Nowhere is this truer than in the area of cancer.
But does having a certain gene mutation guarantee you’ll get the disease, and you should just sit back and wait for your number to come up?
The answer to that is a resounding NO!
Here is the latest on genetic predispositions to cancer and how you can help beat the odds.
Gene mutations—inherited versus acquired
There are two types of gene mutations—inherited (which gets passed from parent to child) and acquired (where damage occurs to one or more of your originally normal genes after birth).
Plus there are three different categories of mutations that can contribute to cancer:
- Mutations in tumor-suppressing genes (which means you are lacking their protective efforts)
- Mutations in oncogenes (which turn a healthy cell into a cancerous cell)
- Mutations in DNA repair genes (which means you are lacking their corrective action when damage is done to your DNA and it can eventually lead to cancer)
Cancer-related mutations to tumor suppressing genes that have been identified include inherited mutations to the BRCA1 or BRCA 2 genes, which increases a woman’s risk of breast and ovarian cancers, as well as the acquired mutation to the p53 gene.
Mutations to oncogenes that have been studied include HER2, which is a protein that controls cancer growth and spread, and the ras family of genes, which make proteins involved in cell communication, cell growth and cell death. Mutations to oncogenes are almost always acquired.
Mutations in DNA repair genes can be inherited, such as with a condition called Lynch syndrome, or acquired.
So what’s the REAL risk?
As far as inherited mutations go, although it has been estimated that women carrying a BRCA mutation have a five times greater risk of developing breast cancer than a woman without it, only 5 to 8 percent of breast cancer cases overall are related to genetic mutations.
So the vast majority of breast cancer diagnoses have NOTHING to do with gene mutations.
Regarding acquired mutations, the p53 gene is associated with about 50 percent of cancers, but since it’s an acquired mutation (not present at birth), damage was done to a cell’s DNA at some point—which is very likely the result of environmental and/or lifestyle factors.
Am I hopeless if I’m a “mutant?”
Having any kind of genetic predisposition to cancer is NOT a guarantee you will develop the disease!
That’s because not all of your genes are firing away 24/7. Some of them will only “awaken” if they are triggered into action.
And one of the primary ways harmful genes can be activated is through your DIET.
As a matter of fact, your genes are SO responsive to your diet that not eating foods that provide for your unique nutritional needs is now recognized as a majorfactor in the development of chronic diseases including cancer.
Cancer-preventive versus cancer-feeding foods
Having a healthy diet of whole foods is vital to ANYONE who wants to minimize their risk of diseases including cancer—mutations or not.
Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes all contain health-promoting compounds called phytonutrients.
Phytonutrients interact with your genes to "wake up" the ones that help encourage production of antioxidants and detoxifying enzymes, while "putting to sleep" the ones that promote inflammation and disease.
On the other hand, soda, refined carbohydrates (including bread, pasta, pizza, snack chips, crackers and breakfast cereals), processed foods and fast foods all raise your blood glucose level, which creates a disease-feeding cascade of events in your body.
Glucose is a very abrasive molecule and can stir up inflammation. Tumor cells use inflammation as a signal to multiply.
Plus sugar is nourishment for harmful bacteria in your gut which can weaken your immune system functioning. Your immune system helps destroy cancer cells, so when it is impaired, that makes you a more attractive home for cancer.
Lastly, a high-refined carb, nutrient-poor diet pulls your body pH into an unhealthful acidic range. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment, but it cannot survive in an alkaline environment.
Minimize YOUR risk—mutant or not
Regardless of the presence of a genetic mutation, whether or not you will develop cancer is largely up to YOU.
And if you want to accept accountability for your health and help minimize your cancer risk, it’s essential to:
- Clean up your DIET and
- Clean up your GUT
Great Taste No Pain gives you loads of tasty hints and recipes for enjoying health-loving nutrient-packed foods that taste positively spectacular.
Plus it shows you the foods that are best paired together to encourage good digestion and regular BMs—which also helps decrease your cancer risk!
And for cleaning up your gut, nothing beats Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula!
Super Shield is a top quality probiotic that contains 13 quality strains of potent beneficial bacteria that help keep your digestion smooth, as well as help strengthen your gut wall and support immune system functioning.
Other helpful measures
In addition to having a nutritious diet and sound digestion, it’s also crucial to make sure your lifestyle habits don’t trigger cancer-causing genes!
Number one is getting regular exercise. Stop the excuses. Make the time. Get your doctor’s OK and get going.
If you smoke, please quit. Your body will say thank you in ways you can’t even imagine.
Keep alcohol consumption under control. Alcohol is fine in moderation but if you’re drinking heavily on a regular basis, it’s time to cut back.
Lastly, getting adequate sleep each night is essential. Lacking sleep can sap your immune system functioning faster than the speed of light.
You CAN beat the odds, gene mutations or not.
Start on the path toward a cancer-free now.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: The day is fast approaching for the release of our new multi-vitamin formula Super Core! An announcement is forthcoming soon!
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