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Every now and then we all have a feeling like our stomach is
on fire.
Whether it’s due to a virus, overindulging in food or
alcohol, or medications like antibiotics, most of us have been in the land of
the burning belly.
But many people are suffering daily with “gastric flames.”
They feel like an incinerator no matter what they eat, pop antacids
and sleep propped up on pillows on a regular basis.
This "stomach on fire" is called gastritis.
Here's the scoop on this nasty fire-in-the-gut as well as
ways you can help put out the flames if you've got it.
The fire down below
Simply put, gastritis is inflammation
in the lining of your stomach.
It can be temporary and last just a short time (acute gastritis) or become more gnawing
and long-term (chronic gastritis).
People who have gastritis typically experience these
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting after eating
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Black stools
- Vomiting of blood or coffee ground-like material
I'm not a rock...I'm
not an island
Gastritis is not a "stand
alone" condition--instead the inflammation is typically caused by a
variety of culprits that can include:
- Long-term use of medications like aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- H. Pylori infection (the bacteria that causes ulcers)
- Autoimmune diseases
- Backflow of bile into the stomach (bile reflux)
- Extreme, chronic stress
- Viral infection
- Trauma or injury
Many different causes
but just one answer?
The typical treatment suggestion for gastritis is acid reducers.
Stomach acid is a very popular scapegoat and is commonly
seen as a "bad guy" when people have GI problems like acid reflux,
GERD and gastritis, but nothing could be farther from the truth!
On the contrary, you NEED stomach acid for these 2 VERY
important reasons:
1- The break down
You MUST have acid to properly break down your foods,
especially proteins.
But if your stomach’s acid production is hampered by acid
reducers, your digestion can S-L-O-W way down or even stop.
Your stomach may try desperately to jump start digestion
again by secreting more acid, but the acid again gets counteracted by the
The end result is a poorly
digested, rotting food mass--which can lead to gas, bloating, constipation and
anything-but-normal BMs as it moves through your intestines.
This can also hamper your nutrient absorption and expose you
to deficiencies.
2- On guard!
The hydrochloric acid in your stomach is your front line of
defense against dangerous toxins, bacteria and even carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) that you
ingest with your food or from the environment.
But when your stomach acid is suppressed or neutralized by
acid reducers, it can’t do its important job of protecting you.
So those toxins have a wide open door into your intestinal
From there they can get absorbed into your bloodstream, and
heaven help you after that. Any
area of your body is fair game to suffer, because your blood vessels go everywhere.
Safer, better answers
Instead of disabling your stomach acid, a far safer and more
effective approach to ease the inflammation of gastritis involves these three
1) Pull it up by the roots
With gastritis it's vital to look at the root cause behind
it and then do whatever you can to alleviate it.
For example, if you're under a lot of stress, take advantage of de-stressing measures.
Exercise, meditation, counseling, prayer, yoga, deep
breathing, taking up a hobby or adopting a pet have all been shown to be
If you hit the booze
too much...it's time to cut back or quit altogether. Get help if you need it and feel you can't do
it on your own.
And if you're taking anti-inflammatories
or pain relievers on a regular basis, it's time to talk to your doctor
about alternatives.
One safe, effective and proven answer has been to take
advantage of Nature's anti-inflammatory--Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
These are abundant in fatty fish, but if you're not a fish
fan or are concerned with contamination, many people have gotten great results
with a quality fish oil supplement like Vital Mega-3.
VitalMega-3 is a top-notch fish oil formula that delivers a
full 1,000 mg. of the recommended EPA and DHA essential fatty acids (600 mg.
EPA and 400 mg. DHA—the ideal 3:2 ratio) in every daily 2-capsule serving.
Plus VitalMega-3
goes through a rigorous purification process to remove dangerous substances
like mercury and PCB's.
2) Attack H. pylori
According to the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is a leading
cause of gastritis (as well as ulcers).
Studies have shown that the probiotic bacteria strains Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus
casei and Bifidobacteria lactis slow the growth of bacteria such as H.
pylori and sometimes even kill it.
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Super Shield |
Plus, probiotics populate the intestinal tract where they
help digest your foods, fight off harmful pathogens and encourage regular,
healthy bowel movements.
Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula can be your ticket to fighting H.
pylori and gastritis.
Super Shield contains top-quality strains of B. lactis, L. acidophilus and L. casei
-- the 3 strains that have been shown to be effective for H. pylori.
Plus, Super Shield's 10 other powerhouse strains each have
their own specialty in terms of the
health benefits they provide.
3) Make your stomach's job easier
Food is by far THE most common cause of digestive
issues--specifically eating meals that are next-to-impossible for your system
to break down and create fireworks in your gut.
If you ever want hopes of feeling good and not needing acid
reducers, it’s crucial that you eat foods that digest easier together.
When you do this, your meals have a better chance to be
broken down like they should be, your stomach likely won’t have to overproduce
acid, and your intestines can better "finish the job" like they're
supposed to.
Great Taste No Pain explains why it's so important to avoid
certain meal combinations because they tax your stomach and intestines so
Then it goes on to show you what GOOD meal combinations are
and gives you suggestions for meal planning around all your favorite foods, so
you can help encourage easier digestion day in and day out!
Now, if you're gluten-free, don't worry--I've got you
covered too. Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.
Don't let gastritis make any more of your days miserable!
Especially when there are SO many easy, natural ways you can
help that are FAR safer than acid reducers.
Put the power of natural healing to work against YOUR
gastritis and see what a huge difference it can make for you.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
Follow me on Twitter @sherry_brescia and Instagram @sherrybrescia
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