Friday, October 23, 2015

If this is low in your blood, it can spell disease

Although there are many tests and ways that you can assess how healthy you are, one of the most telling indicators of your measure of health is something that’s almost never talked about!

See what this important factor is, and how to make sure yours is where it needs to be.

When it comes to assessing how healthy you are, certain key numbers come into play including:
  • Weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • Blood sugar
  • BMI
  • PSA (for men)
But arguably one of the most telling numbers with respect to your level of health (or lack thereof) is something that isn’t even routinely tested or talked about.

This important number is your blood pH.

Here's why it’s important to pay attention to this number:

Blood pH--what's the big deal?
Remember from high school chemistry that the pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 being pure acid, 14 being pure alkaline, and 7 is neutral:

Your body’s pH differs depending on what area you’re talking about:

The pH of your mouth and saliva is alkaline at about 7.1 – 7.4.  That’s because starch digestion begins in the mouth with alkaline enzymes.

In the stomach, things quickly become very acidic.  Your stomach’s acids are working to destroy dangerous microbes in your food and starting the breakdown of proteins.  The pH inside your stomach is typically 1.2 – 4.5

In the small intestine things become alkaline again.  Your pancreas and gallbladder secrete alkaline enzymes to buffer the stomach’s acid and finish up digestion.  The small intestine’s pH starts at and eventually reaches about 7.4.

Then things become acidic again inside the colon (large intestine)--the pH in there is 5.7 – 6.7.

But there’s one VERY important pH in your body that should ALWAYS stay the same.

It’s your blood pH. 

Most people are born with a slightly alkaline blood pH of 7.365.  ALL of your organs, tissues, bones, joints and cells work optimally when they are nourished by blood with a pH of about 7.365.

When your blood pH dips down toward the acid range, that's when your body can literally begin to break down.

Your cells may become sluggish and wastes can build up.  Cellular messages aren't sent and nutrients aren't properly used.

It's like your innards go on strike!

Eventually inflammation can be created, which makes your body an ideal home for disease to flourish.

Note that even a slight dip toward acidity can have a devastating impact.  A decrease of just .1 (one-tenth) in your pH number means a TEN-fold decrease in your cell activity!

Sound the alarm!
You have two very effective defenses to make sure that your blood pH stays where it should be—your body can expel the excess acidity or it can neutralize or buffer it.

Your body expels acid wastes through your skin (when you sweat), through your lungs (when you exhale) and through the bladder and bowels (when Nature calls).

But when the acid wastes accumulating inside of you become too much for your body to eliminate, then it goes to Plan B and buffers the acid with your own supplies of alkaline minerals including:
  • Calcium from your bones and teeth
  • Potassium from your muscles and nerves
  • Magnesium from your arteries and muscles
  • Sodium from your joints
It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to realize what would happen to you if this continues on a regular basis. 

Losing calcium day in and day out is a great way to eventually develop osteoporosis.

Low potassium can invite high blood pressure, as well as muscle weakness.

A magnesium deficiency can cause a whole slew of problems, including irregular heartbeat, inflammation, depression and poor immune function.

And although it’s rare (due to our processed and fast food diets), sodium deficiency can cause headache, lethargy, fatigue and confusion, and eventually irritability and hallucinations.

Tell me why
Sadly, many people have a blood pH that is more in the acid range.   

A number of factors can contribute to an acid blood pH--including stress, environmental toxins, immune system reactions, lack of exercise and smoking.

In addition, your body adds to the junk pile by producing its own acid wastes as part of your normal cell metabolism. 

But a leading cause of an acid pH is your DIET.

Eating predominantly acid-creating foods (which include processed and fast foods, meats, dairy and refined carbs) can pull your blood pH down toward the acid range. 

Plus when your digestion is inadequate, your body cannot expel acid wastes as effectively as it should.

On the other hand, when your diet contains enough alkaline foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables), and your digestion is efficient, you encourage a more alkaline pH in your fluid of life.

When you SHOULD have an acid pH
Note that there is one time in your life when you should have an acid blood pH.

When you're DEAD.

Your body automatically becomes acidic upon death so that you can decompose like Nature intended you to. 

How do you get to that magic 7.365 number?
Hopefully you've gotten the idea of how important it is to have a slightly alkaline blood pH while you're still breathing and vertical. 

Here are some ways you can help make that happen:

Help keep your digestion efficient
You can help keep your digestion humming by eating meals that are inherently easier for your system to break down (Great Taste No Pain will show you exactly how to do this, plus spell out which foods are acid vs. alkaline, and give you delicious recipes featuring many alkaline foods).

Plus some people need an enzyme boost now and then—especially the elderly, people who use antacids and people who have had gastric surgery—so it can help to give your body some needed enzyme support with Digestizol Max digestive enzyme formula. 

Check your pH at regular intervals
You can get a saliva test or urine test kit at most drug stores or health food stores.  The saliva test is the least accurate and urine is slightly more accurate.

Numbers you should strive for are as follows:
  • Urine pH:  6.5--6.8
  • Saliva pH: 7.0--7.4.
You can also have your blood tested by a doctor--called an arterial blood gas test or ABG test.  This is the most accurate measure but obviously the most expensive. 

Drink pure water
Aim for at least eight 8 oz. glasses per day. 

Avoid drinking unfiltered tap water as it can contain chlorine and/or fluoride (which will add to your acid waste pile, among other things).  Strive to drink filtered or bottled water.

Eat more alkaline foods
Alkaline foods include most fruits and vegetables.

Note that you can continue to enjoy "good" acid foods that have important nutrients too.  Just make sure that those acid foods are counterbalanced by alkaline foods—50/50 is a good place to start. 

"Good" acid foods include:
  • Eggs and dairy (preferably organic)
  • Fish (preferably wild caught and not farmed)
  • Chicken and turkey (preferably organic)
  • Brown rice
  • Beef (preferably grass fed and organic)
  • Whole grains
These foods have essential nutrients, so it's not necessary or wise to eliminate them. 

What you should eliminate at all cost are processed foods, fast food and soda. 

Watch your most important number
Remember--while your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. are all very important indicators of your health too, it's vital to also keep your eye on your blood pH! 

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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