But what compounds this problem is that there are several dangerous myths and misunderstandings about heart disease that can greatly increase your risk of suffering from this condition, and possibly paying the ultimate price!
Plus there is one surprising contributing factor to heart disease that most people aren’t aware of…and ignorance is definitely not bliss when you’re talking about your health and your life.
Here’s what I mean—let’s start with:
The 5 Most Dangerous Myths About Heart Disease:
Myth #1: It only happens to older people
Fact: People as young as children and adolescents can begin building plaque in their arteries.
Myth #2: Heart disease runs in my family, so there’s nothing I can do about it.
Fact: A healthy diet, regular exercise and the right nutritional support can go a long way in preventing heart disease, regardless of your family history.
Just because something may be in your genes does not mean those genes will be “triggered.” Healthy lifestyle habits can do a lot to help counteract genetic tendencies.
Myth #3: My cholesterol isn’t high, so I don’t have to worry about heart disease.
Fact: Cholesterol is not the true culprit behind plaque buildup—it’s inflammation in your arteries. And cholesterol is only one of the “ingredients” in plaque build-up.
Plaque is also made of fatty deposits—especially trans-fats—plus fibrous proteins, smooth muscle cells and other wastes and toxins in your blood. So even if your cholesterol is normal you could still have inflammation present and plaque building up.
Myth #4: I’ve been smoking for so long that it won’t make a difference at this point if I quit.
Fact: The benefits of quitting smoking start the second you quit, no matter how long you have smoked. After only one year after quitting, your heart attack risk will have dropped by 50 percent, and in 10 years, it will be the same as if you never smoked.
Stop the excuses and quit.
Myth #5: My blood pressure is controlled with medication, so my heart disease risk is minimal.
Fact: High blood pressure is only one of the factors that triggers inflammation in your arteries and contributes to atherosclerosis. Even if your blood pressure is controlled, free radicals, excess glucose or homocysteine in your bloodstream can also raise your heart disease risk.
Now let’s shift our focus to…
1 Surprising Contributing Factor to Heart Disease
A recent study has shown that your sleep patterns can also impact cardiovascular health.
Researchers at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital and Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea studied more than 47,000 young and middle-aged men and women who answered questions about their sleep habits.
Then tests were performed to measure the participants’ cardiovascular health. Early coronary lesions were detected by measuring the amount of calcium in the arteries serving the heart. Arterial stiffness was assessed by the speed of blood coursing through the arteries in the upper arm and ankle.
Calcium buildup and arterial stiffness are two primary signals of heart disease.
The researchers found that adults who slept less than five hours a night had 50 percent more calcium in their coronary arteries than those who slept seven hours.
But surprisingly, too MUCH sleep was even WORSE!
Participants who slept more than nine hours a night had even worse outcomes, with 70 percent more coronary calcium compared to those who slept seven hours.
Sleep quality also made a big difference.
Participants who reported poor sleep quality also had 20 percent more calcium buildup in their arteries, compared to those who said they slept well.
Help reduce YOUR risk—it’s not rocket science
There is SO MUCH you can do to help minimize your risk of heart disease.
It’s not rocket science—it’s just a matter of using the H E A R T approach:
H Healthy diet
E Exercise
A Add heart healthy nutrients
R Restorative Sleep
T Trans-fat elimination
Healthy diet
The Great Taste No Pain health system is your ticket to a healthy diet for your ticker!
In addition to recipe ideas for delicious heart-healthy foods and getting sound nutritional advice on how to help support better digestion, Great Taste No Pain also gives you the facts (not as presented by food companies, but a holistic nutritionist—me) about good fats and bad fats, and all the dangers of refined carbs (including heart disease!).
It’s hard to beat regular exercise when it comes to heart health. Exercise lowers your blood pressure, strengthens your heart muscle and improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to all of your cells.
Note that if you’re not currently exercising and you do have a heart condition, see your doctor before beginning an exercise program.
Add heart-healthy nutrients
Two superstars for strong cardiovascular support are Omega-3 essential fatty acids and vitamin B12.
Omega-3 EFAs have shown to be an important tool to help fight heart disease in these 3 ways:
1. They've been medically PROVEN to help lower blood pressure. Studies show that daily fish oil supplementation alone can lower your systolic (the top number) pressure by five points or more and your diastolic (the bottom number) pressure by three points or more!
2. Omega-3 EFAs have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help counteract any inflammation you might have festering in your arteries.
3. They also help keep clots from forming by reducing the stickiness in your platelets and curbing the production of the fibrinogens which are part of clogged arteries.
And for a top-notch Omega-3 fish oil supplement, look no farther than VitalMega-3.
1,200 mg of pure, pharmaceutical grade fish oil in every serving, and state of the art molecular distillation to help ensure purity and potency make VitalMega-3 your top choice for a fish oil formula.
Vitamin B12 is crucial in the fight against heart disease. B12 helps to convert homocysteine to a harmless amino acid. If homocysteine is left unchecked, it can cause inflammation in your blood vessels and raise your heart disease risk.
B12 is also a very common deficiency—so it’s no wonder that our heart disease rates continue to rise!
Hydroxaden 2.5 can help make sure you have enough of this vital nutrient. Just five sprays under your tongue is all it takes to provide the B12 you so desperately need, and since it’s absorbed through the mucus membranes in your mouth, poor absorption in the GI tract (which is very common) is not an issue.
And now is the perfect time to try both of these outstanding supplements because they are included in our Gold Collection bundle—you can save $20 on the bundle now, plus get an additional FREE bottle of Hydroxaden 2.5!
Restorative sleep is a must for prevention of sickness and disease of all kinds—heart disease included.
Seven to nine hours a night is ideal, so make sure you’re getting what you need.
Trans-fat elimination can be easy. The more you concentrate on real, whole foods, the more you naturally eliminate trans-fats from your world.
And be sure to stay far away from margarine, vegetable shortenings and any products that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
Heart disease prevention measures can mean the difference between life and death.
So use the H E A R T approach to help reduce your risk now!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: The day is fast approaching for the release of our new multi-vitamin formula Super Core! An announcement is forthcoming soon!
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