12 can instead be absorbed
through the mucus membranes under your tongue.
If you suspect you’re low in B12 (or your doctor has
confirmed it with a test), then you can help turn that around fast with Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 spray !
Step 4: Protect
against Omega-3 essential fatty acid deficiency
Omega-3 essential fatty acids are CRUCIAL to mental
health. Your brain absolutely MUST have them to function
Unfortunately, they also happen to be deficient in vast
numbers of people.
You see, because of our current prevalence of processed/fast
foods, vegetable oils, farm-raised fish and meat from grain-fed animals (which
have few or no Omega-3 EFAs), most people are lacking the Omega-3 EFAs their
minds so desperately need.
That's why supplementation with a high quality Omega-3 fish
oil formula like VitalMega-3 can
make such a difference in your physical AND mental health.
is a top-quality fish oil formula that delivers a much-needed,
brain-appreciated 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in every daily two-capsule serving.
Step 5: Weigh your
If you are suffering from a mental health challenge (or want
to help prevent one from occurring), I encourage you to put the power of
nutrition to work for you. It truly can
make a huge difference in how you feel for the rest of your life!
And if you are presently on any psychiatric medications, be
sure to talk to your doctor
before you explore reducing or stopping these medications. Many people have successfully weaned off of
drugs like Xanax and Prozac, but they can have serious effects if they are
stopped suddenly and/or without proper medical supervision.
Sherry Brescia
PS: Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking.
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